Soul resonance of twin flame 双生火焰的灵魂共振

in twin •  3 years ago  (edited)


"Why doesn't he understand? Why can't GuiYuan understand? If I love him, I won't always want to leave him all these years. Why does he have to struggle with me?" I thought about it in the middle of the night.

"Yes, Joe Hanning thought so." She suddenly understood Qiao Hanning. "Why didn't she understand? If I wanted to be with her at this time, I would have accepted her long ago." Sighed in the middle of the night.

"Do you really hate you when you don't talk?" Asked around in the middle of the night, and cried again in the evening. Joe Hanning never failed her. Although he didn't say a word from beginning to end, Joe Hanning never failed her once. It's scum and rotten. Those seemingly false images are proved to be false by time every time. Joe Hanning has been silently guarding this relationship, without a word of complaint, and assumed everything.

What about comparison? In the middle of the night, I have been in a hurry to get proof and verbal expression. Even if one day, Qiao Hanning leaves with deep love for the middle of the night. He will silently pay attention to the life of the middle of the night in a corner of the world, her smile, her cry, her noise, her anger,... She is the only person who can make him have soul resonance. At the beginning, the two people were still testing, worrying and afraid. However, after so long, they have no doubt about the soul resonance.




My lovely little brother
Joe Hanning, he can laugh at everything, but I can make him cry, hahaha. It's funny and scary. It's like my brother. He loves me and is afraid of me.
Last night I set the password for my brother. He cried and cried and said he would never play with me again. He came to me again with a smile this morning. He also helped me carry the bookshelf and asked me if I bought it for him. I said I bought it for myself. Who bought it for you.
"Hey, I won't help you carry it.".
"Little pig hoof, you still have to throw shot put in the sports test. Practice your strength!"
My brother is born to laugh, so God has given him a lot of good luck. Although he sometimes loses his temper, he actually laughs at everything and refuses to admit defeat, which is unbearable.
His round face is super cute and adorable, which is the super Maitreya Buddha. He has a lot of good luck. Come with me in the evening, I want to eat this delicious food, I want to eat that delicious food, say what to invite me to eat in the future, more than 3000 fish, a cheapskate, and now even refuse to lend me 3000 yuan of lucky money. Then she said, my mother can't cook delicious food.
In order to let me listen to ghost stories with him, I framed Pamela who danced with me for an hour at night. I want to eat delicious food every day. I also like little rabbits and big golden hair. Today, someone gave him a little rabbit. I'm so bored. I'm tired of raising rabbits.
In addition, Joe Hanning's adorable is very similar to my brother. He has a fat face and loves to laugh. It is recognized that it makes people very happy when he sees it. But of course it's different. Everyone is different. It's not because he is like my brother that he likes and knows something. I have a generation gap with my brother. I can't play any games he plays! My little brother is very smart. Qiao Hanning is very similar to me. He is emotional and likes to eat and play. What's more, it's a pity for a thief. A 200 pound fat thief has no sense of responsibility.
The little spot you first liked was the light God injected into your heart.
"The little spot you first liked was the light God injected into your heart. It may seem so insignificant, but that's where our love and talent came from." After so many years, I believe more and more that the insignificant light at the source, where there are seeds, can grow into towering trees, or grow into a beautiful flower, fragrant. For the first half of my life, I completed it under the "suggestion" of my aunt, but as long as there is no "source" in my heart "You can't do anything well without the initial point. For example, the college entrance examination, such as the major in graduate school, such as studying for a doctor, such as getting married before going abroad, when everyone goes along with the flow, but runs counter to your heart, you will regret one day. I remember Ren Zhengfei said," no matter what you do, you will encounter difficulties. But if you choose it yourself, you will move forward without complaint. “
I have experienced those darkest moments in my life, when I lay alone on the bed, looked at the upper bed in a daze, shed tears again and again, and told myself "in the middle of the night, set yourself free "When I was young, I really didn't care about many things. I don't love my parents, I don't love secular interests, and I don't love fireworks in the world. I love nothing but myself. I deserve anything in the world. I don't live for anyone, I just want to be myself. I want to become my own princess. I want my feelings of love, have children I like, and earn my own money , buy my own car and house. I love freedom, fireworks and the world. If I love money, I will make money. If I want to achieve, I will achieve. If I love Jiangnan, I will take my children to stroll every Saturday and Sunday. If I love Joe Hanning and he is not with me, it would be great. He loves freedom more than I do, and it's strange that I think the love between us is simpler than anything in the world. He is the only thing I miss in my spare time. Why do I care? I don't understand the seeds planted by the gods, insignificant seeds. How does that explain? In the past, I naively created a unique him for the unique me.

