I am Exhausted

in truth •  7 years ago 

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Socialism Not on Planet Earth
I want to start by stating that I have had a difficult time in understanding which “ism” is suited for humanity, if any. Let me tell you it has not been easy, like every other problem I have come to understand all I needed to do was look at the world around me. The natural world, as the Laws of Nature dictate reality.
To start, each ism , socialism or capitalism to name just two which are the most popular ones of our time.
Now I will for the purpose of simplicity look at these two forms in there purest way, as far as I understand them.
Knowing that for example capitalism in todays form is more corporatism as government around the world have been infiltrated by corporate influence and deep pockets, in return over regulation has strangled the free market requirements of true capitalism. This strangling by the corporatocracy has slowly morphed into globalism.
And todays socialism is infected with bourgeois ideas of lingering capitalistic habits presented in the state apparatus, Venezuela comes to mind. And of course the problem with Venezuela from the stand point of the purist is that it did not go far enough, as far as it did not change the mind set of all its people, including the elites.
It needed new set’s of customs and ideas enforced upon the people. And of course that is a language of coercion and violence. That is what was required to achieve this true doctrine of Marxism. For the erasion essentially of all property rights would and could not be done without these new mind sets forced upon humanity. Which looked at through the vessel of truth would mean the death and suffering of unfathomable numbers of humans.
Now I am fully aware that these ism’s can be argued for and against till the cows come home, that has been half my problem in figuring out this dilemma.
I have been reading countless article written by those whom claim to possess the answer only to be left feeling like a political piñata.
My intent in this article is to answer once and for all which ism I feel suits humans, a seemingly unsurmountable task I hear you say but I say, but no quite an easy one once logic is applied.
Now let me explain. This is where I apply Law but not man made nonsensical law but Natural Law or the laws of nature. How I come to understand these irrefutable laws is simply to engage and observe nature, see like I said simple once logic is applied.
Almost all of my dilemmas in life have been solved this way, let me give you an analogy which will help us break down this most relevant question of the ages.
When I sit outside in the rainforest and observe the birds I ask you, do they require property rights? The simple answer is yes they do in the form of their nests. Now they take ownership very seriously, first finding a suitable and safe locations then making a major investment. Through many hours of toil and labour they build their new home that will hopefully secure the nest generation.
Similar to humans except we swap our toil and labour for these peculiar instruments called currency that we then exchange to invest in all types of property. Not unlike the birds we require these properties to ensure our happiness and again hopefully secure our safety and that of our off spring.
One may question if the bird really see this property as “theirs”, again the answer comes from observation. Quite simply when another bird approached their nest they defend it with their life regardless of the size of the intruder, it is clearly theirs and that is absolute. Their time toil and labour in this investment has given the bird this right.
Just from this one observation we can conclude that ALL living things need the security of ownership rights. This is what gives all living creatures our sense of belonging and security which in turn gives happiness. And yes humans do also require these basic needs. As much as we have tried to separate ourselves from this one simple but logical reality, humanity is still very much apart of nature and the world that nurtures and supports us.
In summary, as mentioned these are just two of the ism’s that we have, there is whole plethora of others. Capitalism falls under the banner of democracy. Now the encyclopaedia Britannia’s definition is ; Democracy, literally, rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratiā, which was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos “rule”.
In short this essentially means mob rule, which, is chaos at best. In any event we all know the truth that we the people do not select anyone that is in power, they are selected for us and we simply get to elect them . Which is why I conclude this discussion with a term so eloquently coined by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829 and that is that we are ruled by Kakistocracy; “governed by the worst elements of society”, from Greek kakistos, meaning “worst”. So yes people I am sorry to conclude that we are indeed ruled by and up to our necks in kaka.

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