OCD Takes Center Stage: Organizing The Cultivated Apothecary & ALL My Soapmaking Supplies

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago 

The Cultivated Apothecary Management


Yesterday I started a new weekly, perhaps even twice a week, post called the Golden D's Cultivated Apothecary in which I presented my homemade red clover salve. I will be featuring so many different natural remedies, salves, infused oils and homemade items (ie. soaps, tinctures) in these posts, but I was a little concerned with organizing all the information.

From the dates I started the oils and tinctures (yes I could write on the lids what was inside and the date, but sometimes those tend to get smudged) to when they would be done brewing. Most infused oils and tinctures will be done around four weeks, but others need a little more time for a better end result. So the best way for me to keep track of everything is to have it written down. Plus I can add what ailments each tincture, infused oil and salve can be useful for. I'll have all the information together in these notebooks. One will be for the dates and times, the second will be for treatments and uses. (yeah, can you feel the OCD oozing out of me) Right now I have all my little scribbles on a piece of paper; which can easily get misplaced.

So last night after dinner out with Mr Golden D, I picked up these notebooks so I can sit down this evening and start transcribing all the information I have accumulated into the them.

Getting Ready For Some Soap Making Soon

Having my mindset in full overdrive of organizing, this morning I gathered up all my soapmaking supplies to see if I needed anything before I started creating new recipes to make in the coming weeks. I am almost out of my hot process soap and my pour and melt versions.

I have done all three soapmaking processes (hot process, cold process and melt and pour), but lately with my hectic gardening schedule, cannabis grow tents, everyday life tasks and chores and steemit, I have resorted to making the melt and pour soaps. They are time saving, easy and no worries about the lye hazards. While I do prefer the cold process the best, I will make that later in the year after I've harvested most of the garden and completed most of my canning and preserving for the season.


This is ONLY some of my supplies- complete inventory below

A couple of months ago when we went to visit my parents (Mother's Day), we stopped at a cool five and dime like store near their town. I loved walking around the store and I happened upon two silicone molds that would be perfect for making some melt and pour soaps with luffa (which I have growing in the garden right now, but I purchased these online as I wanted them now).

Over the winter I made a batch of Oatmeal Honey Goat Milk's soap and it was heavenly! So I will definitely be making that recipe again.

I am also thinking about making a citrus scented (orange colored) soap with luffa gourd sponges. Keep an eye out for this one soon. I will be making a post; hopefully a video too.

From nine months ago, my first ever attempt at making hot process soap

Soap Making Supplies

  • 4-lbs Goats' milk melt and pour
  • 2-lbs Shea butter melt and pour
  • 2-lbs honey melt and pour
  • 2-lbs cocoa butter melt and pour
  • 1-lb olive oil melt and pour

Plus I have vitamin E capsules, tea tree oil, coconut oil, four 6-inch luffa gourds, a large variety of essential oils and soap making liquid colors (in primary colors- blue, red and yellow) to use to add some tint to the soaps.

Considering each recipe of melt and pour usually calls for 1-pound each, I will have enough for quite some time to make soap. I also have two bottles of lye to use for the cold and hot processes. So we should be the cleanest household in Michigan once I have made new recipes.


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I love your organsiational instincts, probably because they closely mirror my own! Haha. I would be interestes to hear your recommendations for insect bites and maybe prevention/deterrant. My little boy and I have been eaten alive during a walk ☹

Actually there is a salve for itching and bug bites after the fact. I can make that one as I have all the ingredients here.

Maybe I can make that one time for my Cultivated Apothecary posts.

I’d love to have a look at that. We usually use aloe but my plant is looking kinda sad.

@goldendawne I will look forward to reading that post for sure.
@metzli what a good solution. Sadly we dont have many rivers here in Tucson right now. But if i am ever by one I hope to recall your story.

So while I was camping, I was ate up by bugs, bad. They LOVE my blood or something. But while at the river I had my kids cover me in silt (they had so much fun) and my bites went away!

I’m sure that’s not helpful 🙄 but it was a good story?

I've often heard that women are more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes and bugs; something about our natural body chemistry or essence. Trust me I always get eaten alive too!

Well, I guess I'll take it as a compliment that the mosquitos love my essence. LOL!

One day day I will conquer soap making.

Until then I’ll walk by the ones at the marketplace and gawk at their beauty.

I like the colors and smell, as long as it’s not fragrance.

I was afraid of soapmaking because of the lye, but if you are careful and use all the safety precautions... soap making is actually fun and lets you be creative; especially the melt and pour recipes. I'll be making the new one (orange citrus with luffa) in the next few days... you'll be amazed at how easy it is.

I came back to see if it was written yet. I didn't see it. If I missed it, please let me know.

Im gonna go read that re-steem about byte balls and it hurting the steemit community now :)

I'll be making some soap this week.. my weekend was a whirlwind of a charity golf fundraiser for Mr Golden D's work and then Sunday was spent in the grow room doign transplants. GLAD it's Monday!

I can totally relate.

People dislike Mondays and for me, they are the quietest, most nicest day of the week.

Good luck with your transplants. Hope you get perfect little squishy nugs that are nice and sticky.

I wish I did more DIY projects. They are so much fun! Especially when you end up with something pretty or useful like soap :)

you sound so organized and have it together I am like that at work but a bit slack at home but I need to work on that and I am really enjoying reading about your tinctures and home made products, its a real eye opener for me.

interesting! Im looking forward to seeing more about the soap making process. I saw a diy video on facebook that made it look super easy (just melt and pour) but there must be more to it than that?

Gosh, you're really amazing with all you do!