The scenes of violence beamed live around the world from Calalonia were horrific to watch for those of us who believe in the right of the people to choose their own destiny. Police brutalising their own citizens is not something you expect to see in a civilised country however this may be a more common occurrence in the months and years to come.
There are a number of similar movements across Europe which have the potential to put the nail in the coffin of the EU's insipid centralised control mechanism. But does the 'separatist movement' have the potential to break up some of Europe's biggest countries too?
There are many groups across Europe's many countries that seek independence from the government that currently rules over them.
The map seen below was taken from an article called Here's How The Map Of Europe Would Be Redrawn If All The Separatist Movements Get Their Way found at
There appears to be many more than I expected to find although some are much bigger than others and some have gone to extremes to get their voice heard throughout the years.
Below we take a look at three of the more well known groups and see where they are, what they want and what they have tried so far to gain their independence.
The Catalan separatist movement is by no means the only one in Spain. For many years now the Basque territory has sought independence from Spanish control.
The region was famously involved in a political and armed conflict with Spain from 1959 - 2011.
The conflict was made infamous by the activities of ETA who used terrorist tactics over many years in an attempt to gain their independence from Spanish rule.
Here is a concise summary of a special report from The United States Institute of Peace regarding the Basque separatists struggle. Please take time to read the report as it gives in depth analysis into the history and tactics used thus far.
The violent separatist group Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) emerged in 1959 in response to General Francisco Franco’s repression of Basque identity during and after the Spanish Civil War and pursued the independence of a Basque homeland, Euskal Herria, that extends across seven administrative units in Spain and France.
ETA’s continued violence after Spain’s transition to democracy reflected support within a wider community of radical nationalists that believed the transition had been incomplete.
Disagreement on the problem that ETA represented—criminal terrorism or the violent mani-festation of an unresolved political conflict—had a direct impact on Spain’s difficulties in establishing a clear strategy against ETA.
ETA’s violence was met by increasingly effective counterterrorism efforts by Spanish and French security forces, robust application of Spanish post-9/11 criminal law, and a slow but powerful mobilization of civil society against it.
Three attempts were made to arrive at a political solution. The third, and most audacious, was launched by Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in 2005. Each attempt involved an ETA cease-fire that subsequently broke down.
I have no desire to dwell on the attacks perpetrated by ETA during their campaign of terror, however for those of you who are interested click here for the full list and timelines.
When ETA’s violence finally ended in 2011, it could be attributed to multiple factors—coun-terterrorism and the activism of civil society, changes set in motion within ETA’s political base after the collapse of Zapatero’s peace process in 2007, and limited but essential assistance by international actors.
Although no direct negotiation took place and no peace agreement was signed, the unusual trajectory of the Basque peace process offers important lessons for others who seek to persuade violent actors to return to the channels of democratic politics.
While I support the Basque people's right to govern themselves I cannot condone violence and the indescriminate murder of innocent people to achieve the aim. The tragic events of both 9/11 and the Madrid train bombings in 2004 which ETA were originally thought to be responsible for urged the Spanish government to introduce new legislation to combat the threat of terrorism, and similar to the IRA in Northern Ireland, ETA were compelled to cease their violent activities and seek peace.
The problem I see here though is if the Basque people seek to gain independence through the democratic process in a way similar to the Catalans, who's to say that the Spanish government won't react in the same way as seen at the weekend?
If that were to happen the situation could go back to square one with violence being perpetrated by both sides, let's hope that won't be the case and a peaceful transition can be achieved.
For many years France has tried deny the Corsicans of their local language and over those years has fought strongly against independence movements. The National Liberation Front of Corsica FLNC has tried to pressure the French government by force, attacking both representatives of the government and symbols of the French state.
The separatist group announced an end to official hostilities in 2014 however the potential for conflict remains. The French Prime Minister at the time Lionel Jospin made some cautious proposals in the 2000's to allow a certain amount of autonomy for the region however these were strictly opposed by the opposition party at the time.
The fear was that the region would break away entirely. Sadly the central government in Paris has a dim view of regional languages seeing them as a danger to national unity.
Ominously the FLNC have shown to still be an armed and formidable force. In reaction to Islamic terrorism in Corsica they made a statement regarding reprisals that would ensue should ISIS or any other terrorist entity perpetrate acts upon 'their' homeland.
Reported here in this BBC article last year.
It states....
A Corsican nationalist group has said it will retaliate for any attack by Islamists on the French island.
