28 And having come in, the angel said to her [Mary], “REJOICE, HIGHLY FAVOURED ONE, THE LORD IS WITH YOU; BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN!”
29 But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was.
31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.
35 And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God."
Luke 1:28-31,34,35 (NKJV)
• God has plans and purposes for each child of His.
- If you are a born-again Christian, He has a plan for your life.
- You are born into the kingdom for a purpose, and you have an assignment.
- You are a part of God's program on planet Earth.
- You are one of the instruments He wanted to use in fulfilling His purposes on earth.
- You were created to fulfil a purpose. You are destined for something! You are not a creature of chance or biological mistake!
- God has called you out of darkness, the world, into light for a purpose (Colossians 1:13).
• The birth of Jesus
- When the Messiah was to be born, God chose Mary as the vessel to be used for the assignment.
- Mary was not the only virgin in Israel at the time, but God found the quality He needed in Mary and considered her for the purpose.
GOD could have chosen another virgin lady for the purpose, If what He wanted was not found in Mary.
IF you keep yourself, you do not defile yourself, you would be considered to be used as Instrument of honour in the hand of God: "THEREFORE IF ANYONE CLEANSES HIMSELF [herself] FROM THE LATTER, HE [she] WILL BE A VESSEL FOR HONOUR, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21). - Mary did not pray for it nor expect it, she never thought the Messiah spoken by the prophets of old would come to the world through her—be born through her (Luke 1:48).
- God has a purpose for your life, build your relationship with Him, and that you may grow to maturity and be eligible for His purposes.
- If God has purpose to use you for a particular assignment, you have to cooperate with Him by walking in obedience to His Word.
- Growth to maturity is of utmost importance in order to be eligible for His programs and purposes.
GROWTH in the knowledge of the Word of God, prayer, fellowship with the God, holiness, and other kingdom principles.
• How to grow in your fellowship with God:
- Give attention to reading and studying of the Word of God.
- Pray consistently and without ceasing, both in understanding and in the language of the Spirit—tongues.
ADD FASTINGS to your prayers, it gives speed to prayers. - Practice Giving: pay your tithe regularly, worship offering should be given consistently, giving to the projects commanded by God, giving to the mission work, giving to the needy, and venison to the Ministers of God.
- Live a holy life and be far away from Sin.
IF you lived right, Walk in close fellowship with God, He would consider you for a good work He wishes to accomplish (2 Timothy 2:19-21). - Mary became a blessed woman because she kept herself and walked with God.
- If you are attending church meetings and still live in secret Sin, you are undoing yourself—you are telling God not to bring His good plans about your Life to fulfilment (Jeremiah 29:11).
- God has plans for you, and those plans could only be accomplished through your cooperation.
- Live right and Walk in close fellowship with God that you may fulfil the purpose of God for your Life.
ALL that happened to Mary was to fulfil PROPHECY (Matthew 1:22). - Do not live carelessly, you are a candidate for Blessing and fulfilment of prophecy.
- Be serious and consistent in your Walk with God, your Life in God is much more important than any material or worldly things that you may be craving or pursuing.
LET GOD be number one in your Life and be ready to do whatever He tells you to do.
• Mary kept herself from defilement, walked with God in holiness, and eventually became an instrument of HONOUR.
SHE became an instrument in the hand of God to fulfil the birth of the Messiah—JESUS CHRIST.
- Beloved, keep yourself for God.
- God has a purpose for your Life, do not defile yourself with Sin.
- Do not allow the devil to deceive you that there is a pleasure and joy in Sin.
THERE is nothing good and enjoyable in Sin, It only destroys and soils one's garment.
• You will not fail in Jesus' name.