My Last Anti-tuberculosis Dose For My Six Month Therapy Ends Today

in tuberculosis •  4 years ago 


A few hours from now I will be taking my last dose of my anti-tuberculosis tablets of Rifampicin-Isoniazid for that six month therapy which I started to take on the month of May.

Indeed time really passed-by just like that but Ima glad that it is over now. For one thing I am happy that I took this medicine and it somewhat made me feel well as the gurgling sound in my lungs got diminished considerably making me believe that maybe I do have the Tuberculosis afterall.

I probably had gotten it from about sixteen years ago when I was a new patient from the old dialysis center of my church where the doctor made me sleep in a room that was used by tuberculosis patient after my dialysis that evening where it was too late to go home already.

At that time I was still able to walk so my father wasn't driving me yet back and forth. It was maybe after two years after that incident that I wasn't able to walk long distances before my dialysis that I told my parents that I needed my father to drive me to and from the dialysis center because it is already hard for me to walk since my dialysis center at that time was inside the church convention center compound and it was too far from the road where I have to commute.

My body went like a candle that gets consumed slowly year after year until I quit doing mu small business at that time of buying and selling my merchandise from the city center because I could not possibly walk anymore.

Thankfully my online life had begun after that which made me make my first income through crowdsourcing jobs and ultimately blogging in the blockchain.

My health is already degraded when I started blogging and it was the water in my lungs that made my life hard. Whenever I was near my dialysis day I get the hard time in my breathing because I always felt like I was drowning.

Then the CoViD pandemic came which prompted my dialysis center to make me take a chest X-ray exam. The pulmonologist had seen some indications that I had the tuberculosis. So right at that point I took the medicine and I knew already that it is a six months therapy.

Thankfully the Rifampicin-Isoniazid medication didn't give me unpleasant side-effects so it was easy to take it. I am surprised that so many people too are taking that drug because even major drug stores runs out of supply until my mother went to the government health center near us and was able to get some free medicines I mentioned.

Now I finished the whole course of this medical therapy and I am thankful about it because it seemed that things fell into place for my benefit because I got healed from Tuberculosis.


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Glory be to God who healed you through rifampicin isoniazid. Personally, as a medical practitional, i do recommend the drug for my patient for TB therapy and prescribe refampicin for my patients if it is sensitive after culture test