For decades the armed Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) carried out bombings and robberies targeting the French state. In 2014 the FLNC declared a ceasefire, but did not disarm.
The FLNC warned of a "determined response, without any qualms" for any jihadist attack in Corsica, in a message to the Corse Matin newspaper.
Jihadists stormed a church on Tuesday.
The two attackers killed an elderly priest, Father Jacques Hamel, and took hostages in the Normandy church, before police shot the pair dead outside.
So-called Islamic State (IS) released a video of what it said were the two men pledging allegiance to the group.
It is the latest jihadist atrocity to hit France, still traumatised by the Paris attacks last year in which 147 people died.
In December protesters in Ajaccio, Corsica, vandalised a Muslim prayer hall and trashed copies of the Koran.
The FLNC message - issued by a faction called 22 October - called on Muslim leaders in Corsica to "take a stand against radical Islam" and "alert us to any excesses you notice among disillusioned youths inclined towards extremism".
Addressing jihadists, the FLNC said "your medieval philosophy doesn't scare us". It added: "You should know that any attack against our people would trigger a determined response, without any qualms... The Salafists clearly want to establish the Daesh (IS) policy among us, and we're prepared for that."
Nine French policemen were killed in 34 years of pro-independence violence led by the FLNC.
So here again we have an armed group of individuals willing to use violent methods to defend their homeland from external threats who would I have no doubt turn their weapons on government forces should a peaceful transition to self governance not be forthcoming.
Should the French government choose to go down the same path that the Spanish government chose at the weekend I fear this is a place where the situation could turn very ugly very quickly. Let's hope that is not the case.
Rather than pick a particular region I have decided to cover the entire country of Italy such is the division within its borders. The reason for this is due to the fact it has only been a united country since 1861, prior to this it was a loose affiliation of nation states and as such there is still a healthy amount of regional differences.
Written in 2014, this article from called 'Why Italy might not exist in five years' explains the reasons why that may be the case.
With Europe's eyes on independence referendums in Scotland and Catalonia, Italy's own potential breakaway states have failed to gain much attention. But separatists in Venice - and other parts of Italy - have the wind in their sails, as Angela Giuffrida reports.
For many foreigners, Italy seems to have a strong, unified identity. But its language, food culture, religion and history often blind the outsider to the fact that many Italians themselves fail to identify with the Italian state - and many are so disillusioned that they would like to break away from it altogether.
The polls tell their own story: an unofficial online referendum in Veneto - the region around Venice - saw 89 percent vote for separation from Italy. Two opinion polls in March put support for independence at 51 and 54 percent. Compare this to Scotland, where not a single poll has shown a majority for separation from the UK, and the seriousness of the challenge for Italy becomes clear. And the Venetians are not alone - Lombardy, Sicily and Sardinia all have significant independence movements.
Despite this, many ordinary people in other parts of Italy are dismissive about the various regions' pushes for independence.
“It’s all talk, talk, talk,” Massimo, who lives in Rome and works for a telecoms firm, tells The Local.
“We’ve seen it all before, especially in times of crisis, and especially with the Venetians: they seem to forget how much the rest of Italy actually helps them."
Giovanni, an engineer from the northern Italian city of Padua, agrees: “It’s totally crazy, but it’s always been the same in Italy.”
But despite facing this kind of scepticism, those pushing for independence believe they have a solid case.
In Sardinia, which has one of the highest unemployment rates in Italy, people are so disillusioned that some are only half-jokingly demanding to be made part of Switzerland, while last week Sicilian campaigners, waving banners in solidarity with their separatist counterparts, marched for independence in Palermo.
The separatists have so far been peaceful, although events in Venice almost took a violent turn last Wednesday when 24 activists allegedly plotted to ‘liberate’ St Mark’s Square with a homemade tank.
Italy only became a united country in 1861, and regional identities have remained strong ever since. Now, the lacklustre economy and huge public debt have combined with unease at the appointment of a second unelected government to further undermine the Italian state's credibility. This has given moves for regional independence fresh impetus, Giovanni Roversi, who heads up Pro Lombardy Independence, tells The Local.
“Matteo Renzi [Italy’s new prime minister], is like all the others,” he says.
“He didn’t get voted in…and I don’t think he’ll do much. The change of government has made us even more determined to take this forward.”
A similar vote to the one in Veneto is planned in Lombardy, although a date is yet to be set. People have had enough of public money being wasted, Roversi says.
