The Punisher - Netflix .. Personal review (spoilers inbound)

in tv •  7 years ago 

Hi Steemians,

It's no secret - I'm a Netflix bing watcher. There's rarely a day where I go without it!

When The Punisher came out, plain and simple, I wasn't interested. I thought "Here we go, another Marvel superhero drained for revenue".

I was never hugely into superhero movies, and over the past few years they've just been overkill for me personally.

I had watched Dare Devil (which I gave up on after season 1), but The Punisher didn't make a lasting impression on me so I stuck with my strong stance against the Marvel overkill.

That was until I heard EVERYONE talking about it. From work colleagues to friends and family - I couldn't avoid it.

So my boyfriend and I sat down one night and went in with an open mind and I tell ya, we were blown away and intrigued from the get go!

As I said, superheroes have been overdone in my books, but this did not feel like a super hero story at all.
A proud American marine whos fire and grit come from the devastating loss of his family as well as the terrors he endures during his time serving.
Trying to make right in the world, Frank (The Punisher) makes unlikely friends and unlikely enemies and continues his war against the bad guys taking out one at a time.

The character building in this series is some of the best I've ever seen and I felt attached to all the characters and the pain they endured throughout the season. The plot twists that came with the character building were out of this world and I was left speechless after most episodes, thus creating the need to bing the entire season in 3 days.

I also enjoyed that it touches on very real problems in the world such as PTSD. It showed a side of humans that we aren't exposed to and it really opened my eyes to what every day people are living with every day. This is something that you don't often see in super hero movies, it's always: get the bad guys and everything else in the world is perfect. I think it's so important that there is more awareness raised around veterans around the world and I'm so glad that this plays a major role in the series.

Another major win for me is the gore! Perhaps by my user name you can tell - but I love zombies and anything gore. And this show has got a shit load of it. Some of it too gruesome for me to even watch! And that's really saying something! The special effects, SFX and all the works that go into the creating the fight scenes are incredible. After every single one, I was left think "that was sick", "how did they do that?!". Good fight scenes are cruitial in a super hero story and The Punisher was outstanding in this category!

Overall, if you like blood and guts, a great story line, fantastic characters - and I forgot to mention - lots of dreamy actors (male and female!) then you better start watching RIGHT NOW! You won't regret it !

This is just a super basic commentary of my thoughts on The Punisher, but I definitely give this show 10/10 zombies! Let me know what you thought of the show below !!

Thanks for reading!
Stay excellent!

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This is very good @zombabejoy, may I call you Natt? I think you did a good job of explaining your thoughts on the series and while I've never watched it, you made me curious enough to want to check it out. Good work and keep it up...

And have a wonderful day too! :)

Thanks for checking this out @davemccoy! Yup Natt is perfect :)
I was a bit nervous writing something this long but glad to know you thought it was good :) I really appreciate the feedback!

I hope you have a wonderful day too!!

Good, I can call you Natt now :)

I did think it was good and I meant it, I will check it out too. You are doing good and I think you will really be a hit as time goes on. So if you ever need a boost, let me know because I have lots of faith in you and will pat you on the back for sure ;)

Have a nice evening (now) Natt :)

Oh I'm glad, you'll have to let me know what you think once you watch it!

Thank you, I really hope so. And with your support and tips I really think I can!

Hahaha and you too Dave! :)

I will do... It might be awhile though since steemit is consuming all my free time right now... lol ;)

I really enjoyed the Punisher movie, good story, great music! I still listen to songs from that movie to this day. Oh man, netflix will be the death of me, so if you don't hear from me again, I have started watching this lol

Oh really?! I only found out there was a film after I watched the series!! I looked it up and it had really bad reviews but I'll have to give it a crack!! Let me know if you end up watching it and what you think :)