Important Comms from President Trump. What might the Trump Card be? Heat so extreme it's melting vehicles in Kuwait? How about China giving away 4 MiL in Crypto? What is Project Apario and what could it mean for the American People?

in trump •  3 years ago  (edited)

Over a Million Patriots and Love is in the air!

Has he Ever clarified before that the New Republic was over 1 million?

Did President Trump call for 10,000 National Guard and Pelosi turned him down?
If so. . .Why did she turn him down?

You know why!

What did the FBI know Ahead of time?
What did Pelosi know Ahead of time?

How about Schumer, what did he know Ahead of time?

Who shot Ahsli Babbitt?
Do they actually Already know who it is and are protecting the shooter?
If so, Why?

What does Pelosi's head of security know?
Will they be able to keep what they Already Know Hidden from civilians indefinitely?
You decide!

Is there a Commission to investigate Why a million people showed up in the first place?
Was it because a Verified CRIME had been committed by traitors in the government which had been documented all along?

Did the nefarious help play out a scenario in a trap that had been laid for them?
You decide!

Hear President Trump in a short interview with Lawrence Jones

  • Crime murders up 24 almost 25% according to the FBI
    many happening in local communities.
    As Lawrence Jones has stated. ..all Democrat areas.
  • Chicago 260 people shot on 4th of July weekend.
  • New York, no cash bail. ..all they do is go after Republicans.
  • Not even in Afghanistan do you have this many shootings. Not one soldier killed in Afghanistan in a year under Trump presidency.
  • These places like Maryland and others need to give the power back to the police force. is clear defund the police has made it far worse.
  • The Dem cities have been democrat run and badly run for 100 years.
  • Kim Klacic was a stellar runner in Maryland and she didn't get elected even though she promised help.

Do you remember. . .
Interesting Dam issues?
First, Pipeline [Ransom] Bitcoin.
Now Dam explosion in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Next? Three Gorges (Where Bitcoin is mined/energy)?
How bout Ivanka’s Hello Hoover Dam tweet.

Hear Nikki Haley talk about the Democrat leadership causing crime waves across the country.

  • Minorities want the police in their areas, they have stated this because they want protection from all who engage on crime.

According to MSN

The Justice Department on Monday announced it has successfully seized millions of dollars in cryptocurrency Colonial Pipeline paid to the cyber criminal group DarkSide following last month's ransomware attack that led the pipeline to briefly shut down its operations, according to a seizure warrant unsealed Monday afternoon.

According to ABC News

Two killed in explosion at dam in northeastern Oklahoma
The Grand River Dam Authority says two men were killed and a third person was injured in an explosion in a northeastern Oklahoma dam where they were doing maintenance work.

As reported by HuffPost
New York subway system was targeted by Chinese-linked hackers in April.

Floods hit 27 provinces and territories in China, leaving only 7 untouched, for now. A total of 17 large rivers are above the alarm level. Is the Three Gorges Dam going to resist?

From the northernmost province of Heilongjiang to the southernmost province of Fujian, floods destroyed homes and submerged crops on a massive scale.

According to Chinese media, nearly 7 million people were affected by the floods. 24 people were reported dead or missing.

The floods have washed away more than 6,000 homes, and caused an immediate economic loss of nearly $2 billion across the country.

Chinese state media reported that in Heilongjiang province alone, floods affected more than 42,000 people, and forced nearly 20,000 people to flee.

Its neighbor, Inner Mongolia, lost more than 12,000 hectares of food crops in just one city.

Hear a report here,

In Heilongjiang province, near the city of Heihe, local water levels have soared by more than 8 feet in recent days. And in Chongqing City, authorities also announced a level 4 weather warning, with many houses and roads already damaged.

Collapsing dams? Has China been turning a deaf ear to it's weakness?
Is it Really saving money and energy? Is it more of a danger that puts a cabal agenda over the well being of people and land?
Are the environmentalists running a scam to line the pockets of the controllers?
You decide!
Largest Hydroelectric Plant in China
Three Gorges Dam cost $31 billion

Is HAARP using forbidden technology to change the weather?
You decide!

