RE: Last Transmission

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Last Transmission

in troonatnoor •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today is April the twenty ninth, two thousand and eighteen

I have lived with a burden of responsibility too heavy for any individual to bear. No-one supported me in carrying this burden. It is about to break me.

The burden is my comprehension of the past, present, and future planned actions of the Cult of Judah in establishing its 'Jew' World Order.

I am too conscientious to not devote all my energies and thoughts to informing anyone I can about the past, present, and future planned actions of this enemy of humanity.

I was willing to sacrifice everything in order to be effective in informing humanity about the threat it faces, and to find and implement strategies to defeat the Cult of Judah.

However the greatest burden was that no-one would work with me.

And so I have arranged to have all my memories relating to the Cult of Judah erased from my conscious memory via hypnotic trance and post-hypnotic suggestion.

Because it is my will that I forget everything relating to the Cult of Judah, this method will be effective.

Within a few days I will not have any conscious recollection of any of my past activities relating to my attempts to expose the Cult of Judah and its 'Jew' World Order.

I understand I may be punished by the Jew World Order Occupied Government Jewdiciaries of Australia and Germany, for my past attempts, made in good faith, in the interests of international security and peace, and self-defence, to expose the Cult of Judah, it's Golems, and Sayanim.

However I will not be able to make any comments regarding any of my attempts to inform the public, so they could give or withdraw their informed consent for 'hate speech', 'racial vilification', 'Holocaust Denial', and other similar laws and censorship. All established by the Cult of Judah 'Jew' World Order Occupation Governments to prevent the public becoming informed about the Cult of Judah's planned genocide of any nation or group that dares to oppose its plans to enslave the world's populations, as prescribed by their Torah and other cult documents.

The specialist I have paid to carry out the trance inductions and post-hypnotic suggestions has implanted a 'trigger' that will reverse the post-hypnotic suggestion, in the event that public support for my strategies, and my actions, exceeds a given threshold.

That specialist will keep an eye on my various social media accounts to track any support I may recieve.

I will leave all my accounts as they are, but be 'blind' to any content relating to 'Jews' or the Cult of Judah, 'New World Order', 'Conspiracy', and similar topics.

This is a real thing. It will work because I am committed to forgetting the impossible burden, so that I may continue with my 'meta' work regarding TROONATNOOR, and my quest for a method of escaping this plane. A plane that appears to be a form of prison. A Matrix. An illusion. A trick.

The trick may be benevolent and well-intended 'karma' intended to teach us important lessons so that we may evolve to higher states of being.

Or it may be malicious, designed to satisfy some evil motives on the part of some evil beings.

Or simply 'selfish' on the part of those who built and maintain this plane. This Matrix. Something like the ideas presented in 'The Matrix', and the works of Carlos Castaneda. His 'Flyers'.

I will be fully capable of continuing that work. You see I do not feel that the Cult of Judah are any more in control of this matrix than their victims. They are just a reflection of TROONATNOOR. We feed their evil. They can only thrive as long as we avoid acting according to a set of principled ethics like my 'Optimal Ethics Generator' and 'Eden Protocols'.

In any case I will be better able to focus on this 'meta' work once I am free of the burden of saving the 'Jews', and the rest of us, from the Cult of Judah, and its 'Jew' World Order.

I look forward to being free of this burden, and being able to focus on more 'generative' and 'positive' pursuits.

Remember, I will have no conscious recollection of having written any books, edited any videos, or posted any posts on any social media sites, concerning the Cult of Judah. I won't even be able to 'see' these posts for what they are, so long as my post-hypnotic trance is in force.

And that trance will stay in force unless my recollection is 'triggered', in the pre-determined manner I have arranged with my trance specialist.

I cannot name this specialist. They have a long history of success in deep trance induction and the implantation of post-hypnotic suggestions. They have assured me of confidentiality. I was only willing to invest in this solution after researching their background, and becoming completely confident in their competence, and integrity.

So within a few days I will cease any actions consciously connected with my past attempts to expose the Cult of Judah.

It was not the threat of punitive legal measures that lead me to take this course of action.

It was not out of fear of the Cult of Judah and its Golems, such as the C I A, F B I, Mossad, or Sayanim.

It was the total lack of support from the supposed 'free' alternative media. It appears that the supposed 'alternative media' are all, wittingly or unwittingly, 'controlled' opposition.

Either fully paid up puppets of the Cult of Judah (Via their subsidiaries such as the C.I.A, F.B.I, Mossad, The Catholic Church, and Islam) like Alex Jones, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Stephan Molyneaux, Sibel Edmonds, Noam Chomsky, et al, or simply like the person in a dream who dreams they have awoken, and does not realise they are still dreaming, like those who imagine they are opposing the Cult of Judah, and serving anything from God, to Jesus, to Allah, to Marxism, to environmentalism, when they are in reality, unwittingly, serving the interests of the Cult of Judah.

None of the strategies any other 'opponent' of the Cult of Judah have in place will have any positive outcome. These strategies play into the hands of the Cult of Judah.

Any attempt at violent resistance and opposition is doomed to failure, as only people who have voluntarily submitted already to the Cult of Judah, or who have 'fallen for' the propganda of the Cult of Judah, are allowed to occupy positions of power and influence. Including in all the policing, intelligence, and military forces.

So unless some unexpected support comes from nowhere, I will be freed of this burden. I will share in your fate. However for the time left remaining to me as this experience engine called Markus Heinrich Rehbach, I will be able to concentrate on my 'meta' tasks.

