The Disgusting way People can Communicate with Each OthersteemCreated with Sketch.

in trump •  8 years ago 

I was just surfing reddit r/videos today and saw this video titled:
North Carolina woman confronts neighbor flying Nazi flag.

In it a woman describes seeing a nazi flag outside a home and films herself approaching what we can assume is the homeowner on the property to attempt to learn more about it.

Mistake or Aggression #1

Though this woman is not approaching the man communicating in a hostile manner, her simple drive to seek out this man's house (which she already knows prior to shooting the video as you hear in the beginning) is a bit forthcoming and perhaps intimidating.

A home is your dwelling and you can decorate it however you like. To be questioned on that at random can obviously make someone uneasy and even turn what could have started as a curious inquiry into a hostile response type of situation.

Mistake or Aggression #2

On the behalf of the man at the house he immediately responds to the woman's inquiry of "Hey, what's up with the Nazi flag," his first question is "Who are you?" which is very justified to be asking someone who just pulled onto your property asking their own question about your posession. After asking if his name is David he response is notably aggressive with "Hell No I Ain't David" as he approaches the woman. Further questioning why she is here to discuss his flag.

Mistake or Aggression #3

On the woman's behalf seeing this man respond with obvious dissatisfaction with her appearance and questioning a normal person would probably leave the scene saying "I'm sorry, I will just leave, I was just curious." But this woman I would suspect is filming this for the explicit purpose of attention; possibly from the online community and to spur some kind of discrimination argument to feed into the hype an get herself or "her cause" attention or even money from youtube or a news platform in some way. At 55 seconds she reiterates her question asking why he has a nazi flag.

Mistake or Aggression #4

After being asked twice on why he has a nazi flag and not responding, the man continues to use expletives but yet fails to ask the woman to leave his property. Seemingly (perhaps subconsciously) wanting to continue this conflict. It may be safe to assume this man has been questioning numerous times on this flag on his home and is becoming frustrated with the response as well as perhaps being embarrassed about his beliefs (which are revealed later in the interaction). Either way he should have simply refused to answer, asked the lady to leave his property with a stern "goodbye." But he does ask her to leave more rudely after she prods him a few more times.

Mistake or Aggression #5

After being asked to leave the woman continues to pester the man getting him more angry.

Mistake or Aggression #6

The man threatens subtley of physical violence if she doesn't leave, though this may be justified if the woman continues on his property after being asked to leave, what can he assume she wants to do there?

Mistake or Aggression #7

After 2 minutes into the video she finally gets in her car to leave but could not resist rolling her window down to say "I know where you work too" which could also be taken as a veiled threat on her part. She then ties in his 'Trump bumper sticker' into the fact that he has a nazi flag.


Unfortunately so often we see people trying to defeat another in argumentation over useless drivel. In order to win they have to put the other person down successfully which almost never works out unless one person is going to assume the role of the victim. This is bullying. Plain and simple. This video is an example of attempted bullying but what could be classified as failed. Both ends of the conversation end up more angry and more vitriolic in their beliefs that the other is in the wrong and the aggressor.

We should stop performing these kind of interactions where it's just an attempt to throw someone's negative energy onto another person. We need to uplift each other so we can all prosper rather than denigrate someone, even if we disagree with them.

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yes, i see the headlines and shake my head... don't like to read too much about all the nonsense, it's sick energy

Yeah. Media is focused on such nonsense, at least I'm glad this video (maybe it's this specific upload) didn't go viral

I was preparing to write an article "Notice to Complainers on Trump's Comments"

Thanks for your comment

The so called "Nazi" symbol is taken from Tibet. Heinrich Himmler was sent by Adolf Hitler for multiple expeditions in the Region of Tibet, and returned with sacred knowledge, that Hitler and the Ahnernebe and Thule society adopted this knowledge and used the Symbol, before rising the power. It can still be seen today on many Buddist and Tibetan statues and art works.

Feel free to watch the videos and comment.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment