Let me start by saying sorry, I rushed this cause I’m in a hurry but got the urge!! I’m and electrician not a writer so, sorry for that shining through 😊…Also its all off the top of my head, but I can find facts for anyone who can’t google themselves... Thanks for visiting!!
Why we are all fighting each other over stupid shit! Making less, paying more, Dying sooner!!! ( 2 years in row now our life expectancy as dropped?!), our sperm count is down 50% FIFTY PERCENT!!! , our IQ is dropping at a steady and measurable rate over the last 30 years...On and on and on...
while at the same time the wealth gap between the VERY rich and everyone else has reached a point where they are honestly with reach of controlling it all for sure, but I believe owning it all, just the King would is their goal...And yes I would guess that's because just the delusional Kings and Queens they probably really think that's how god wants it to be, or hell even that they are gods!!
I'm not sure which is more insane, them or US for standing around with our fingers up our butts...fighting over stuff that either truly on affects a very small portion of society, or stuff that is completely untrue and impossible to ever settle the argument...like the pay-gap for instance. I'm not saying that the issues that have now been blown WAY out of proportion do not have some need to be addressed and corrected.
This is one of "their" favorite and most effective techniques, when they use their tried and true methods of manipulation on us there is ALWAYS some truth to what they are doing, saying, manipulating and outcome on or story they are selling us...
So with the SJW epidemic. I really do think there is some truth to there being a small percentage of just about every "issue"...but unfortunately the true believers that don't realize they are being used, and have been brainwashed into actually believing ALL white men are some combo of racist, woman hating, privileged, etc. etc. when the truth is maybe 3-4% are actually practicing members of any of those groups...And brainwashed are being encouraged/ manipulated and FUNDED by the very people we are all against...the 1%, yet they are to blind to see that, and they truly believe what they are fighting for is completely true, so there is never any possible hope for a resolution, and what happens next is that the frustration that is born out of this process from the white male is a small percentage do become what you accuse them of, and yes they are manipulated the same way by the same people, and it goes around and around, just like the right left political thing. What is changing is the extremes that its being taken to today, worse than I've ever seen...scary, and sad...Just think about Obama and Trump and they could not be more opposite, they would be their comic book version of arch enemy's if this was pretend, but its not. I still hold out some hope for Trump, just like I did with Obama in the beginning...But not nearly as much, and truthfully it was the disappointment and realization of how much worse this all got under him, that started me down this path.
So we are all fighting over stuff we could never fix, that driving us further and further apart, hatred grows and patience shrinks.... of that is going on while the actual people to blame and behind it all , the direct decedents of the real slave owners, and empire builders that are raping our planet and exploiting human beings to this very day...go on about their business untouched, unquestioned...clever fuckers!
Like so many of us that have alienated ourselves from friends and family just trying to just understand what the hell is going on in our world...Trying to find the truth! That's all, I just want to know what the truth is, cause I knew what we we're being told was not the truth. The truth is a hard to find than you'd think, it quickly becomes pretty clear that was no accident, and is a direct connection to why we are more divided than ever, and the level of hatred, fear mistrust and anger towards each other is to the point where we can barely even talk to each other anymore.
Bottom line we are being played, and sadly it's working well...
I have friends and family that are just normal intelligent, conscientious, caring people...that I honestly believe are some version of brainwashing, literally. They think climate skeptics should be jailed? Or that free speech should stopped if its not what they want to hear? That we should tear down or society, our traditions, even the very idea of what is a "normal" family, so that we can be inclusive of people outside the norm...Honestly, tear it all down to make it into something that I'm not even sure there is a consensus on what they think they want?
If I said that I believe in the right of everyone to be treated with dignity and respect, completely equal to everyone else...But that i don't agree on it being across the board systemic in our entire society, then I'm a racist and a phobe of some sort cause I think its perfectly fine to "label" my kids boys and girls, or call my father, father and mother mother? And that cultural compatibility is at the very least as important as "diversity". And there is no place for understanding why or how a man rapes a child because of sexual emergency and thinks it fine, cause that's how it was in his "culture"...Honestly fuck me? This to me is a pretty clear signal we have lost touch with any perspective on what it even means to be a decent human being, never mind communities, a county...this a path to collapse...and its not an accident!!!???