This note is intended to explain my behavior to the few people who have given me any support at all, and to the legal authorities, should they decide to take 'legal' action against me for my past actions. I can assure anyone that unless some massive support for my strategies comes out of the blue, I will never again take this burden upon myself. It is, as Ecclesiastes warned: 'Vanity and Vexation of Spirit', to imagine I alone can have any impact. Socrates had finished his philosophical career, and was happy to leave this plane. Aristotle prevented Athens from 'sinning against philosophy twice', by escaping.

We have nowhere to escape to. There are no 'free' cities on this plane. All have been occupied by the Cult of Judah. Even Estonia is doomed to become occupied by the Cult of Judah.

Soon you will all be fighting and killing each other, thinking you are fighting your real 'enemies'. But your real enemy is the one producing all the defamatory fake news, racial vilification, hate speech, and incitement propaganda called 'news' and 'official reports'. It is called 'The Holocaust'. It is called 'Islamic terrorists carried out the 911 attacks'. It goes by many names. All lies. From 'Tell-lie-vision' to the entire internet.

I will henceforth be focussing on the higher 'meta' questions that have plagued humanity for millenia, and will continue to plague even the Cult of Judah 'Jew' World Order masters, even after they have attained the realisation of their ambitions.

Perhaps they will find a positive role for me in their 'Jew' World Order.

Perhaps they will free me of this burden by simply killing me, along with the Billions of others already defined as 'Amalek', and slated for slaughter.

Either way, I wish everyone all the best.

Happy Next Lives

This is Markus Rehbach signing off. This will be my last transmission. Ceteris Paribus.

This is the currently overwhelmed and overburdened Markus Heinrich Rehbach, making one last plea to you to read all my books. Watch all my videos.

I look forward to being freed of the intolerable frustration, stress, and burden of the last decade.

I am happy as I am soon to be 'freed' of this burden, and free to contintue my philosophical pursuits unhindered by the distractions and mental suffering of the past decade, produced by my attempts to 'grok' the 'Jew' World Order, behind which I discovered to be the Cult of Judah.

Perhaps now I forget about this Cult itself, I may be able to reveal the forces behind even it.

I will continue to be the Holistic Philosopher, The Philosopher-Prophet of The Eden Protocols.

I will, however, cease to take any interest in the actions of the Cult of Judah. I will soon have no conscious recollection of ever having taken any interest in this Cult.

I apologise to anyone who feels I have abandoned them. But I doubt anyone will feel that way. For only one person sponsored me on Patreon, I received almost zero support on and BitChute. Almost no-one bothered to download my books after they were banned from Amazon, and every other internet publishing platform.

So I feel it safe to assume I have dissappointed no-one.

And that the cost-benefits justify my actions.

The costs became untenable. The marginal returns diminished to zero. I am an economist, after all.

This document is for the public record. I will keep it. The post-hypnotic suggestions will include accomodations for this document. I will remember to refer to it during any legal procedings. I will understand the content. But I will have no memory of ever having written on the subject of the Cult of Judah, or the 'Jews', or the 'Jew' World Order.

Unless they learn the 'trigger', they will never be able to force me to 'remember'. They can choose to punish me, but they would be revealing their own malicious intentions and punitive, hate-driven motives, if they pursued legal actions against someone who had no conscious intention of ever breaking the laws the Cult of Judah Occupied Government 'Jew'diciaries have put in place to censor all free speech, and to deny the public the chance to give, or withhold, their informed consent, or dissent, relating to the laws currently in place.

I did not take these actions in an attempt to avoid legal problems. I could easily have deleted every video, book, and post I have ever produced on the topic of the Cult of Judah, and its 'Jew' World Order. But I didn't. I am too conscientious to do that. I will always seek the truth. And to seek to share it.

Only not on this particular topic, any more. Not for as long as there is no chance of enough people 'attending' to the information and ideas and strategies contained in them, to justify the enormous mental anguish, and the physical suffering that that anguish produces.

I took these actions to free myself of the unbearable burden I have been enduring, and which has prevented me from continuing the work I set out to do.

This has been terribly frustrating and soul-destroying diversion from my true labors of love.

I wish you all the best

I thank the noble practioner of the arts of therapeutic trance for their assistance. You will have earned every cent of your fee. For this quest had almost destroyed me. And I have a much higher purpose in mind, than merely preventing the humans of this planet from suffering the consequences of their own actions. For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you. You could have given the justice you will soon be craving. But you abused your power over other sentient beings in the same way the Cult of Judah have been, and will continue to, abuse their power over you.

Perhaps it was wrong even to attempt to prevent Karma teaching you the lessons I have attempted to teach, in my TROONATNOOR books.

However my intentions were pure. Noble. Humble. I acted in good faith. In a spirit of self-defence. In the national interest. In the interests of international peace, justice, and prosperity. In the interests of truth, justice, and liberty, for all sentient beings.

Go Vegan.

Markus Heinrich Rehbach

This day, April 29th, 2018


The nation from which I wrote and published every word relating to the Cult of Judah and 'Jew' World Order over the last decade.
Note that I have never spoken or written about the Cult of Judah, 'The Holocaust', the 'Jews', the 'Jew' World Order, or '911', in any nation where doing so, in the way I have done, is deemed a crime.

End of transmission.

*note I have since realised that Trump is Cult of Judah

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Here I am it's Adam I wish I replied to you Markus Henry earlier to you here at steemit and elsewhere , for you and your quest and request ! I support you. besides the hypnosis you got yourself that I object ( if you really did get yourself hypnotized )