Chasing After Trump's Schtick

in trump •  7 years ago 

So, there I was, flat on my back musing about life in general when the phone rang...

Among other things, my friend on the other end of the line asked, concerned, about the antics of President Trump, especially after the COVFEFE episode. So I gave my perspective on what is happening.

Here we go...

First, you have to accept the premise that one doesn't become a $billionaire if that person is not smart, innovative, saavy, perceptive, action-oriented, and opportunistic. Most Libtards and a significant enough bunch of establishment RINOs would like you to believe otherwise in Trump's case... not so, if you are a logical, thinking human being.

Corollary: As a multi-$billionaire who is not taking any pay for the job of President, he is totally 'bulletproof' to special interests and lobbyists who enrich your 'average' politician. That frustrates the usual 'politician in your pocket' folks in the DC swamp.
Second, you have to accept the premise that Washington, DC, the Federal Government is significantly corrupt and the swamp to be drained is real. Both Libtards & establishment RINOs are actively resisting Trump's attempts to keep his promises to the voters that put him in office. September-October timeframe later this year will be telling as both Trump's first ever budget (with significant cuts) comes to Congress, along with tax cuts, and other initiatives. It will test both sides of the political spectrum... and the people, the voters, are watching. Revisit that electoral map from back in November 2016.

Given these two premises, and corollary, I believe Trump to be playing a bit of Tsun Tzu with everyone. Covfefe and his other tweets are like a dog owner throwing a stick as hard as he can and the dog (libtards in this case) run hard after the stick. In the meantime, Trump is making things happen behind the scenes because he knows that the libtards and their lapdogs in the libtard press cannot resist chasing after the 'schtick'... they're addicted to chasing after the 'schtick'... they would rather see the ship of state sink than admit they're addicted to the 'schtick'. It's a strategy of misdirection and occupying the high ground that would make Tsun Tzu (and Machiavelli) proud.

So, many of you will keep on thinking Trump is a moron, because you want to be a cool libtard... and that's OK. Ignorance truly is bliss.

The rest of us who choose to logically and soberly analyze the true state of our country, and like Trump, want to see real, substantive, positive change in the face of significant opposition from the DC establishment... we'll cheer him on.

As you were...

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He acts and talks like someone who is mentally ill. Sorry but if you can't actually see that he has problems, you aren't that smart and are incredibly deluded. There is nothing logical about supporting Trump, you have to throw out a massive amount of information to still think he is a good and sane person.

And what is with this demonising of liberals? I don't understand this at all. Yes, I know the right have taken a lot of flack from left wingers over stupid stuff, but it seems to have created this immense irrational hatred. A lot more people I've seen now just despise the left and think they are literally insane, you talk of them as if they are barbaric retarded animals.
I think this is extremely unhealthy, and I would urge anyone who strongly despises the opposing political faction to stop and just find some middle ground where you do agree, and try not to generalise millions of people by putting them into a single extremist category.

Not all conservatives are racist or KKKmemberrs, and not all liberals want to destroy the USA, okay? So please, just take this into consideration when you are talking with someone with opposing views.

Libtards... democrats founded the KKK

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That wasn't my main point at all. That is literally the least important part of my comment to respond to, I wasn't even going to add that kkk bit in but for some reason I decided to.

Anyway I watched the video, that was interesting. But, it is really just talking about the democratic party, not left wing ideals. I don't think me being left wing means I'm tied to the democrats, even though they've changed from conservative stances to progressive.