Anyway, its not my point to argue over who's right here...I know I am, my point is to question how so many have seemingly lost their way, their ability to see, or think for themselves anymore...I honestly believe our very existence hangs in the balance...How did this happen and why?
Here's what I found out and what I believe is pretty easy to see if you just look at clearly, if you can?
The why? To me this is simple, it's rich people who want more, really, they want it all. And they want to keep it and never ever be questioned about how they got it. For that they need to control over us, and for that they need reason to take control away from us. The manipulation I talked about, the breakdown of society and a need for "them" to help us out by enforcing martial law one day to stop a riot they would have started anyway or at least paid some to start. History is filled with lies that word told to us to start wars even...Vietnam was started because a USS Maddox was attacked in the gulf of Tokin, that never happened, they lied about. Fun fact, Jim Morrison's dad was the US commander that did the lying!! Of the WMD of Iraq war war, 100% fabricated premeditated lie...500,000 murdered Iraqi men woman and children...hell the first gulf war where that girl who testified for congress about Kuwaiti babies thrown out of incubators was a lie too...All facts, all true...millions dead! And our rights and freedoms taken away to help "protect" us. Anyway I'm getting side tracked...
The common assumption is that the top of the “rich men that want it all” pile is a group of 6-10,000. They own somewhere between 80-95% on ALL WEALTH that exists on the planet. Since we out number them 80 million to 1, they need to control us…Or maybe one day we wake the fuck up and talk our planet back and split up the money they stole...
The funny part, that is not funny at all is that here in the western world I would say 80-90% of us common folk agree on who is to “blame” or at least we are all together against the 1% we call it. Yet somehow the culture and identity wars are against white middle class men? How the hell does that happen, neat trick...I come on people, think!
I am a white middle class man, I’m fifty years old and have spent all my life busting my ass trying to “get ahead” like everyone else…so I know at least what I’m saying from that perspective. I have been a small business operator for 20 years, I am not rich, and I have risked everything I had more than once to be where I am, I have never cheated anyone, and honestly that is actually pretty rare in business these days...Its not me you should be mad at and fighting with…hello??? One present MF’rs, remember!!!??!?!
Here's my version of how we got to this spot, and who's to blame and what I think they want in the end...
I am just a regular guy, that loves his family, truly cares about my fellow man, and is very worried about our future together here on earth!! I started nearly 4 years ago down this journey to try and understand WTH was going on in our world. I’ve gone down every rabbit hole I came across, been blown away by the shit that’s out there to read and watch. But also gravely concerned and deeply saddened but much of it as well. Most people will never have to, or even want to look at the truth, it's hard to do...both literally to even find the truth and emotionally often when you do. And honestly if somehow we ( the people that have gone through it) can somehow get you, get people to understand what is going on without you having to “see” it all…that would be best I think. But there is enough pretty simple and obvious proof that's pretty simple to know and force you to at least ask questions, or not just take whatever CNN says any kind of last word or proof of anything. In fact look up changes to propaganda laws in the US over the last five years...Basically the government gave themselves the to "manage" the news as they see fit?
I still don’t know exactly what the the “truth” is, further then what facts there are and what I know about rich people and how the operate from own personal dealings with them.
First let me start with the very phrase “conspiracy theory’s” it was coined in the 1960’s by the CIA in response to JFK “questioning” of the facts we ( the public ) were told. I think today its something like 75% of Americans believe that questioning was correct, and what we were told was not the truth, or at least not all the truth. And naturally what occurs from people wanting to know the truth, they follow what ever clues they can and develop theories for what might have happened. Nothing kooky about it, perfectly normal response, but the CIA gave it a name and made anyone that questions their “story” are nutballs unable to live in reality…And that seems to work well enough for them I suppose cause we still don’t know the truth 60+ years later.
