Evening Thoughts Of A Q reader Continued...Trump's Bully Pulpiteers

in trump •  7 years ago 

Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow co-hosting the Sean Hannity Radio show on 8/10/2018. Did Trump give permission for this? He had to of....What message were they sent there to give? They touch on Sessions, Mueller, Corruption at D_J, F_I, C_A etc..

Is there going to be a document dump soon? Why else give yourself exposure on these issues.  Vindication is coming folks. Look for some more hammers to fall this weekend. The lawyers also explain why the Special Council needs to end.


Bombshell info dropping about Bruce Ohr, #4 guy at D_J, meets with Christopher Steele multiple times to continue the smear on Trump after the election.  Lets look at this a bit as it helps explain the obstruction of justice crime by D_J.


Forget what was done before the election.  Look at the cover-up.  Since HRC lost, what had to happen at F_I pronto?  Fire Christoper Steele.  Stop the payments for what is a fraudulent Dossier.  Then create the new story line.  All of this a crime. 

Create the storyline for the Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. Deep six any documents about that meeting that would implicate anyone important.  Blame Comey for everything.  Comey cost HRC the election.  Comey to be the fall guy.


Also these folks have a habit of writing memos to themselves.  Susan Rice writes her Obama "by the book" memo in regards to his, Obama's authorization of the Counter-Intel of Trump investigation.  CYA for Rice, a weak link in the conspiracy imo.

Clapper N_I director, unwittingly, throws Obama under the bus when he tells folks that this was all approved by Obama who wanted it all to be strictly legal.  Matching Rice's story at points.  Another weak link imo.  


Lucky for America there are too many moving parts for the Cabal to keep the lid on this. It is all starting to leak out. Back to Ohr. His wife, Nelli, ex C_A Russia expert, now works for Fusion GPS which does opp-research vs Trump for Clinton.

She works with Steele on the Dossier. Steele gets his information from Russians living abroad and not from "Official" Russian sources.  Steele is ex UK MI6 which is important because it now involves the Brits who may be seriously implicated.

After Steele is fired by F_I, for selling the dossier to media sources as the narrative states, his information still back channels into the F_I through Nelli and Bruce Ohr. Why is this important? Because it is the 3rd source of the same info.


The FISA warrants would need credible information.  The lie was that it was separate information and not from one source, it is concealed to the court in this way.  We also know the FISA judge had some kind of relationship with Strzok and Paige too.

So when Judicial Watch asked for the court notes for the FISA apps in their FOI request, they got the redacted FISA apps but were told that there were no court transcripts!  All giving the judge plausible deny-ability. Smells of judicial corruption imo.

Jay Sekulow mentions that 50 percent of the special court sessions have little or no transcripts because of their pro forma nature, but for all four FISA apps? Strange?  We need to dig on the actual relationship between the FISA judge and Strzok and Paige.


So after the election, Strzok starts operation Crossfire Hurricane which will need FISA warrants to continue the "investigation."  This is pure sedition.  Involving Steele, a foreign agent, who may have had "UK" and "Russian" help, is bad too.

This whole story is going to unravel in front of the American people and bring down folks that you do not expect.  Besides UK or Russian spooks we can go back to the Senate Intel Committee which just made news for the wrong reasons.


One of their aides, James Wolfe, was leaking info to reporters. Some of this info had to have been handed off to him by Senators on the committee. Dianne Feinstein, Mark Warner and others come to mind as an non-redacted FISA app went to the NY Times.

So NY Times has an non-redacted FISA application? It is said to be damning to the "Obama/HRC" faction at D_J/F_I. Yet the NY Times sticks to the "Official" story.  That story is about to get "updated!" The "Gray lady" turns out to be a whore.


When the FISA App is totally declassified by Trump, there will be some explaining to do by the Times.  We also hear that John McCain is involved with this as well.  He was brought into it by Brennan at C_A.  I can't wait for the movie.

McCain then flew to England to get his version of the dossier from Steele and this he loyally gave over to F_I, thereby becoming a fourth "source" of the info. So was McCain a willing participate, dupe or willing dupe?  My guess is the latter.


So in conclusion, we have a conspiracy to bring down the dully elected government of Donald Trump.  Involving several branches of "OUR" government to include: N_A, C_A, D_J, F_I, N_I, Obama White House, State Dep., FISA Courts and the HRC Campaign.

The Law Firm Perkins Coie and the Op-Research firm Fusion GPS as well as MSM outlets to include "Buzzfeed", "The Nation", Washington Free Beacon" and the "New York Times" may have  partook in the "coup."  All because "They never thought she would lose."

Q states to enjoy the show.  It is coming fast.  Look for more information to drop from the White house declassification efforts in the next few days. I hope to be able to tell you that the MSM will cover this story.

Get used to disappointment.  Not only in the media, but our elected officials.  This is why Trump was elected.  He is "OUR" bull in "OUR" China Shop.  Customers need to stay out of the way.  Cleanup on isle 9.  WWG1WGA


Rudy Giuliani and Jay Sekulow  on Hannity Radio Show:  


Crossfire Hurricane: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-16/operation-crossfire-hurricane-fbi-sent-strzok-secret-mission-london-election


WMAL interview with Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch:

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