Welcome to Your Driverless Future!

in truth •  6 years ago 

We've all seen the propaganda by now: Like it or not, autonomous driving technology is on the way. But what will that future look like? Should we be concerned about the lack of control implicit in these technologies? How vulnerable they are to hackers, both criminal and deep state? Or the fact that our entire society is about to be re-engineered before our very eyes? Join James for this thought-provoking episode of The Corbett Report as he explores the road ahead on the path to the driverless future.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/driverless/

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I will fight this through non compliance until there are no other options. I will discourage anyone who sheds a positive light on self driving cars and I will attempt to educate them on what it's really about. Great report Corbett and indeed thought provoking as always-

It can be the human success of all time to save time and effort future rocks

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Woohoo, comfort (exchanged) for dependency!

I'm one for helping to usher in new technologies, and any type of innovation on any front is always pleasing to me. But there is one thing that this sort of thing poses great difficulty for. While self-driving seems good in theory, and I definitely support it, and hope to see more of it, but one place that poses difficulties is for folks such as myself who are blind. I mention this especially in terms of services such as Uber and Lift. They are great services, better often than the government-subsidized ride services offered, and if I could get the subsidy for Lift without having to be signed up for the MBTA Ride, I would. But that is neither here nor there. The problem that I see with self-driving technology not in control by the user is, how on earth would they make the AI reliable enough to find a blind person who can see neither car color, nor read the license plate number? Both are questions tht first need to be answered before I will ever consider having a self-driving lift vehicle.

I would think it would be quite easy to have your phone alert you when the car had arrived and for the car to toot its horn in a particular way or beep when the app subscriber set that as a preference. If they don't have that already you should suggest it.

You would think, but the bigger issue with that is the often inaccuracies of GPS. I get lift drivers all the time, humans, mind you, and if the GPS parks them across the street from where I am, how on earth would I see a self-driving car if I can't even distinguish a car driven by a human? They better have AI built in that's as intelligent as a human, or, at least one intelligent enough to understand directions.

it's an interesting problem, you should suggest it to the engineers now so when this actually comes out they will have solved it. I think there will be a lot of funny stories of these things driving off the road or far afield where there is an inaccuracy in the map or bad data. As someone who can't drive themselves besides the problem of knowing exactly where the car is this should be great for you since it will be much cheaper than a human driver. How do you avoid getting hit by electric cars you can't hear?

I'm one for helping to usher in new technologies, and any type of innovation on any front is always pleasing to me. But there is one thing that this sort of thing poses great difficulty for. While self-driving seems good in theory, and I definitely support it, and hope to see more of it, but one place that poses difficulties is for folks such as myself who are blind. I mention this especially in terms of services such as Uber and Lift. They are great services, better often than the government-subsidized ride services offered, and if I could get the subsidy for Lift without having to be signed up for the MBTA Ride, I would. But that is neither here nor there. The problem that I see with self-driving technology not in control by the user is, how on earth would they make the AI reliable enough to find a blind person who can see neither car color, nor read the license plate number? Both are questions tht first need to be answered before I will ever consider having a self-driving lift vehicle.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we will not see any driverless cars in the near future.

Currently, the state of the art in driverless cars, IGNORES bikes because the computer can't compute their path. So, basically, the programs are blind to bikes. Further, the programs fail when they process that the bum is a piece of road furniture (non-moving) and then it moves, causing a execution fault. And, that is the state of the art, of what is. A LONG WAY from being reliable.

But, what is going to kill the driverless cars is the future.
In the near future, people will be leaving cities to live in rural communities.
As the financial crisis hits, while more people are being more aware of what they eat, the exodus will be happening.

And, driverless cars, a solution for the problem of urban congestions will find itself a solution of a problem that no longer exists.

these cars will be way safer, driving a car is the most dangerous thing most people do and that's not considering that 25% of those killed by car accidents are not even in cars they are pedestrians. My wife has one of these cars with autonomous safety features, I had it kick on one day, saved me from a fender bender, so far no one has tried to hack it despite everyone I have told about the self driving features concerns that someone would hack it with the intent of murder.

Self driving cars will be used to murder about as often as people tamper with the brakes of other's cars now, not very often but probably not never.

That said I like my nice mostly analog cars, new cars feel more like a video game.

More people will die in traffic, not only by failing AI, or by being auto-sassinated but also by being bored to dead.

The concept car of the near future may look like this:

ohmerrgoshh you’re driving a car!!!

Oh yeah I just had an incident with a relative of mine concerning Apple 🍏 products . He takes things too personal like apple is paying him shill money or something ⁉️ There are no infallible machines around ⁉️ Humans aren’t perfect , so therefore machines can’t be perfect , and some SHEEPLE want to put their hands over their ears , close their eyes , and sign something loudly so they don’t have to listen . But reality comes and visits everyone , and this relative of mine does have a fancy self parking car that had a sensor problem . Well it turns out that the sensor was put in backwards at the factory . LOL 🤦🏼‍♂️ You just can’t trust machines made by man to be perfect , because you don’t know if that individual was having a bad day when that machine was assembled ⁉️ Its just a ridiculous way of thinking to just say “oh yeah we built this thing , so therefore it will work every single time”. I call BULLSHIT . Nothing on this planet can be infallible because of all the major factors involved . And sheeple just have to be more careful when excepting the establishments drool . I remember the days of trolley cars . Those were great days before the machines took over , and I think sheeple were in much better shape .