What I found in my travels were all the standard crazy wild-eyed theories, satanic baby eating alien lizard people pretty much covers the main range of it. I personally have my doubts about the lizard alien parts, sadly though there seems to be at least some reasonable doubt in my mind that the satanic, baby eating, and add child rape in there too, is just made up stories not true. There is plenty enough substantial evidence through the years to at least give pause, is a giant conspiracy? Honestly, I think it is some kind of one, yes, but it like I said they, they add crazy untrue stories to the conspiracy files to discredit real evidence and make it very hard to know what is and isnt real, they do it all the time and works. Look into that California daycare satanic panic that seems to have been untrue, Then look at the Boystown evidence and ties to gay prostitutes in whitehouse....I dont remember hear anything about that, or maybe one story about paiges have sex with congressman or something, but that kindergarden thing was on live everyday for like a year?
Anyway, the point I’m trying to make it that in the “alternative” media you find that at least half, and I’d guess as high as 80% is put there or put out for the same reason the phrase conspiracy theory was invented, to cast doubt on anyone that questions the truth, and use the false outrageous stories they made up and can be 100% proven false as the reason to cast doubt on anyone with any question or even evidence…to make anyone that try’s find the truth have to go through all that crazy shit on the way… and then be labeled a nutball for
it. It’s call dis-information or controlled opposition. There are FBI programs on record from the 60s called co-intel-pro I think? where they would act like hippies and try and influence that group, Hell the CIA made and gave LSD in 60's, pretty sure they invented? Anyway there many examples and provable or admitted to. Also I believe it was Vladimir Lenin that said the best way to control your opposition was to be the opposition…Sounds crazy I know, but its true and it works.
Basically it comes down to that small group men I said at that start, and what you find is that there are family trees going back 3 or 4 generations mostly, that have been dealing with each other the whole time. And of course, new ones added and subtracted along the way. This would also be part of the Illuminati “blood line” story-line that reads like a Dan Brown novel, but as usual it is partly true. It is a group of the same families over the 150 years, and they did belong to different groups and secrete societies over the years, that is true.
There are tons rumors and even more piles of actual data outthere to find and run down. The true “history” I don't know, there's a few stories that muddies the water on this part about how far "it" goes back, some say from 150 000 years back with alien people that live in middle earth today, all the way to decedents for Black royalty? from the middle ages I’m not to clear on all that so I like to stick with what we pretty much all know and go from there. Which is around 1850’s somewhere this group starts to meet up and collude together to control it all!!
Here I’ll give you a quick list of the historical examples of what and how and who and why…
The main “group” we deal with today I think would be the same ones that made their vast fortunes through banking and oil mostly but most other industrial ventures going back to mid 1850’s.
British/ German Royals, Dutch Royals, Rockefeller's, Rothschild's There are another group below that, but that would be the main families at the top. And I’ll add again, there are all the stories that there is another layer about that but that gets a little sketchy on who or WHAT that is exactly...
That group owned the 4 biggest oil companies and the all the biggest banks from that time through today. Today they are the majority owners of ALL the world banks, so the “the fed” bank of England etc etc…every country, except the ones we have been at war with the last 20 years…Libya. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Somalia or Sudan there’s a couple more, but you get the idea.
Bp, Shell, Stranded oil and one other I can't think of, and just name big bank and they are involved or just own it out right...
So that’s how they got so rich, there are dozens of historical facts on the crooked way they accomplished getting to the top of the pile. Mainly through price fixing, collusion to eleminate all other compitetion, so anti trust monoplies, tax fraud etc. etc. Maybe not baby sacrificing and whatever, but certainly illegal and would cost them it all if ever shown in court.
My main point is that it was criminal and should forfeited…But in order to make sure that does not happen they must control us. and make very hard to ever find the truth amongst all the manipulated false information put out.
These would be the very same people directly or indirectly in charge of it all, the real white privileged, patriarchy the womanizers, slave owners....behind exploitation of basically the entire planet and everyone on it to some degree to where they own that 80% percent of everything today. So all the regime changes, wars, assignations etc. etc.…that’s these guys…
So somewhere around the turn of the century J.D. Rockefeller hires a guys named Edward Bernays, who is strangely enough Sigmund Frauds nephew! He goes on to become the father of modern day PR and “spin”…at the time JD had used his henchman to murder 23 striking mine workers and needed to fix his image, and before you know it he’s that kind gray haired old guy giving dimes to poor kids, starting “charitable” foundations to help the needy.
