The Red Pill Diaries: Public School, The Government Indoctrination Camp

in truth •  7 years ago 

Yep, that's me with Morpheus - and I did take the red pill...and I found out how deep the rabbit hole goes. My question to you is: which pill did you take? 

Firstly, if you are easily offended, read this post twice, or go watch MSNBC. I am not here to make friends or get likes (although I appreciate them both). I AM here to educate and spread awareness through truth. Now, if you're awakened and aware (as I suspect several of you are - since you're on Steemit), then here we go.... Humanity is suffering from a serious disease. We actually have been for many many thousands of years. The disease is incurable (curable from within) as every ailment known to mankind is. The disease is called EVIL. Spell it backwards and what do you get? LIVE. This isn't a play on words, but rather to show that evil is an inverse of live. What is evil? It is an energy field, a very low vibratory, dense......MATRIX.  

You will always hear others say the banks are evil, corporations are evil, politics, religion, etc. Those things are not evil in themselves because they are just things - tools or mediums for which persons that subscribe to the lower dense energies use to spread the parasitic disease humanity. Think of it this way: Have you ever seen on a science show a technician handling a substance in a sealed tank through the use of heavy gloves built into the tank wall (like what they use to handle radioactive material)? Our handlers are the government, corporate CEOs, bankers, lawyers, politicians, the IRS, etc. (a group of very dark people), the gloves are the medium, and we are the specimen in the chamber being manipulated. Why doesn't all of humanity see this in-your-face manipulation - this very intentional agenda? Because most of humanity has been put to sleep. How did the evil ones accomplish this (and is still very much doing this while increasing the dose of sleeping agent)? It's easy. They dumb us down via a whole array of tools, install belief systems from they day we are born, LIE, poison us through the food, water and air, plant ideas into our heads and give us the illusion of choice - so much that many of us fight for these limitations.  

This series of posts will focus on the tools the evil uses against us. I cannot however lay the shocking truth out without offering solutions, so each problem will have a solution. After all, you can't have one without the other.

In making the list of now over 100 issues, for each one I have spent a tremendous amount of time and research. I have looked at both sides. Most importantly, I drew conclusions from the most important qualifying questions: "Does it feel right"? "Does it promote well being or harm"? "Does it work in harmony with Natural Law or against"?

I am not going to be politically correct (one of the issues in a future post). I am not going to be careful to not offend someone. There will always be someone who gets offended. Too bad. Speaking of this, what offends me is the amount of willful ignorance in society. We're at a crossroads and We're out of time. 

Don't believe anything you read here because I wrote these words. Research these topics heavily and make up your own darn mind.

Today's topic:

Public schools are Government indoctrination camps. They are not in place to educate or make kids smarter. They exist to thought shape, program, and condition vulnerable developing minds of millions of young people every year. They start us off at the age of 5 - make us go away to an institution, sit in a desk, be quiet, with full attention on a teacher (who has no clue) they are programming minds with state and corporate dictated crap (much of which is patently false - especially in history and government). Get out of line or become restless and there are consequences. OBEY and memorize are the two main keys. Why would the public school system do this to your kids? Go back in history to the turn of the 20th century, and you will find that the US adopted our education system from the Prussian model. A soviet style of control and discipline used to create obedient, complicit, compliant, brainwashed, workers incapable of thinking for themselves. This system does not tolerate teaching a kid to think on his/her own, to free think or rationalize. They are taught to intake data and regurgitate it back to them in the form of testing and grades. Now kids are being force fed common core - which is SOLELY designed to implant agendas, confuse and distort rational thinking. 

What's so absolutely critical to understand is that from birth to the age of about 7, a child's mind is in the brainwave state of theta - a hypnotic absorption period where they are literally a sponge absorbing everything in sight. This phase is called the hypnogogic phase. Ever wonder why a child of 5 can learn 3 languages at the same time, but will struggle even learning one at thee age of 10? This is the most critical time as what is put into their little minds stays with them for life. I am in my 40's and am still deprogramming what I was forced to intake as knowledge and truth - most of which I realized were lies.

We are forced to do this routine for nearly 40 hours a week for our ENTIRE childhood. Think it's a coincidence? It's being proposed by some to lower the age for schooling to 2, and increasing the time spent per day to 12! The cabal is really desperate. What the hell are they learning that takes a 40 hour work week, not including homework?!! The answer is: very little essential material they will remember or use or need into adulthood. Did you know that nearly all textbooks are written by corporations now? With a government backed agenda, what a delivery device for propaganda, lies and distorted truths. Most adults cannot remember half of what was learned in primary school anyway (which might actually be a good thing :) ) It wasn't designed to give you knowledge, but to condition, confuse,  thought shape and program.

Every time I see young people sitting at their desks in a classroom, it gives me sadness. The pressure to perform, compete, to fit in, absorption of useless material and lies - is it any wonder why so many kids as young as 9 are being MIS-diagnosed with ADHD and drugged? Ever wonder how a perfectly healthy and normal young person can be driven to the point of suicide or murder? Maybe some day I will be more open about the experiences I had in high school (and let's just say, there are several people from my class that are very lucky to still be living). 

Now, there are  some communities that have awakened to the problems with compulsory education and the public school model. We are seeing the creation of more charter schools - with more options and electives that allow a student to focus on an area of interest. The grading system still exists, but is less rigid. It's not fully a step in the right direction, but more a great many steps away from the wrong direction. The other models for primary school education I have been studying for some time with amazement is the Waldorf school. Waldorf does not use conventional grades or tests, they encourage dance, spirit, arts and MOVEMENT. They teach kids to free think, rationalize and solve problems peacefully. Founded by Rudolf Steiner, a man beyond time whose spiritual writings and books are so enlightening to anyone with an open mind. Waldorf schools now span the globe and are in over 57 nations.


Our work to get out of this pickle 'seems' to get harder by the day as more people awaken. This is because the evil are very concerned their control system is being exposed and more people than ever are questioning and resisting the tyranny. The dark forces are throwing every card on the table as they fight to keep this control system working. This is why global events seem to be escalating at a faster pace than ever before. Darkness believes that it will do anything it takes to keep control and it will destroy the whole planet if need be. Research 'continuity of government' and see what our own leaders have been doing for a long time to keep in power at all costs. It's coming to a head. 

We The People of this planet can however blame the evil perpetrators of darkness for their lies, murder, wars, manipulation, propaganda, famine, stress, financial mayhem, etc all we want, however unless we actually stand up in numbers, disobey, resist, educate, and say NO, the blame will sit squarely on our shoulders where it belongs. The most violent act in society is ignorance. Share, educate, think, question everything, meditate.

Oh why, oh why didn't I take the blue pill?

The next topic: Geo Engineering and Chem Trails 

Until next time, 

-Jimmy out.  

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