The Preliminary Assessment Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from the DNI what a former AATIP Director states and those who died just before they were to appear before the Senate. What is Really Going On? Did you catch the info Under the SEA? You decide!

in uaps •  4 years ago  (edited)

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From a June 25 report is it classified or disinfo?
You decide.
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Received by

  • The Senate community
  • Defense Community

Classified version went into the advanced US technologies that are being studied in remote facilities such as area 51.

Crux of this document.
Essentially their are numerous advanced technologies which are being developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] concerning. . .

  • antigravity
  • antimatter
  • and other advanced propulsion systems

All being flight tested over at Area 51
that were sighted by the Navy in 2004 and 2015

** Luis Elizondo former director AATIP(Live, 6/8)

Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program

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According to Luis or Lue,
I had some
experience that they were looking for at
the time the the organization was fairly
fairly new and they were looking for
someone to create a counterintelligence
and security portfolio
and i guess because of some of my
background running investigations uh
counterintelligence investigations and
some of my background
in in technology protection specifically
with aerospace systems
that probably i suspect was was
a fairly lucrative skill set that they
were looking forward to
to create this this sub portfolio under
and that's how i got into the program.
I entered the program in 2008 i was
asked by its director to come on board
and establish this program and then in
is when I was asked to take over the

We provide many briefings
mostly through DoD
and intelligence community leadership
that information was also provided to
times at
to staffers and of course our elected
um it's very important that when you're
working in a national security construct
you try to follow the chain of command
as much as possible
um so a lot of my briefings were really
to more
senior level folks in the department of
defense and within our
intelligence architecture uh but there
were times yes that we were
we would be asked to brief uh other
other officials particularly in the
legislative branch and the executive
branch as well.

Up until very recently there are really
only only three possibilities of what
this could be
and the first possibility is that it is
some sort of secret u.s tech
that somehow uh we have managed to keep
secret even from ourselves for for a
long period of time
the second option is that it's some sort
of foreign adversarial technology that
has somehow managed to
technologically leapfrog ahead of our
country uh despite having a
fairly robust and comprehensive
intelligence apparatus
and of course the the third option is is
something quite entirely different it's
it's a it's a different paradigm
completely now as of this week we now
know through some of the discussions at
senior level leadership
that uh this this report has
definitively stated once and for all
that it's not our technology uh and
that's that's hugely important for 30
years there has always been this
undercurrent if you will these
conspiracies that there was some sort of
TR3 b program and some sort of of super
special technology that has been
implemented and we've been uh just been
very careless about it and I think that
argument was finally put to bed
this week uh so that really only leads
to other options
and that's again it's foreign
adversarial or it's
it's it's something quite different and
I think we're now beginning to learn as
we've heard from the director of
national intelligence and I can
certainly tell you from my experience
that we're pretty confident that it's
not Russian or Chinese technology
there's several reasons for that that.

In fact if i'm not mistaken as of today
we had an announcement by former
Director of National Intelligence
Ratcliffe who said this isn't Russian
technology and as we know
during glasnost and the fall of the
Berlin Wall there was
this five-year romance period if you
will between the United States and
Russia where
we began really sharing a lot of
information and a lot of their
ironically enough a lot of their ufo
wound up in our hands and it turns out
that they were experiencing the exact
issues from a ufo or a UAP issue
perspective that that we were so if you
look at really the timelines here
um you know it it's looking increasingly
less likely that this is some sort of
Russian technology.

These reports go back into the early 1950s
and even earlier and so
what that says is that you have pilots
whether we're describing what we call a
white flying tic tac or a white flying
butane tank in the 1950s or a white
flying lozenge if you will, if they're all
describing the exact same
vehicle craft if you will doing exactly
the same thing
performing in ways well beyond our
current capabilities
and if you look at that from a from a
from a temporal perspective from a time
it simply doesn't make sense that china
back in 1950
would have this beyond next generation
mastered it is able to fly it at will
anywhere it wants on the face of the
and the last 70 years despite the
billions of dollars we put into our
intelligence community infrastructure
and architecture it has it has managed
to evade us
in fact china is a country that has has
stolen quite a bit spends a lot of
a lot of time stealing technology from

Luis is correct.
This was fettered out in my research concerning Hunter Biden, Chris Heinze and Devon Archer in their firm with China called BHR.
This take from a previous report titled. .. Mind blowing corruption by elitists who furthered their children's careers all while making Foreign Government Deals and a threat! Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden in tight with the Chinese.

“[BHR] was buying companies that were involved in America’s high-tech sector, and companies that had dual-use technologies [with both] civilian applications and military applications,” Schweizer noted. “Henniges produces precision-tuned anti-vibration technologies.”

The Chinese government’s acquisition of Henniges “required the approval of the Obama administration” and “Hunter Biden’s help,” added Schweizer, “and lo and behold, the Obama administration gave them exactly that approval.”

Schweizer addressed the Obama administration’s approval of China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive via the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which he described as an opaque governmental body broadly exempted from public transparency measures.

Schweizer summarized, “The Obama administration approved a deal where the son of the then-sitting vice president, in partnership with a Chinese government investment firm and a Chinese military contractor, purchased an American technology machine tool parts company that had military application.”

He added, “What’s truly shocking about the Hunter Biden deal with the Chinese is not just that the Chinese were helping the son of the sitting vice president get rich, it’s the fact that the vice president’s son was involved in this Henniges deal which ended up helping the Chinese military. He was involved in another deal called CGN — Chinese General Nuclear — which is a Chinese nuclear company that was implicated in spying — stealing nuclear secrets from the United States — by the FBI. Executives from that company have been arrested. These are firms that Hunter Biden’s investment firm is involved in, and Hunter Biden sits on the board of directors of this Chinese government-funded investment company. It’s truly shocking. It’s not just your run-of-the-mill cronyism and a guy getting rich because of who his dad is. These are very serious national security issues and the Bidens just, frankly looked the other way and were glad to take the money.”

