You’re All Slaves Now

in trump •  7 years ago 

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Thanks to the idiot Trump.

He promised to free us from the death grip of the federal leviathan—he didn’t mean it, he would do almost anything to get your vote—and instead has delivered us into slavery.

If you’re denied the rights you were born with—the right of self-ownership, of the right to defend yourself—you’re a slave, plain and simple.

Donald Trump has so badly botched the presidency and alienated the American people—even his base—that come November control of the federal leviathan will be turned over to authoritarian Democrats, political careerists who think they know what’s best for you, who don’t believe in the concept of self-ownership and natural rights.

Following that, as Ann Coulter recently tweeted, Trump will be impeached, and failing that he will be bounced out of Washington and back to his gold-plated mansion in 2020.

The Democrats are telling us what we can expect.

The idiot Joe Biden recently said the Second Amendment is “badly interpreted” and “the nation as a whole has decided it can no longer, in my view, continue to turn a blind eye to the prostitution of the 2nd Amendment here, and no longer can turn a blind eye to the enormous damage being done, not just in our schools, but on our streets… every night.”

Now that another idiot—and by this I mean somebody who refuses or is incapable of understanding the wording and principles of the Bill of Rights—has called for killing off the Second Amendment, Democrats are forming a chorus line.

The idiot in question actually served on the Supreme Court—Justice John Paul Stevens.

Of course, Democrats can’t simply repeal an amendment. They have to ratify another amendment to limit or nullify the Second. It takes a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate for this to happen. Even if the Democrats control the Senate and House after the mid-terms, this will be a difficult if not impossible task.

So what will they do to destroy your natural right to own a firearm?

Pass a slew of laws making it almost impossible to buy one. Here’s a real easy way to make the Second a dead letter—outlaw or severely restrict the manufacture and sale of ammunition under some sort of “public safety” rubric. You’ll still have the right to own a gun, you just won’t be able to use it.

Next, they’ll go after the First Amendment. That one’s more or less sacrosanct to Democrats, so long as it’s their speech that’s protected. For those of us who disagree with identity politics and the ability of the state to micromanage every aspect of our lives, our speech will be characterized as “hate speech” and “racism” and therefore, under laws similar to those in Europe, writing or speaking in opposition to social and political issues near and dear to liberals will be a criminal offense.

Democrats will pass laws making the internet a “public utility” and therefore subject to heavy regulation, the same as television. I can envision a time when you will be required to get permission from the government to establish a website. Anonymity on social media will be illegal. Democrats will force tech companies to develop and deploy algorithms that prevent certain words and topics from being used on social media.

Because the populist and nationalist movement created around the presidency of Donald Trump—an agenda betrayed—threatens socialists, after they regain power they’re going to make sure this never happens again, and if it does those in support will be branded criminals or even terrorists. We know what the state does to suspected terrorists.

In short, if you don’t agree with the Democrats, the socialist control freaks and those behind them—the financial elite, the oligarchy, the plutocracy, whatever you chose to call it—you will be silenced, you will be criminalized, you will become a slave.

I hope this doesn’t happen and I’m being paranoid, but I don’t think so. It’s to the point now where people disgusted with the controlled political system actually threaten the state—and when that happens, drastic and violent measures usually follow. It’s one of the cardinal rules of statism—violence when all else fails.

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