Innocent Trump illegally convicted. 418/ How do I get image permission? First level up to @CASTLE, second, like this message so you can access the secret unlock channel at #unlock and third: go to that Unlock channel to like the two messages there. But you cannot unlock if you have mute/jail type roles. 419/ New rule, accounts must level up to castle before they can self-promote themselves to guard and mods generally shouldn't promote accounts (to higher roles) until said accounts promote themselves to guards; please question, warn, and maybe even punish mods who violate this rule; but exceptions can exist, you can grant exceptions to this rule but my preference is to limit exceptions as much as possible.
6K TikTok Followers. Innocent Trump illegally convicted. Songs: Never Let Go, Footsteps, V.3. Watched: Under The Bridge 108, Dark Matter 105