Mr H. Grimstone

in trump •  7 years ago 

This is the story of one mans secret which he kept for over 60 years. A true recollection of life during our history . A history that if we are not careful could find our self's in sooner than we think.

It was 22nd December 1940 I couldn't believe my Luck . I had been waiting for this night to come for weeks . IT was the night of my first date with Muriel. She is the cousin of a very good friend of mine. Which was even better as Muriel's mam wasn’t really keen on the idea the two of us going out with no other company but my good friend reassured her Shes was in the best est of hands. And right he was an all. I'd of done owt at that moment for Muriel lets just say I was smitten. Now the plan was to stroll by the gas works wall on the way to the cinema watch what ever was showing then maybe on the way back home dream a dream by the old canal. But it just so happened that Mr Hitler had a plan of his own as-well that very same night . Only his wasn’t dreaming a dream. His plan was to give Manchester the biggest bombing that it had ever seen still to this day. The night me and Muriel had our first kiss was the first night of the Manchester blitz. And we did get blitzed let me tell you. We where just into the second interval in the cinema when the sirens started. Well of course everyone darted for the door and in the panic I lost sight of Muriel. Where is she I thought .. Her mams gonna kill me if we don’t walk down that street together. Anyway from out of nowhere she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. It was at that moment I knew I had found my partner. The queue didn’t seem to be going down and word got back that we were all to take our seat and wait for the all clear. This was it if there was ever a right time then this was it. I turned slowly look Muriel in the eye then kissed her with all my might. No sooner had our eyes opened and refocused on each other when the first bomb hit and I don’t know where it hit but by god it wasn’t far away let me tell you. Nether was the second or the third. All night we were stuck in that cinema house. Going through every emotion you can imagine. Waiting for that all clear siren to bring peace to our minds. Finally it came and with it the main doors flew open and in came the pure brightness of Morning and as we got closer to the exit I could smell the brick dust and burning wood at first. Then came the sounds of heart ache. Words can not describe what we saw on the way home that morning but the one thing I will never forget. Is Her mams Face when we walked round what used to be the corner of her street.

The days following the Manchester blitz will stay with me forever. It was that experience that helped my decision to sing up and that’s when I became a member of the British army. I was just like any other teenage man at that time only difference was I had Muriel to go home to. And that’s how it was in the forces you turned in and worked hard to do your bit. Then every now and then got to hear or even better see your loved ones. We were all in the same boat or that’s at least what I thought. I can’t remember the date but the year was 1942 . We had all been assigned leave and had to be back to the barracks in 7 days time. Just as I was leaving second in command approached me an congratulated me on all my fine efforts and hard work . And as a result of this I was granted 2 days more leave time. Well I was the happiest most chuffed man on that train home that day. Some of the lads was asking what did he want with you come on Henry tells us what he said. I just looked out that train window smiling to my self dreaming a dream of two days more with my loved ones.

Nine days later as I looked back down the busy platform hoping to get just one more glimpse of by beloved. I though for a moment I was the luckiest man on earth. That feeling didn’t last long at all. As I got the the main gate at campus I was arrested and took straight to the cells without any reason or explanation. A few hours later I was escorted to a room where I was informed that I had been arrested for going AWOL and that there was no excuse for it and that I was to spend two week in the prison. Well I was dumbstruck I didn't know what to think then it dawned on me this must be some trick played on me by second in command. But why what had I done to him to deserve such a hard trip to be played on me. I just couldn't for the life of me think what it was I had done wrong. Then after a week of sitting in prison I was visited by General Johnson. He was the highest ranking officer I had ever met.

At ease Henry I' am here today to speak to you about you becoming a member of our special armed forces. You see Henry we’ve been watching you and you have certain skills that we need in our unit. He then went on to say how second in command was ordered by himself to say what he did. However it was my mistake for listening to him. Let this be your first lesson Henry and from now on you follow orders only from me. I will give you two weeks to think about it. If you want to become a member of our special armed forces then on leave of this prison you are to get the train to Hothfeild where you will ask for Sargent James and do as he orders. Good day and good luck.

Now when the General said he would give me two week to think about it I didn't think he meant in prison. So I had to do another two weeks on top of the one id done already. By the time I got out my mind was made up and without hesitation I jumped straight on that train and headed for Hothfeild. On arrival I reported to Sargent James and was instructed to fall in, and if asked I was to say that I was sent here on a training exercise. And that was all. A few weeks passed and I met some wonderful people. Then without warning at two in the morning I was woken by Sargent James who led me out side where there was a jeep with three officers inside. I was briefed the mission and within two hours I was in the English Chanel on my first mission. That mission its self took one whole week to see through and ended in Holland. After I was transferred to Edington Where I was told the same orders as before that if asked I was sent here on a training exercise and that’s all. Almost four weeks went by then just as before at two in the morning I was woken, briefed and sent on my way. This time it was France. That was my role in the army. During which I met many good people and worked and trained along side some of the top men in the country. Some of my best days where with the Hussars Tank Regiment, Notice on my jacket on my left hand turn there are my badges each badge represents each different regiment I was assigned too. Then just down from them further on the left where my pocket line is. There are four medals on the top row and three on the bottom row. Now the four on the top row represent each of the missions I went on and if you look closely each medal has a different color set of strips just like each badge. Then the bottom three medals belong to my farther who was also called Henry Grimstone and who served his country in the great war. As for all the other medals well that’s a different story. Once the war ended and slowly but surely everyone returned back to there loved ones. Me and Muriel got Marred had three beautiful daughters and like everybody else got are heads down and got on with it. Then 70 Years later from out of the blue I get a letter through the post. It from the top. And goes on to say that I am one of many service men who have been awarded a medal for keeping the secret service and special armed forces to them self's for all these years and that the oath we took up on joining was now no longer. And that if we wish to talk about our time back then we could . Well at first I didn’t believe it of course. So I made a few calls and it was true after keeping my army days a secret from everyone even my loved ones. I can now talk about them. But the truth is iv just told you all you need to know. And the rest is history.

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