You should know by know that these foundations are started by these people are frauds set up to not pay taxes and are designed to give only the very minimum required to keep that tax free status. Wildly used to the nth degreed today, best example would be the Clinton foundation who I believe gave 6% of something close to 2 Billion in funds. But they all do it, even every politician has one now…Just a giant fraud to hide, steal, and launder money…and use what they should have paid in taxes to "give" to say a University in exchange for a seat on their Boards and heavy sway on research and patents, then using this to parley into eventual complete control over the medical / Pharmaceutical industries, pretty much all of our agricultural industries, power generation and infrastructure, on and on…” they” are a group of 6-10000 men that own 80% of the entire worlds tangible wealth and control every single part of our lives…literally. And financed nearly all of that using money they should have paid in taxes, and instead used OUR money to take control of our lives basically...
Take globel warming or climate change whatever they call it...I wont even argue if its even true or not, these very same people RIGHT NOW again have used their sway over research in unversities, as well investing their "chritable" funds into the "green" movement of the last 40 years...and Today they have actually sold off all their oil stocks and are the majority owners in the Banks and clearing houses for "carcon" tax credits, and the vast majority of companies that recieve HUGE grants OF OUR MONEY to subsidise wind, solar, etc, etc. And the World bank, their bank is the one that wild "process" the 15 TRILLION they want or say they need to save the planet...That's all obviuosly a scam, AL GORE the first "green billinaire what a joke. My issue is since when do WE pay for the pullution caused by some corporate industry, who apparently were also the experts on what that pollution does to the world...WE DONT, WE NEVER HAVE...they made the trillions of dollars off the fucking oil they can pay to clean up the mess...fuck they did a good job on us...unbelieveable, and we fight in the streets over this bullshit, were morons!!
I forgot to add back there when they started the corporate propaganda and spin business they at the same time start to buy up media and entertainment to where they today own 93% of every TV show, radio channel, book we read, news paper, web-news on and on...EVERYTHING, we know it came through them...literally! You can make the arguement that the younger generations, outside of family stories of grandma and grandpa...They may get every single peice of knowledge they know from "them" ...
They also are the people behind the starting and funding "charitably of course, which means stolen tax money of OURS...100s of millions into the two main worldwide “institutes” that have solely existed for nearly 100 years to develop and research ways to manipulate people…To control us to brainwash us! How we think, they'd be the ones behind the subliminal messaging that made us buy shit back in the day, remember? Ya these guys!!...The Franklin Institute and the Tavistock Institute, look'em up.
Because they have control of our government officials through bribery and extortion they would also have access to the mind control methods of the CIA and DARPA as well. There is no direct proof ...YET, but darpa had been developing for over ten years a program that was pretty much word for word what facebook turned out to be...and it also was shut down THE DAY facebook opened???? True story look it up! The standard suggestion is that this give "them" unheard of access to our life details with NO over site...Its widely believed that the data analytics companies (THEM) have upwards of 3000 data points on every single one of us...I hear this run through a quantum computer they can pretty much read our minds right now, they can predict what we are going do say or even think next...with something like 82% accuracy, CRAZY!!!
Believe it or not most of this line of research really got started after WWII when secrete deal was made with the high ranking Nazi’s involved in this type of research and along with of course atomic bomb scientists as well, something like 100s of this war criminals were smuggled into America and given new lives in exchange for their knowledge and work on those "secrete" programs to KILL AND MANIPULATE people, good deal for them!! I believe that program was called project paperclip.
There you have it folks, what I believe is the how and why…What is happening today, based on a couple thousand hours of research, many nightmares and much deep thinking...and a bit of depression... I also believe that they are in a final push for a one world ruling class “them” and one world underclass, everyone besides them. Essentially like it was in the middle ages, just one underclass of peasants that serve the king!! Except today they have us completely under 100% surveillance , they have complete and literal one touch of button control over living or dying…They are well aware of the fact that more and more we are "waking up" If they can slow that down, my guess, with in 10 years its all over for us as free, with a chance at happiness and choice iover our lives... if we do nothing we get what we deserve I guess, if its not to late already!?!?!!? We only need to stand as one and its over, they know this!!!
Peace and Love my fellow humans!!!
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