We're trying to EMPOWER you to #EnforceTheConstitution and make both attorneys and politicians OBSOLETE!

in trump •  4 years ago 

SUPERCENSORED Hashtag: #PatriotCamp

The fire department shows up lickety split to put out a fire. When your rights are violated, can you call a hotline to protect them? Aren't your rights just as important as a fire? We need a #PatriotCamp everywhere there is currently a fire department. Don't procrastinate! If everyone makes a one-time donation or becomes a Patron now attorneys could become OBSOLETE! When public servants harass you and you don't have a $10K retainer, you have NO rights, which are supposed to be guaranteed by the constitution!

We're trying to EMPOWER you to #EnforceTheConstitution and make both attorneys and politicians OBSOLETE! Both main and backup YT channels are shadowbanned from commenting (I can see my comment but you can't). Please start dropping this hashtag on all your posts. Are YOU gonna let them BEAT YOU? They are winning. The evidence: VERY FEW people have ever even HEARD about #PatriotCamp

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