  1. I got divorced as soon as I was out of my mind. I happened to smell pheromone and was very curious.
  2. He happens to be able to sing and ignore people when he is very wonderful (this is completely my destiny). Most people refuse and accept when they refuse; Joe Hanning, how big a stall do you have? Still guarding against immortals jumping?
  3. The way we quarrel without saying a word. God, I've never met such a person. Later, when I heard that it was the same higher self, I understood. Really, otherwise, I couldn't explain these phenomena of silent quarrel.
  4. I'm really speechless. He left for a month, and I happened to be leaving for a month. The plot is so ingenious that I can't conceive it myself.
  5. The first magical feeling is that at that time, a belief was planted in my heart, and then there was no sadness. Later, I thought there might be something like energy passing between him and me. His happy energy passed to me and filled my heart. His heart is so powerful. The second feeling is that there is a magnetic field between people. Some people really have a magnetic field and something similar to the gossip array exists. We are the same. The third feeling is that I was fooled. I was fooled by something similar to fate. The feeling was particularly strong at that time.
  6. All boys like me like a wonderful flower, painting micro, bamboo, Junzhe; It seems that Qiao Ning likes all three girls. Not before.
  7. We separated, and then I was confident that I could live. I got stuck in my big paper. It seems that the wheel of fate is deliberately doing so. I happened to meet the most difficult graduation season, and all five experts passed it. The whole process of my big paper was designed for Joe Hanning. First, when I went back to school, Qiao Hanning just returned home. Second, there is something wrong with the school leaders' papers. The school presses the college, the college presses the weak teachers (my tutor), and the tutors press the students. Third, my soul came in the dark night, desperately looking for the meaning of life, crying on the lower bed and saying to myself, "let yourself go, midnight". Then Joe Hanning appeared in my world with confidence and happiness. At that time, his smile saved me like a hero, together with my unfinished dream at the age of 18. How could there be such a strange man as Joe Hanning in the world? At first, I thought he was a sea king who didn't accept or refuse. As a result, I didn't expect that he just wanted to stay with me without asking for anything in return. Fourth, I left him because of his unspoken attitude, and I returned to my wish. In order to annoy me, he even went with Lin Xuexue during the preparation of the big paper. In order to annoy him, as soon as the big paper was submitted, I immediately went out to travel with Gui Yuan. In order to annoy me, he wrote a lot of articles. As a result, such things only went with Lin Xuexue. Then it seems that the wheel of fate punished our immaturity, and neither of our two major papers passed. Fifth, we are finally going to separate the two campuses. The night before we moved out, the epidemic appeared.
  8. Everything I've experienced since childhood seems to be prepared for Joe Hanning. First, my family was born in poverty, but the writing was good, so I wrote him a white letter. His throat was blocked and he didn't say a word. I played my specialty and wrote a novel. Second, my 18-year-old love was not perfect, and he completed it for me. Third, every time I was dumped by two good friends. My best friend always liked my best girlfriend. The lack of heterosexuality made me feel that I was really a failure. Only Joe Hanning loved me. Even when I left him, he didn't leave me or fall in love with my best sister. Although he used Zhen to heat me, and so far, this is one of the things that makes me most angry. (Xianbei, Jiang suihan, Lin Jiayun) fourth, my family just decorated a room I especially like. Fifth, his family is just very good. I think it's for us. I think the material benefits of my childhood have been absorbed by Qiao Hanning, who is still very weak. Speaking of it, I'm angry, unkind guy.
  9. It's good luck to be with Joe Hanning. For example, when I interviewed a university in Shanghai, I thought, "if this guy can bring benefits to me, you'll let me succeed in the interview. If I succeed in the interview for this school, I believe he can bring benefits to me". As a result, the interview was successful soon. I didn't dare think of that school. I think Yuelao is unfair. He has given so many benefits to Qiao Hanning. As a result, I have to go around him and coax him to be happy for good luck and material. Although it makes me very happy to go around Joe Hanning. But I'm also a man with face. If I let me do this, others will lose face when they see me. In fact, I'm a masochist. I like to go around Joe Hanning too much. He's the big baby in my heart. I admit I like this person like crazy.
    I don't want him to see anything about me now, but there is always a dialogue in my heart. I can scold each other occasionally in my imagination. Telepathy doesn't exist, but similar love exists, and brain circuits are consistent. Bones are strange. How can we understand each other so well? But not all, but the underlying logic is the same.
    Once in the 200 year old teaching building and once on the early school bus, I thought, "God, you're too much. Why do you make me suffer so much? Now give me a double fire with such counseling ability, and then plant this faith in my heart?" Wronged cried for a long time, but shrugged his nose, who makes me like him so much?


