12 Questions // 12 Pertanyaan

in twelvequestions •  6 years ago  (edited)

I woke up to a fun challenge of #twelvequestions, the beautiful @ilhuna tagged me. As I am an advocate of not to spam the #introduceyourself unless you are new and need/would like to do an introduction, as tons of abusers using the tag 🙄 I don't know whether I should participate in this challenge 🤣

I do see it as an okay thing to do should you re-introduce yourself, especially when your followers keep growing, or you need to introduce a new brand, an app, etc. But maybe with a new tag as well, such as #re-introduceyourself #re-introducemyself? YES! I think I will be using those tags instead. I know, I'm weird 😜

What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Am I going for forever? Is the spaceship gonna explode and I would float for eternity to the wormhole? Or would it burst to flame as soon as it's launched? I think I need to know the answers to these first 🤣✌


What section of the newspaper would you be?

The comic strip obviously, which of course on this section is also the entertainment, crosswords puzzle, food, travel, classifieds and obituary (I love reading heartfelt messages from loved ones who are left behind).


If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

Have you met me? 🤣 I AM an immortal already. I am forever 28 🤣


What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Race car? I sped through a park just yesterday as I did not realize there was a playpark (did not see street sign too!). I have glass eyes! There was a mosquito flying on my windshield! A frog jumped scared me! Hmmm what else would be a good excuse to this? I had to chase Chris Hemsworth?


If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

When my husband was still with a lot of hair. My littles (and other people) don't believe me when I told them that my youngest's hairs totally have my husband's curls, as their father has no hair 😅


If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

The magic pill of course. It's so magical that it can cure of all sickness. Just like rhino/elephant horn, snake blood, bull's penis 🙄 Heh.


Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

Why yes, of course.


What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

Real life super power heroes do exist? Like thunder and lightning due to Thor is coming down to earth, or Storm is using her power. Tsunami due to Zeus getting angry. Or that the origin of mankind was really...PROMETHEUS.


Wait...are those I mentioned above scientific though?

Are you a good witch or bad witch?

Always the good witch my friend. Or...what are you? - yeah no one could ever guessed my costume 🤦‍♀️


If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

3D cakes!!!! or Gingerbread House



Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Radiohead - singing Videotape


What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

Wakanda Forever! 🤣 enuff said.


Tag you are it!

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Sudah pada dengar tentang tantangan #12pertanyaan? Ini tantangan untuk kembali mengenalkan dirimu. Karena aku ga suka pakai #introduceyourself, kecuali untuk akun baru, aku ntar akan pakai #re-introduceyourself ketimbang #introduceyourself

Aku kena tantang semalam nih, dan ini jawaban2ku

  • Sebutkan 3 makanan yang kamu inginkan sebelum kamu dikirim ke luar angkasa --> Aku kudu tau dulu, apa ntar aku balik lagi ke bumi? Apa ntar kesasar ke "lubang cacing" -wormhole? Apa pesawatnya ntar meledak dan aku tewas? 😁


  • Kalau kamu sebuah koran, halaman yang mana menggambarkan kamu --> bagian komik/cerita singkat lucu, dimana dihalaman tsb juga ada ttg makanan, gosip artis, teka teki silang, jalan2, lowongan pekerjaan, juga pengumuman akan orang2 yg meninggal. Aku senang membaca kata2 mutiara yg diterbitkan oleh keluarga yg ditinggal, sangat menyentuh.


  • Kalau kamu bisa hidup selamanya, pada umur berapa kamu ingin menghentikan perkembangan usia, dan mengapa --> Ini yang bikin pertanyaan pasti ga tau kalau aku dah ga pernah tambah umur. Dari dulu umurku 28 tahun tuh 🤣


  • Kalau kamu dikirim ke Olimpiade, akan mewakili olahraga apa--> Balap mobil kali? Soalnya kemarin kebablasan nyetir agak laju di daerah taman bermakn 🤣 Ga liat UU lalin daerah tsb, euy. Payah nih TKF 🤣


  • Kalau kamu bisa balik ke masa lalu, kapan dan kenapa--> Aku mau balik pas suamiku masih gondrong. Sekarang kan dah botak tuh, jadi anak2 serta orang lain ga percaya kalau kubilang bahwa rambut anak bungsuku plek mirip bapaknya 🤣


  • Kalau kamu punya uang dan waktu, apa yg akan kamu ciptakan --> Yah tentunya pil ajaib lah, yang bisa menyembuhkan segala penyakit.


  • Apakah salah satu cita2mu sudah terwujudkan --> Iya dooong


  • Penemuan ilmiah apa yang bagimu dapat menggemparkan dunia --> Bahwa guntur beneran oleh Dewa Thor, badai oleh Storm (dari film X Men), dan bahwa manusia berasal dari Prometheus.


  • Kamu penyihir yang baik apa yang jahat --> Yang baik lah, kalau yang jahat kan Mak Lampir (dari cerita di radio jaman baheula 🤣)


  • Kalau kamu bisa mengajarkan sesuatu di kelas, apa yg akan kamu ajarkan --> Kue 3 dimensi dan rumah2an dari kue kering jahe



  • Grup musik atau artis yang kamu inginkan bermain/nyanyi di pemakamanmu --> Radiohead, dengan lagu Videotape


  • Film/buku yang kamu ingin anjurkan ke orang lain --> Black Panther, tau kan?


Tentunya jawaban2ku hanya untuk main2an, tidak seperti orang2 lainnya. Harap maklum, wong edan 🤣

Buat teman2 berikut ini, ayo ikutan main


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hihihihi.. Jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama bikin saya tersenyum sendiri.. Ada-ada aja ni Bunda @thekitchenfairy 😂😂

Saya memang cita2 pelawak bu 🤣

howdy @thekitchenfairy! I have NO IDEA how you do all the graphics and fun stuff that you do on your posts!
plus, you are so funny and entertaining that you should do a food post everyday and also a post where you just write and talk about stuff because you're so funny! or if you don't feel like it just skip the food post!
you're great!

Bitmoji, my friend, fun, cute, witty emoji 😉

Pertanyaan yang seru & have fun ya mbak @thekitchenfairy 😄😁

Wow another translation of my #twelvequestions ! I really enjoyed writing them and you’re answers were great 👍.

Hey! Nice to see the creator showed up! This was fun 👍👍👍👍

Mau jawab 12 pertanyaannya gampang-gampang susah jadi jawabnya agak sedikit bikin ketawa sendiri😁😁 coba nanti ane susun dulu jawabnya biar enak postingannya...namti saya resteem aja biar teman-teman pada ikutan.😁😁

Moga pada ikutan, seru kan 😁

Favorite answer:

Real life super power heroes do exist? Like thunder and lightning due to Thor is coming down to earth, or Storm is using her power. Tsunami due to Zeus getting angry. Or that the origin of mankind was really...PROMETHEUS.

Hahahah so much questions about the origin of myths.

Reading you was so fun, thanks for accepting the challenge!
Btw: The Christmas cake looks so good, need one of these.

Gracias beautiful 🤗

Hahahaaha... Sama jawaban kayaknya yang suami gondrong.

Kalo aq ke masa lalu juga ingin otakku dipenuhi rambut lagi.. hehehe

Lah otak dipenuhi rambut kan serem Ojaatjeh 🤣

Gimana kabar baby mu

Alhamdulillah mbak. Cuma malamnya agak rewel. Siang bobo ganteng dia..