The US federal government just issued a List of Seven Dirty Words no government agency can use in next year's budget (
The banned words or terms are:
- entitlement
- foetus
- vulnerable
- diversity
- transgender
- science-based
- evidence-based
For the last two, the suggested replacement language seems to suggest that agencies must now issue their opinion and not hide behind "studies" that can be (and have been) faked or manipulated.
For the other five, no replacement language has been issued.
Speculating on the words and terms that are banned, in lieu of explicit reasons being issued, it would seem that the Trump administration will no longer collect information or base services on "protected" or "politically favored" groups. One suspects that "family services" must be offered to all families and cannot be rationed selectively to favored demographics.
This is interesting because it implies that government handouts, funded by stealing money from productive citizens, mst be doled out equally without consideration of certain behaviors.
Nor, apparently, will the hand-outs be considered "entitlements," but rather benefits - a significant difference in "legal" terms.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. The lack of SJW screaming and bawling suggests not many folks have heard about this yet, or at least haven't figured out what's going on.
Stand by for fun!