The others do Not know this is happening. . .
Reported July8, 2021 by Earth Chronicles
Cars melt in Kuwait because of the heat

In Kuwait, the heat reaches 54 degrees Celsius and at such temperatures cars start to melt parts not designed for such temperatures.

Unprecedented heat: +54 °C in Kuwait
Record heat covered Kuwait, Thursday, July 21, was registered by a new absolute maximum in the world for all history…

Record heat in Rome
Very hot weather prevailed in Rome, the temperature is much higher than the average for the period. In recent days…

Heat in Japan
In Japan for a week, since May 29, because of the heat, 1086 people were hospitalized, this is one and…

Have thermal records been set in the USA, Canada, Tunisia, Malta, Russia, Kazakhastan, Georgia, Azerbejain, Armenia, Belarus along with many other countries.
WHY? What is their explanation?

Why has China handed out $40 Million in digital Yuan?

According to Bitcoin. . .

China, which has arguably the most advanced digital currency project among leading nations, has so far handed out more than $40 million in red envelopes with digital yuan. The promotional campaign for the CBDC is currently focused on five major cities, taking into account their regional development priorities.

Beijing Gives Away 269 Million Yuan in Digital Currency
**A Promotional Campaign for the Central Bank of China
Chinese Authorities are rapidly moving forward with the pilot implementation of the digital yuan, the central bank digital currency (CBDC) issued by the People’s Bank of China. Since the announcement of the concept in 2014, the project has entered its seventh year of development, with large-scale trials across the mainland and cross-border tests with Hong Kong.

The ‘red envelope’ campaign, which was launched to put the digital yuan into the hands of Chinese consumers, has been expanding. The amount of funds distributed to Chinese citizens in digital RMB red envelopes has exceeded 269 million yuan, or around $41.5 million, according to a report by the Tuoluo Research Institute.

In Chinese tradition, the red envelopes are small packets with money usually given to children, family members, friends, or employees, and intended as a good luck wish. The red color in China is perceived as a symbol of energy and happiness.

Published by the Chinese crypto news outlet 8btc, the article reveals that the government efforts are currently focused on five major cities – Shenzhen, Suzhou, Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai. Authorities there have issued red envelopes with digital RMB for a total of 230 million Chinese yuan, approximately $35 million.

As reported by Military Watch Magazine
The U.S. Air Force is reportedly considering the deployment of a highly sophisticated new weapons systems in space, which is currently under development under ‘Project Thor.’ While the 1967 Outer Space Treaty prohibits the U.S. from deploying nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in space, this new weapon promises to deliver strikes more powerful than many types of nuclear and chemical attack - while avoiding the unfavourable fallout which follows nuclear strikes. Development of a non-nuclear space based ‘superweapon’ also provides the U.S. with a potentially massive advantage against adversaries with a no-first use policy for their own nuclear arsenals such as China and North Korea - allowing the U.S. to strike targets with the same level of force as a nuclear warhead without escalation to a nuclear war. Investment in such a capability would come amid growing American interest in non-nuclear strategic weapons, which has also included investment in the Conventional Prompt Global Strike hypersonic intercontinental range missile program for the Navy's submarines and stealth destroyers.

Project Thor will see telephone pole sized tungsten rods, 20 feet long and 1 foot in diameter, dropped from American satellites to strike hardened bunkers and underground nuclear complexes. These rods will not carry warheads, but will strike at approximately to 10 times the speed of sound allowing them to cause tremendous damage with the sheer speed of their impact. This would provide an alternative to both nuclear bunker busters and conventional ones such as the GBU-57. North Korea and Russia, both of which deploy considerable assets from well hardened installations, are thought to be the primary potential targets of these weapons - alongside Iran which has received Korean assistance in hardening its own missile sites and nuclear facilities. The cost of deploying these rods, which weigh over 10,000kg due to the density of the Tungesten, may be prohibitive. Each rod expected to cost over $230 million - several times the price of conventional and nuclear bunker buster. Such deployments may also lead rival powers to seek to retaliate by deploying similar systems of their own, potentially kicking off an arms race in space. The psychological impact of deploying these weapons, which even with airbases taken out of service will still be able to deliver strikes from altitude of tens of thousands of kilometres, may in and of itself make project Thor a worthwhile investment.