“The main problem is that Lombardy pays much more tax compared to other regions and it doesn’t get the services to match.”
Image Source
Ironically, he says some of the fiercest opponents of independence are the region’s politicians. Last week, 64 regional councillors were accused of squandering €2.14 million worth of public funds on everything from premium wine and caviar to jars of Nutella and placing bets.
The corruption that is seemingly endemic in Italian politics has been well documented over many years and this is in part the reason for the lack of trust in a centralised state. It doesn't help when a Prime Minister is appointed as opposed to being elected by the people.
The article continues....
“Some politicians are worried about who will pay for their ice-creams,” he jokes.
He’s only in his late 20s, but Roversi harks back to an era before 1861, the year Italy was unified, as a model for his region’s democracy. Despite this he insists the plan is very much “focussed on the future”.
“Italy has always been a divided country,” he says.
“But what we want is for people to vote like they did before, for their towns, economy and politics…we want them to be able to vote for themselves and not things they can’t change.”
He also looks to neigbouring Switzerland for inspiration as it’s a country he says Lombardians “feel close to”. But unlike the Swiss, who recently voted to limited mass immigration, Lombardy’s plan will include “fully integrating” the region’s large number of foreigners, Roversi says.
“It’s not that we want to put borders up for people, we just need to be organized differently.”
Paolo Luca Bernardini, a professor of early modern European history at the University of Insubria in Como who helped organize the Veneto poll, tells The Local that “almost everywhere in Italy, there’s a strong desire to push the clock of history to before 1861”.
He firmly believes that in just four or five years' time, “Italy will be very similar to how it was before unification.”
Italy’s demise will mainly be triggered by the collapse of its bloated pension system, he added.
“In Italy, almost half the population is on a pension…And in four to five years' time, when pensions are not being paid and when four million civil servants get a massive reduction in salary, this will be the end.”
Like Roversi, he says Italians have long been deprived of democracy.
“What we’re fighting for is to bring back the full meaning of democracy in Italy; we don’t elect our prime ministers anymore.”
“Nobody trusts this government,” he adds, and with a bleak economic outlook weighing down on them, “people are desperate.”
“Even today, I read about a young man who killed himself out of desperation…there have been about 160 suicides in little over a year.”
Bernardini visualizes a ‘Republic of Veneto’ that would be better able to manage public spending and the widespread problem of corruption as well as make politicians more accountable.
Others beg to differ. Pietro Piccinetti is a businessman from Veneto and the founder of Comitato per il NO, a group fighting against breaking up Italy.
As the chief executive of Pordedonne Fiera, a conference and exhibition company in Veneto, he has had to lay off hundreds of staff due to the crisis, so he can relate to the frustrations with the state being felt by those calling for independence.
But he says fragmentation “is not the right path for Italy” and could set the economy back even further.
“It’s emotional, everyone is unhappy and there are a lot of anxieties…the crisis has very much destroyed the socio-economic fabric,” he tells The Local.
“But we can’t revert back 200 years. The right path is to have a federal state, with regions helping each other…solidarity is part of our culture.”
He adds that a fragmented Italy could also tarnish the country’s image abroad.
“We are global and if we want to be credible at an international level, we need to stand together.”
“People abroad love the Italian lifestyle, they love Italian products…we are ‘made in Italy’ not ‘made in Veneto’. Any division is anti-historical, it’s unusual and it’s uneconomical."
Despite wanting to split from Rome, most of the separatists visualize their regions as still being part of the EU.
Part of the vision for Veneto is for its fiscal policies "to be negotiated with Brussels", Bernardini says.
But with the European Commission warning that breakaway states would have to apply afresh for EU membership, such things may not be certain. Whatever the outcome, disillusion with the state of Italy means the independence movements will be around for a long time to come.
I take a number of things away from this article.
- Italy is a deeply divided country.
- Italians are deeply distrustful of government.
- The Italian economy has been terribly mis-managed.
- Italian politicians care more about themselves than the people they're supposed to represent. Not exclusive to Italy.
- If the right set of circumstances occurred Italy has the potential to break into its original parts peacefully.
- The unelected EU bureaucrats will make things as difficult as they can for any region that wants its freedom.
The fourth one is my hope, the separatist groups in Italy have in the most part been non violent and domestic separatist terrorism doesn't seem be on the cards. Not only that many of the regions have separatist movements and if one got traction the others may follow leading to a movement too big for any government to quell.
