RE: A Trump ban on transgenders in the military? Does it matter? - With questions!

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A Trump ban on transgenders in the military? Does it matter? - With questions!

in trump •  8 years ago 

Considering the divide created by the media between heterosexuals and transgendered individual's I would say there may be an issue. Stop watching the media and let people do what they want in their free time and there is no issue. Unity, clarity of purpose and focus is key to a successful military. Right now I would say there is anything but unity between lgbtq and everyone else.

I would have to ask, would their overt inclusion in to the military cause any kind of divide or friction if so it may be a problem.

Let's put the political correctness and b.s. aside for a moment. Can member's of the lgbtq community be soldier's? Of course they can. I do not believe their ability to be bad asses should be in question. Do lesbian's, gays, bisexual's, transgendered and queer people strike fear in to the heart of the enemy? I suspect they will all look the same on the battlefield probably not the issue. Many a battle can be won by simply crushing your enemies will to fight prior to battle.

And now we get to the real issue, politics. Which just messes up everything. If lgbtq member's have been serving in the military up to this point what's the problem? Why is this an issue the president has to make a decision about? Oh that's right politics.

Politicians jump on any band wagon they feel will garner them votes in the next election.

So lgbtq members have been serving in the military, some douchbag politician felt they could ride the communities coat tail's to an election victory in the future and now you have been banned from service.

Lets take a look at the government track record on social engineering shall we?

War on poverty?
War on drugs?
War on terror?

Me think's that the lgbtq community might wanna distance themselves from these self riotous political parasite's before it's too late.

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Not sure if that's a yes, no or maybe. :)