According to an NBC article from Jan. 10, 2020

That team of election security experts say that last summer, they discovered some systems are, in fact, online.

“We found over 35 [voting systems] had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more,” Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News.

Dominion Voting machines were remotely accessed during the 2020 election in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan.

Are Forensic Audits the only way to know if these machines were hacked into?
Does Democrat leadership know this?
Why would they try to keep this from happening?

Australia TV Station Reports "TODAY IS THE FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER" As it reports New Lockdowns

Reporter Steve Hart from the New South Wales TV Station “10 News First” reported to Australian viewers that “Today is the first full day of the New World Order” while reporting the lockdowns.

“TODAY Is First Day Of New World Order” 10 News First AUSTRALIA - Mirrored

Was the Haitian President, Jovenel Moise assassinated for investigating the origins of the rona and the patents owned by Bill Gates?

According to a station in Miami,

President Moïse was fatally shot 12 times and First Lady Martine Moïse was shot three times in their private residence.

She was flown to South Florida and was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital.

CBS4 News cameras were rolling as she was taken inside.

The president’s daughter only survived the attack because she hid in a bedroom and was able to escape.

Will the Trump Card be Who Killed Seth Rich?

Introducing Project Apario

“In 2017 and 2018, the National Archives released over 54,000 records from the JFK Assassination era,” said Mr. Andrei Merlescu, a first-generation American immigrant from Romania, a survivor of Nicolea Ceausescu’s communist regime, and now the Director of Project Apario. Merlescu developed the platform single-handedly to make it easy to research the JFK Assassination Records, which the National Archives have not made this easily available. Apario is a novel social media platform, developed to be censorship resistant and enables public "record-oriented research" that takes advantage of big data technologies. "In the 1990s Congress voted to release the remainder of the JFK Assassination Records, and in 2021, the public still doesn’t know the full truth," Merlescu explained. "Project Apario has a powerful engine behind it that extracts the text of every document it processes, making it easier for users to access the truth." The algorithms index every phrase and word of significance and generates an intelligent and AI contributed set of tags that consist of dates, locations, names, and cryptonyms that, when used in conjunction with full text search and web/mobile-friendly renderings of the records truly gives the public a powerful OSINT research utility.

“One lesson is the need to view old questions with fresh eyes, to have the courage to look for answers in places we have never looked before…” said President Donald J. Trump on the March 25th, 2017 Presidential Weekly Address on YouTube. “To think in new ways because we have new information. Most of all, new discoveries remind us, that in America, anything is possible if we have the courage and wisdom to learn.”

President Trump hit the nail on the head in that address. “When President Trump said those words to me, I knew at once that this was my call to action. Growing up I was inspired by President John F. Kennedy when he declared ‘We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,’ and when he was assassinated… everything changed in America it seemed,” said Andrei Merlescu. “When I saw what the National Archives did, essentially continuing the coverup of JFK’s Assassination, I knew I was presented with a unique opportunity to serve my country. President Kennedy said, ‘ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’, Project Apario is what I can do for my country!”

Project Apario has launched a proof-of-concept beta version of the platform to provide the public a limited release of declassified US Government records for research. Project Apario has applied for 501(c)3 Tax Exemption Status with the IRS and is actively seeking contributions to enable a decentralized blockchain solution to replace the proof-of-concept being released today that enables a digital economy dedicated to the research and participation into public domain and declassified US Government records. Project Apario is currently in the process of researching and filing Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights on all our IP and Brand Development.

“Project Apario is a breath of fresh air for anyone who has ever tried researching the JFK Assassination Records only to discover that all 500,000+ pages were not searchable. With Project Apario, even the most classified secrets withheld from the public are easily discoverable when you search the term ‘Top Secret’,” said DJ Nicke, a collaborator and advocate of Project Apario. “Project Apario is a necessary tool for an informed democracy in the digital age.”


See an interesting article here,

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