Traveling to Bali / 巴厘岛旅行

in travel •  8 years ago 

World famous tourist island - Bali, Is one of the most popular tourist cities of Chinese tourists,As the Bali million kinds of style, scenery is very beautiful. Therefore, it also enjoy a variety of nicknames, such as "the island of gods", "demon island", "romance island", "beautiful island", "paradise island", "magical island" " more

Bali Palace

Bali beach and Gourmet dinner

Bali is Indonesia's only Hindu area. Many people believe in Hinduism,Bali, Indonesia as one of the world's best islands,More of my travel photos, to share later,thank you!

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Great place. I was there 15 years ago. One of the most beautiful places on the planet.

还是少去,看到你说的巴厘岛,我想查询资料,没想到刚刚在距巴厘岛不远的苏门答腊岛发生6.8级地震, 你要在海边,赶紧逃命去吧, 哈哈