他圆圆的脸超级可爱,adorable,就是超级弥勒佛,好运超多。大晚上跟我,我想吃这个好吃的,我想吃那个好吃的,说以后请我吃什么三千多的一个鱼,小气鬼一个 ,现在连把三千块的压岁钱都不肯借给我。然后撒娇说,咱妈妈不会做好吃的。
为了能让我跟他一起听鬼故事,被我框的,晚上陪着我跳一个小时的帕梅拉。天天就想吃好吃的,还喜欢小兔子,还喜欢大金毛。今天别人送了他一只小兔子,我好烦啊 ,我养兔子都养烦了。
还有还有,乔汉宁的adorable跟我弟很像,胖胖脸又爱笑,见了就让人很开心,这是公认的。但是当然不一样了,每个人都是不一样的,不是因为他像我弟弟所以才喜欢才熟悉什么的。我和我弟有代沟 ,他玩的游戏我都不会哎!我小弟可聪明了,乔汉宁跟我很像,偏情绪型的,又菜又爱玩,而且贼可惜的事,一个200斤的大胖子贼没责任心。
“你最初喜欢的那一个小点,就是上帝在你心中注入的光。也许看来那么微不足道,但是那就是我们的爱与天赋所发源的地方。”这么多年以后,我越来越相信源头上那些微不足道的光,有种子的地方才可能长成参天大树,或者长成一朵很美的花,芳香袭人。我上半辈子那都是在姑姑的”建议“下完成 的,但是只要没有内心的那个”源头“的点,没有最初的那点是做不好任何事情的。比如高考,比如研究生时候的专业,比如读博士这件事情,比如出国前结婚,所有人云亦云的随着大流而走,却与内心相违背的时刻,总有一天会后悔。我记得任正非说过一句话,”无论做什么事情,都会遇到难处。但是如果是自己选的,你会毫无怨言,勇往直前。“
在我人生中经历过那些至暗时刻,在我一个人躺在床铺上,看着上铺的床板发呆,一次次流泪,一边告诉自己”夜半,放过你自己“的时候,我就真的已经不在乎很多事情了。我不爱我爸妈,我不爱世俗利益,也不爱人间烟火,除了自己,一无所爱。我配得上世界上任何 好,我不为任何人活着,我只为我自己。我想让我自己变成自己的公主,我要我爱的感情,生我喜欢的孩子,挣我自己的钱,买我自己的车子和房子。我爱自由,爱烟火,爱大千世界,我爱钱就去挣钱,要成就就去成就,爱江南就带着孩子每个周六日都去闲逛,如果我爱乔汉宁,他不在我身边,那就太好了。他比我更爱自由,而好奇怪,我觉得我们之间 的爱比世界任何事情都简单,他是我闲暇时候的唯一的想念,为什么在乎我不懂,神灵播下的种子,微不足道的种子。这怎么解释呢?上天真的为独特的我,造了一个独特的他。

9.和乔汉宁好好在一起就有好运,比如说我面试的上海的一所大学,我当时想“要是这家伙能给我带来好处,那你就让我面试成功,这种学校我要是面试成功了,我就信他能给我带来好处”。 结果,很快就面试成功了,那所学校我都不敢想的。我觉得月老可不公平了,给了乔汉宁那么多好处,结果呢,我为了好运和物质,还得处处围着他转,哄他开心。虽然围着乔汉宁转,让我很开心。可是老子也是有脸的人啊,让老子这样做,别人看见了我多丢面儿啊。实际上,我个受虐狂的个性,太喜欢围着乔汉宁转了,他就是我心中的大宝贝,我承认我发疯了似的喜欢这个人。



You just weigh the pros and cons. You just look down on me, Joe Hanning. Like me, but look down on my family.
Why are you doing this to me? You either take responsibility and leave like a boy. Or work hard and wait for us to be together one day. From the beginning, you didn't do anything. You're just irresponsible, cowardly, weak, bullied.
I tell you, if I leave, you can't coax me back. You only have such a girlfriend you like so much. If I leave, I think you will regret it. When I get home, I don't say a word or share a state. Do you know you're really annoying?
Is it important for you to go home or your girlfriend? If your girlfriend is angry, you can't coax me back. Joe Hanning, you fool.
我告诉你,我要是走了,你就哄不回来了。你就只有这么一个这么喜欢的女朋友,我要是走了,我看你后悔不后悔。回了家就一句话也不说了,一个状态也不分享。你知不知道你这样真的很烦人 啊?


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