People of Earth - Is Anybody Watching This???

in tv •  8 years ago 

The second season just kicked off last week on TBS.

Image source: The Internet, probably TBS

I started watching toward the end of the first season last year so I DVR-ed the entire season and binge watched the whole thing (Damn You Netflix, you're ruined TV for me by giving me exactly what I want!!). Although it is heavily styled after the US version of The Office (executive producer Greg Daniels was also the producer of The Office), I thought a couple of the early episodes had a real "Office Space" vibe. I especially liked the banter between the three aliens on the spaceship and how Jeff and Kurt would gang up on Don (sooo much reminds me of work). I think they killed off Kurt way too soon.

The rest of Season 1 was good. I thought the pace was decent and the story kept my attention.

Oh yeah. H.Jon Benjamin as Officer Glimmer. No matter how hard I try, I still picture him as Sterling Archer!!!

Well, Season 2 is underway and I'm wondering if I should tune in weekly to watch or save them all up and have one massive binge?!!?

So, anyone else watching???

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Ok. Well you're in the TV section so what does float your boat out there in TV land? Judging from your pic, you've got a little George R.R Martin thing going, so you must be into GoT. So what is it???

not even close.
I haven't watched TV since 1971,,
I remember Gorge RRMartin as a fairly inept SF writer.
No idea what GOT is .

Dude! You're killing me!! Really? Nothing since 1971??? Granted you missed a lot of crap, but there are a few diamonds out there. I just assumed since I posted this to the TV section, you partook at least a little.

You got that right about George RR, he's extremely long winded and slower than a PennDOT worker on a hot summer's day. GoT is Game of Thrones, the one thing he almost got right. He started it in 1996 and still hasn't finished it. HBO took over the reigns and they've been doing a mighty fine job.

Nice chatting you up. I'll follow your page and see what you're into.

from what I the seventies Television (and the movies) changed.
they went from pro america and family values to anti-america...and no values..
In 1971 I returned from a tour in the military to south east asia.

I was most displeased by the reception that I received. According to the media I was a bad person. I have never (and will not ever) forgiven them for that.

They will never get any 'eyeballs' from me.

Well, I thank you for your service! Pleasure to chat with you.

you're's mutual.

Nah! I got no idea about that.
What's all about?

Your typical 30 minute sit-com-ish show. It's from the guy who did The Office so it's not the kind of show with a laugh-track. It's about a bunch of mis-fits in an Alien Abduction therapy group, except they all have been abducted. The story cuts away to the aliens on their ship. They bicker like a bunch of typical office workers. Hilarious comedy ensues. Not bad for summer filler.

Oh thanks for reminding me. I forgot season two came out. I really like Wyatt Cenac and thought he was great in it. I binged season one and will probably do the same for season two.

This is a good show. Love it.

I've been watching it too.

I think it's pretty good.

Great show!