Discovering TribeSteemUp's Hidden Gems

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago  (edited)

It is the beginning of another wonderful week here on Steemit and to help you kick start your week, I have found some wonderful and empowering articles created by some of the members of the @tribesteemup community. These 'Gems' are articles that I believe did not receive the recognition they deserved. They all touch on subjects that really ask us to look deeper within ourselves and the way we choose to live our lives. I hope that you will all find them as valuable as I have.

What is @tribesteemup

The TribeSteemUp project, was created over 11 months ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that explore ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that are part of TribeSteemUpare produce high quality articles , which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

@kennyskitchen has also created 8 Pillars for TribeSteemUp which are fundamental principles guiding our conduct toward ourselves, toward one another, toward others, and toward the Earth. This is something that we as tribe members more than happy to abide by. Please take the time to read them, as they really are principles that everyone should live by.

I have found 10 articles that are truly inspiring. Life is all about learning, educating ourselves, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. Please take the time to read each of these 10 articles and to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. Make sure to follow those authors whose work you have enjoyed, that way you do not have to miss out on any other wonderful articles they create. We are all so unique in how we think and how we live our lives. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can become pro active in creating the world we wish to live in.



YOU: An Individual Cell of EARTH

Your physical body is composed of about 30 trillion individual cells. Each of these cells operates as an individual entity like yours truly ("Me"), with self interest and self preservation instincts, while simultaneously independently working together in anarchy towards the collective goal of operating the dynamic human meat suit without interference from any one centralized governing entity.These 30 trillion cells work in harmony according to natural law but without any external entity (or other cells) exerting force upon them in order to make it so.



Ocean of Emotions | How Can We Relate to Our Emotions in Healthy Ways? (Ecotrain Question of the Week)

Emotion can be symbolized by water. If we look at this in terms of the ocean, we have a large body of water with varying depths, turbidity, shifts and changes throughout the day given the weather and even what types of animals and boats are moving through it.
Emotions, in our culture, are thought of as feminine and, because our culture is still dominated by a patriarchal valuation system where rationality, objectivity and thought are prized over their "seeming opposites", subjectivity, feeling and intuition, we have a long way to go, as a culture, to value and be connected to our emotional states.


How to strengthen your energy field... and naturally improve your health and well-being

The general rule here is:
Surround yourself with at least 80% of those things that support life and reduce or avoid those things that cause stress or harm to the human energy field.
An important thing to understand here is that "Qi" and the human energy field itself are not personal. This means that they do not care what our opinions are, how much money we have in the bank, what religion we follow or what our political affiliation is. Just like gravity, gravity does not care what our opinions are, it just is, and does what it does. And so too, that is how "Qi" and the human energy field also behaves.



Seeing Myself, and Learning to Accept Myself

Watching it my mind zoomed in on my speaking patterns and how much I ummmmed and ahhhhed during the conversation. It's interesting to see how the mind wants to judge things (such as ourselves) as not being good enough, and focuses on the flaws.
I think that the remnants of old programming still lives on, and is coming to light now to be perceived, accepted, purged, or worked through. Who knows how my speaking pattern developed? Perhaps some incident as a child with a teacher left a wound on a subtle psychic level. I am inclined to think that a lot of our tendencies and compulsive behaviors are the result of unresolved trauma that is sealed away where we can't see it (until it rises up to be integrated).



Land as Energy: A Lesson from Magic The Gathering [Real Life: The Role-Playing Game]

In order to cast a spell of any kind, one must draw energy from one or more of those locations. Although ‘Real Life’ does not have that same requirement to accomplish things, and there are many, many options of things that people call on for power, energy, and motivation (including dieties, gurus, plants, and celestial bodies), it does give us a beautiful reminder of one that many players end up forgetting. The way the game presents different kinds of lands as generating different kinds of power is also quite beautiful, and can certainly be applied to ‘Real Life’
When you need to calm the mind, visualizing yourself on a beach, watching the waves roll in, works wonderfully.


Secrets of INNER PEACE.

Why do I think that I know the secrets of PEACE?
Because my spiritual survival depended on my finding it. It was one of my missions, so called cosmic jobs!
I grew up in a communist country, at times when a big shiny car could pull over any time and take a person from our building, while we are all silently-and-shakingly watching, picking through the spooky flowers on our curtains.
Fear used to be my friend.
My soul struggled for years. I was a prisoner of conditioning and lies. I was a hostage of the unconscious for long enough to learn its twisted ways. I played the victim role too well and far too long.


Let Love Guide You Through Life

Love is the strongest Superpower we have as a Humankind. It has the Potential to redefine everything; be it Spiritual, Physical or Mental.
Allow yourself to act in Love. The more Love you have in yourself stronger you become, that is the real Strength.
Since this Reality is filled with Traumas of all Kinds, many who undergo some of them get scared & stop living in Love.
They produce new artificial Characteristics and go through Life, thinking they are doing good for themselves when in Reality they are hurting themselves.
All that Traumatic Events are here for a Reason, to force us to be something we aren't. So we go through Life, becoming colder - thinking how we are stronger, when in Reality we are WEAK.



Matrix Soulutions Episode 48 - Soulutions in Nature

We are part of nature, even if many of us have forgotten and coming back to that understanding will be essential for us from here on in.
There is so much exciting stuff to cover here, including:
The spirituality of plants and plant consciousness
Hemp and cannabis
Physical, natural soulutions to real world problems
How to integrate the best of technology into a more natural way of life
Plant medicines of all kinds
These are just some of the subjects that I am going to explore here. I'm really excited, as I'm going to use this opportunity to expand my knowledge and bring everything I find to you.


Do You Have Ancestral Pride?

Growing up, the idea of having ancestral pride is something that always seemed a bit foreign to me. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that my primary ancestry is English, a culture full of things that one shouldn't necessarily feel proud of.
Conquest, empire, colonization, persistent warfare and economic dominance of the earth doesn't exactly resonate with me or elicit a feeling of pride. In fact, if I were to express an emotion in relation to my cultural background it would be sham.


Want to Get to Know Yourself on a Really Deep Level?

Do you have quality time with yourself? For me, it's really important. My quality alone time is out in nature. Of course, I'm not alone - I'm with the trees and the birds and the squirrels and the wildflowers. I'm with the whole universe really.
My other quality time is my daily sadhana. A daily sadhana is simply a daily practice. This is just getting out your yoga mat or a rug and sitting down. You might meditate, you might do some yoga poses or kriyas, you might do some breathing exercises. My sadhana is usually a combination of all of these.

Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


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Oh woooooooow these look amazing! I don't know any of these authors! This is right up my alley. Thanks for putting this together!

you're very welcome @brightstar xx

Right best get down to some good reading tonight! These all look great for a wee bit of mind expanding. Thanks for showing me some of the goodies that are out there xx

my pleasure @startreat enjoy xx


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wonderful, I'm a fan; will resteem this so I can read it at my leisure and again in the future

thank you @wales

So much cool stuff in here - glad to make the list x

thanks Sam, what you are doing is great, really happy to put it in here xx

Reading this article so enjoyed.When I read these articles I noticed that my posts are very weak.
I'm new to this space and I do not have much experience. But I'm doing my best to be successful.
I'm glad you have a friend like you who has supported me.
Thank you for sharing these articles. 🌷🌷🌷

you're welcome @raha thank you.

Thank you for this collection, I love the content, and I am honored to be included. :)

you are very welcome @thepatrick your posts are enlightening and empowering xx

Wow; amazing post.