All across Europe there are separatist movements some that have resorted to extreme violence however most would like peaceful transition to self governance. The economies of the Southern European countries are teetering on the brink of disaster due to many factors one of which is over bloated bureaucracies that govern them.
As these countries become less economically viable and some regions are asked to contribute more to the central government local factions will gain ever increasing support from their citizens, this will fuel existing and new separatist movements. Whether any will be succesful remains to be seen however it it my hope that if they are both sides remain peaceful in its excecution. For if they don't the scenes broadcast from Catalonia at the weekend will sadly become all to commonplace.
Catalonia is different to all of the examples that you listed because they have wealth and political strength.
Catalonia is the richest region in Spain, and their government is much more popular that the Madrid government is nationwide. They have both the resources and the political capital to navigate the choppy waters of independence, and I wish them all the best.
Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Veneto and Scotland (after oil prices crashed) are all significantly poorer than other regions in the state they are trying to leave. Ultimately, the citizens will vote with their wallets rather than take the plunge.
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Yes they provide 20% of Spanish GDP.
Your premise is more than likely correct until times of severe economic hardship in which case all bets are off. It'll be interesting to see how the fledgling movements do when the SHTF.
Cheers buddy.
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I suspect that disadvantaged regions of nations have even more reason than those better off to vote with their wallets against remaining in nations. Particularly if there is significant plunder, such plundering tends to victimize the poorest, and least able to resist being plundered, most. It is the poor, more than anyone, that suffers most the slings and arrows of centralization.
The wealthiest tend to get that way through plunder. It is for this reason that I expect Catalonia's bid for independence to be quelled via economics, rather than through violence.
Except the government of Spain appears not to understand this, and are therefore driving Catalonia out of their nation with outrageous violence.
TBQH, there are many tradeoffs the poor make, as rising tides lift all boats, and despite regressive taxation and various penalties the poor pay in remaining parties to central governments, there are also many benefits that would be missed were they to be excluded from nationality.
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I like this line ;)
Awesome post! Well done, mate.
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Thanks mate.
I love the way the Italians just assume all politicians are corrupt until they prove otherwise.
Which of course they never do. 😉
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Awesome article dudest, really good read.
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Cheers you Sexy Chocolatier you. 😉
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Hey @tremendospercy another great post and a fantastic source of information! The cracks are appearing and you have highlighted areas with genuine potential to make these first moves. Indeed you can almost sense a mood of change beginning to build within Europe. Whilst many in the UK march to stay in, increasing numbers of European youth are living and seeing the reality of a system that's only way of keeping power is to become increasingly authoritarian. Equally I find it crazy that countries such as Scotland seek an independence that gives them an even greater layer of bureaucracy. With each passing day the mask of democracy appears to be slipping and I feel the day is approaching when the reality of this failed financial technocracy is laid bare for all to witness. My guess is that the mask of prosperity will eventually slip so quickly that these decisions will be made for them. When that could happen? I don't know, but one thing I do know is that we live in a time of great change and as such change could happen in an instant. Thanks for sharing my friend!!
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Thanks for the great comment my friend.
I agree entirely with your premise that the failure of the economic systems will be a catalyst for these movements to gain momentum and eventually gain their independence.
Scotland has always perplexed me, if I was Scottish I would want my country to be independent of the U.K. however I wouldn't want to then hand that independence to the E.U.!
What's the point of freedom from one governing entity if you're just going to let a bigger and much worse one rule over you? Mind boggling logic.
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The "old continent" as I like to refer to Europe has always been a cluster of peoples, so the events taking place today are nothing new.
Once upon a time it wasn't just wealth that was the driving force, but also "expansionism" as far as territories go.
The one thing that united many peoples was language along with the cultural similarities that the lingual aspects naturally brought about.
Unfortunately "politics" as we have referred to it over the past century and a bit has defined some "borders" that are not necessarily in line with the reality of the peoples in Europe, and there are some crazy totally non logical borders out there.
Europe is changing, as far as the population goes and some of the above mentioned groups may take "advantage" of this, however in the long run, as history has proven Europeans need to be united if they expect any form of safe and prosperous future.
Not all peoples of this world respect human rights and many a people of this world are still obsessed with "power over others", so the dangers of what was yesteryear are still thriving on ignorance and inhumanity.
This century shall definitely see some changes happening in Europe and all of the points that you have brought up are in fact weak links as far as the peoples of the old continent go.
Europe and "The EU" need to adapt to the needs of their future otherwise they are doomed for a bloody rerun of what has been seen and lived through in the past.
