Welcome judge K, time to clean out the swamp.

in trump •  6 years ago 

Welcome, Mr. Kavanaugh, time to clean out the swamp, i'd say. Time to bring justice to this country. Time for this country to be free, fair, and ideal. We've had enough of the liberal bullshit that has been going on in this country for far too long. It's time that this country starts to make sense again.

This country has been so unfair in so many aspects to it's own american born citezens, and has been taking our rights away. But, hopefully now under #trump and #judgeK we shall rise back, and america will once be made a place for freedom, liberty, and happiness.

To Mr.Kavanaugh: If you ever read this (although I doubt you will) please watch your back because there will be a lot of liberal normies (REEEEE) after you. The Clintons, and many others will be after you as well. You have won this election fair and square, now please don't disappoint. I have great trust and hope the work of you, Mr. Kavanaugh, will do the right thing for this country, as will our president, Mr. Trump.

He won guys. :)

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@alex-icey You say Liberal like it's a dirty word, but don't forget that the word liberal derives from Liberty.
And if you want to see your hero in action, check this video out, and let me know if you still think he's a hero.

or this one....

or it could all be made up b.s.

It could be a dirty word, or a word of "liberty" but the people associated with that word are generally stupid. This is all just my observation, and this isn't an argument. People tend to associate racism with republicans, such as donald trump, but if you do research you will find that the democrats back in the slavery days actually voted to try to keep slavery, so for people to say republicans are racist and stupid is very false. Democrats over the course of time in the united states have proven to want the worse for this country, i.e. letting illegal immigrants in, giving illegals free college education, and allowing people to leach off of the system while all of that money comes out of hardworking peoples' wallets. But again, just because a word might derive from another meaning, doesn't mean thats who those groups of people are. You have stated in my other post that you are apolitical person, or nonbiased, but it seems to me you are very lenient to the left side rather than the right side, not all libs are bad, some are very reasonable, but I feel a lot of them say stuff and make claims without evidence and true understanding and making decisions based off of ignorance and emotions.

@alex-icey Trump, like his father, is racist. It doesn't matter whether he is a Democrat, which he was, or a Republican, which he now is. Do you Think Trump stupid since he was a democrat/liberal?
Personally, I don't really like to call anyone stupid based on their political beliefs, but rather on their actions or inactions.
And yes, back during the time of slavery, the political party ideology was flipped or the reverse of what it is today, but no one today is "letting" illegal immigrants into the country, they mostly come because their countries they live in have some much political and economic grief (usually caused by imperialistic countries like the good ole' USA) that in order to raise their children, such as yourself, they choose to leave for a better life in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Also, "illegals" as you like to refer to them, which are really human beings looking for a better life, do not receive "Free" college education. And to leach of the system as you state usually requires a social security number, so again, not sure where you get this idea from. I am not saying there aren't people out there scamming the system, but for someone that just got here from another country, an is undocumented, it would be very hard for them to receive any type of government assistance without a social security number.
The undocumented people problem in the USA is a self created monster for all the years of abusing Latin America, and the rest of the World.

Also, Trump has been doing much more for this country that most of the preisdents in the last 10-20 years, for once our economy is starting to get better, we are progressing towards a better america, he has brought more jobs to the american people, and he is a smart man who wants the best for this country. Just look at his numbers in contrast to obama.

@alex-icey The last economic crisis that hit the USA actually started in 2007 but was set in motion years earlier, and guess who was President? a Republican named George Bush Jr. (The Bush family is extremely powerful by the way) When Obama came into his Presidency, the Great Recession as it is now called, was already in full swing.
So Now we are into 9 or 10 years of one of the greatest Stock Market Bull Run in history, which started around March 2009 once the country started to stabilize from the 2007/2008 crash. Obama was President for most of this run, and yes, now Trump made some early moves to help extend this run. Yet, now, some of his moves have actually caused this great bull run to pause.
Most Presidents are usually judged years after their presidency because it is usually when you can see their actions affect the country and the world, so I suggest you wait until after Trump leaves office to see if he truly is what you currently believe him to be.
But as you can now see, Obama might actually have more to do with the current economic state of America than Trump.

Are you sure you aren't 12 years old and not 15?
Look, this is all facts, so if you think facts are retarded, then I bet you are failing all your classes.
Good luck in life, well at least you know how to fish.

ps. the truth hurts sometimes, but it is best to open your eyes and get the morning crud out, otherwise you will be facing a life time of delusion.

pss, Oh, and now that the market crashed, Trump of course blames the Federal Reserve Board. The Trump lover in you must be pretty confused with this latest of events, or not.

Lmao you make me laugh! :) Thanks for the good laugh!