This is of course if we look at the grand picture of things and not on national levels.
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Agreed, throughout history tribal borders and ethnic regions have been deliberately divided in order to keep areas in a perpetual state of conflict. Just look at how Churchill divided up the Middle East! The problems we have today in the region are a direct result of the country borders intersecting tribal ones. It's a tried and tested method of control. Just look at the Kurds, a great example of this in action.
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Saw it FIRST HAND mate.
One of the best examples in the history of that region!
Technology has changed, but human nature never has changed!
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You've received an upvote from #TheUnmentionables - a SteemIt community full of members who like to kick ass, take names, and occasionally do it wearing (or forgetting to wear) our unmentionables...
Please upvote this comment so we can help our members grow faster!
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Great post TP - our Senior Editor was considering a post on the Catalonian referendum, however he assures us that your post was better than what he had in mind.
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Thanks buddy.
I think he should do it regardless, all opinions are valid and welcomed at Steemit.
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the European Community in my opinion is a pre-fascist state under the disguise of Democracy which controls all the participant nations through their financial regulations. It started and should still be nothing more than a financial AGREEMENT between all the participants, but we arrived at the point that your voted Prime Minister (not like here in Italy where we have lost even that most elementary right in a real democracy) has no power when a conflict arrise with the NOT ELECTED gang of technocrats sitting in Bruxelles.
My battle would not really be to have my region separated from Italy, but to have Italy exit as a whole from the EU, and even more urgently from the EURO.
What future can any country have when it has NO SAYING on how much more debt it wants to add every month?
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Great comment and I agree in the most part. The less government the better and getting rid of the dreadful EU would be the best start. Second would be to get rid of the national governments, they're all criminals that serve only themselves and the big businesses that put them in office. Local governments are easier to keep in check and are more likely to do what's best for the area they serve.
Debt is the control mechanism used to control the EU members, it's a disgrace and I don't understand why so many think the EU is a good thing. It's a blood sucking parasite designed to take away national identities. I for one can't wait to see it thrown on the trash heap of history.
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You are not alone brother, hopefully one day this scam will end,... it all depends on all of us. I agree with you that local governments is the best solution, you`ll have a better chance to know the people working for you and their tasks, and so re-enforce their accountability when needed. That is what is totally absent in todays politics, accountability and responsibility!
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For sure, the higher up the political ladder these politicians climb the more corrupt they become. We need to remove the ladder!
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Hey @tremendospercy best descriotion i think done by you with maps, image and illustrations, best wishes for your effort, keep it up and support the Catalonians at the moment.
God will help them.
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Im sick of the not so "loving " pyramid " of LoonyToons looming over my life !! Time to pull it down beginning of course at the top ) Nice one @tremendospercy )
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Thanks buddy.
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From my personal opinion, seing and living the events from the last Sunday. Catalonia's people sentiment is of already being independent from Spain. It is just a matter of time, maybe years, but I am sure this area will end up being an independent country.
Catalan general thinking is far away from that of most of spaniards. You just can not keep a geographical area if its people feel they are not loved.
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I completely agree.
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The extreme violence is scaring me to be honest! This, what is happening now in the world scares me. Maybe that is why I hide.... I dunno.
Great post as always.
Much love <3 <3
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Thanks babe.
The way the world is descending into madness makes me feel the same way.
"Stop the world, I want to get off"
Thanks babe 🐍❤️
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Wow...tks @tremendospercy
Nice one...very interesting narrative Separatist movement is really gaining momentum in Europe...
However I'm other parts of the world it's similar some violent some Cameroon the news coming yesterday is about shootings bullet on separatist... In Nigeria...the president unleashed the military to shoot at separatist...unprovoked ... This is different from how Europe handles their own civil unrest... In USA and Canada their is also calls for separatist...people prefer freedom but being larger and bigger united still has it's advantages
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Thanks for reading and leaving a great comment dude.
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Welcom dear and keep it also find time to check my blog posts
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Just a glance at global politics in today's world tells us one thing.. Nationalism is on the rise as globalisation is falling. A look at India, France, Germany, Spain, and ofcourse the US tells us this very clearly.
Each of these countries have elected leaders or have had political oppositions such as Marine Le Penn in France, and the opposition party in Germany, who are all for closing borders, anti-immigration, intolerance, and for cutting down ties and economic dependency with other countries.
The influx of refugees, asylum seekers, and the rise of terrorism in Europe is the main contributor to this, plus ofcourse the US, dragging NATO to war every year.
European leaders have also realised that being dragged into war in Syria by the US, has had a direct and detrimental effect on their own security, with a never seen before rise in terrorist activities in the last couple of years, especially in Belgium, France, and Germany.
Spain, has always had the Catalonia issue. Being a democratic country, it had the right to call off the election or deem it ineligible. However, when people rise together, there's only so much that a goverment can do. It, hence did not have the right to call on their Police and military to assault the voters.
Maybe it is time for people to decide the sort of goverment they actually want, instead of relying on age old political veterans stuck in the veils of democracy?...
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Good comment buddy, you make a lot of valid points.
My question would be why would anyone want any kind of government.
They always end up corrupted by big interests. I guess the best you can hope for is that small local governments are the desire. Sadly though the sheeple won't rise against their governments until they have nothing else but revolution.
NK is an extreme example see my last post where the citizens are so well trained and cowered that they'll put up with any amount of brutal treatment from their leaders.
In the west too many are dependant on the state which is pathetic and the reason Scotland didn't vote to leave the UK. People love their free stuff rather than getting of their arses and working to keep themselves.
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Thanks mate. Following you.
I disagree with having small local governments as the authority responsible for a state/region/country.
The reasons include inequality, lack of trust, a rise in hatred for other governments, division of resources, regional culture, and global influence.
The world as we know it is armed to the brim with deadly and advanced military weapons that can obliterate an area into nothingness in mere seconds. Who's to say if Germany ends up being divided into 10 different states, will there be unity and peace amongst them? Will one state be okay that the next state holds the keys to armed nuclear warheads? Will the other state be okay that it is just their state that has to handle all of the refugees coming in from the south east? I don't think so.
Individual local governments, unsupervised by a larger federal government, will only result in resentment, and eventually - anarchy.
Take the example of the United States, before they signed the Bill of Rights, before the region was governed by different power players before its independence. What happened? They all fought amongst themselves. The social and cultural repercussions are such that we see them today as well. There is a reason they all united, there is a reason it is called the 'united' states of America. If they had gone on with individual states run by individually responsible local governments, that would be like the middle east as we know it today.
Take the example of Kashmir. Pakistan and India are still fighting over this disputed territory, and neither wants to take a step back, because they don't want to lose its strategic geopolitical position, resources, and regional influence.
The reality is that man, longs for war, for influence, for domination, and for rule. History teaches us this. Women can be better leaders than men in my opinion. Look at Merkel. She has made Germany into a state the whole of Europe looks up to. Men will always fight. They will always want to have the upper hand.
As for Scotland, you're right, i think they can do better without England dictating their rules onto them.
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I sincerely hope that violence isn't required to make the necessary changes for Italy and its people. I enjoy reading your articles because you have such a logical order in your presentation. I am not one to read politics but you have managed to suck me nto this mad political game, so I'm going to stay with it lol Much love <3
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That's very kind of you to say babe.
I really hope it doesn't get violent either because.....
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Well said, dear.
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Just as good as it gets. This is another detailed article. Keep up the good work.
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Thanks for reading it buddy.
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Great report P! I don't know why a major newspaper hasn't picked you up yet... Oh, wait, I know, duh- cuz you ain't gonna let them bias your articles ;)
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Thanks babe.
I'd get fired before I ever wrote a word. 😂
There are still some newspapers with integrity however few and far between and disappearing fast.
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Great article. I don't have an issue with parts of the country wanting independence ~~ if they have the political, economic and military capability to support themselves. Otherwise they're just like a sulky teenager fed up with their parents and want to run away from home, and eventually end up on the streets.
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Haha, maybe they'd be better off without politicians and a military.
I met many homeless teenagers when I lived in London, and even though it was a scary, lonely and miserable existence for them, many felt they were better off than they had been in an abusive home. Maybe that's how some of these regions feel about the central governments.
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You've done significant research and written a great post.
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These "Terrorist Organizations" are more often than not inventions of Secret Services and of the State.
There is nothing to gain for such groups seeking independence to kill innocent civilians, it only discredits them to public opinion and defeats their cause....and that's what it is all about.
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Agreed in part. It definately does there cause no good to take innocent lives.
Some of the organisations in Europe originated from much older organisations. I believe the Islamic groups have been nurtured by our own governments to push their own agendas. It's hard to know anymore the waters have been muddied so much.
Thanks for reading and commenting buddy.
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