See more information, verification along with source links here,

one has to ask the question that if if
really a country had this
technology would it be necessary to
you know much more basic technology from
from another country
furthermore if you had this type of
technology you probably wouldn't need to
invest so much in military
because you had this if you will
checkmate type technology or capability
everything else now becomes obsolete.

What matters is what the data and the
tell us uh and from that perspective
it's very important
that I've always i had a very
simple job and that is to collect the
truth and speak the truth
that's it uh very much as an
investigator which i used to be
we applied the same type of level of
rigor and methodologies we did in
hunting terrorists and spies
as we did in hunting ufos so we really
didn't care what these were we were just
trying to get to the bottom of what they

It's time for the American People to decide!

When we we were in our mother's womb and we
heard that binary heartbeat of our
mother and so
we tend to look at the life if you will
in our universe in that
that binary way it's either good or it's
bad it's hot or cold black or white
up and down and that's how we tend to
judge things but in reality
the universe and physics is isn't binary
it's not binary at all
in fact there's all sorts of options and
opportunities of what this could be
so again back to your question is is it
from here
or is it from out there we don't really
know in fact there's lots of other
options on the table
it could be from as I've said before it
can be from outer space
inner space or the space in between as
we begin to to
learn what quantum physics is and we
begin to understand our place here on
this little planet
we begin to realize that there's a lot
of other options
we we judge the universe in five
senses the ways that we perceive
the universe and that's
touch taste hear smell etc and if
you can't if you can't use those
senses to look at something or measure
then we really can't interact with it
and yet we know the majority of
of the universe around us 99 of it in
is not perceivable. There are right
now wi-fi signals coursing through your
there's cosmic radiation coming in from
the cosmos there's neutrinos coming in
from the sun there's radar hitting you
from the local airport
and yet these are all realities and and
you can't interact with it because we
just don't have the tools to do so.

For example. . .
take a beautiful night sky look at the
stars and you might say wow that's
that's really a pretty sky
but if you now take a radio telescope
and look at that same spot in the sky
all of a sudden
you begin to see things that you
couldn't see before you see in the
ultraviolet you see in the infrared
spectrum you see nebula
so i guess my my long-winded point to
all this is that
we must keep all options open if we
already know that 99%
of the universe we cannot perceive or
interact with
then there may be other options here.

This may not necessarily be something
from outer space
in fact this could be something as
natural to our very own planet as us
we're just now at a point where
beginning to technologically be able to
interact and collect data
this could be something from under the
oceans this could be something from yes
from outer space
we we really don't know.

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Did you know?
Scientists Found Fresh Water Deep Under the Ocean

From 2019
Scientists map huge undersea fresh-water aquifer off U.S. Northeast

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Well, this is fun. . .
21 Creatures From The Deep Sea That Will Absolutely Give You Nightmares

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Deep down in the Atlantic Ocean, at depths of up to 5,000 metres, lurks this ferocious predator. The conditions down here are extreme – there's no light, no plant life, and the environment is entirely still because it is unaffected by storms or ocean currents. To deal with this, the dragonfish uses light-producing organs called photophores to lure prey into its fang-toothed jaws.

Bonus creepy fact: An odd characteristic of this species is the absence of some vertebras in its spine. This enables the dragonfish to have greater flexibility of its head, allowing them to feast on larger prey.

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Bonus creepy fact: The fangtooth holds another title to its name: the largest teeth of any marine species, relative to the size of its body. In fact they're so disproportionally large that the fangtooth is unable to fully close its mouth.

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This one is Really fascinating!

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Since we had a Stargazer, let's take a look at the Stareater!

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Does this one look like something the fallen angels bioengineered?
You decide!

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Interesting name considering. . .

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They're claiming this page isn't working even in a duck duck go search, but can likely be located using the Brave browser.

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Marine scientists candidly admit humanity has "barely scratched the surface" of what transpires in the ocean's "twilight zone," a place extending some 660 to 3,300 feet below the surface. And we have better maps of the Martian surface than we do the ocean floor and its abyssal trenches. So it's little surprise that when scientists go sleuthing around a largely unexplored deep sea place, they find novel things.

"We know so little about the deep ocean that pretty much anyone can find something new if they were doing something unique down there," said Alan Leonardi, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.

A New kind of E.T.? You decide!
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In the largest and deepest marine protected area in the world, a team of ocean experts peered over 3,000 meters below the surface to find new types of microbial organisms that people would have never encountered before. These microbes—types of bacteria—could now open up doors to new ways of understanding how the immune system responds to completely foreign invaders.

A collaborative study among the Rotjan Marine Ecology Lab at Boston University, the Kagan Lab at Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, the government of Kiribati, and others has found that there are some bacteria so foreign to humans that our immune cells can’t register that they exist, overriding the long-held belief of universal immunity, or that our cells can recognize any bacteria they interact with. Rather, the study found, some bacteria are solely defined by their local habitat or surroundings. Their findings were published Friday, March 12, in Science Immunology.

“Our team discovered and cultured novel microbes that are completely immunosilent to human immune systems,” says Randi Rotjan, meaning that the bacteria triggered no reaction or response from our innate immune system. Rotjan, a BU College of Arts & Sciences research assistant professor of biology and a co–lead author of the paper, says this discovery was completely unexpected.

The research is the culmination of five years of study, across 2,000 nautical miles of central Pacific Ocean waters, with thousands of genes sequenced and with much of the work at sea being done on a floating laboratory.

Rotjan, whose research focuses on live coral reefs, says that the interdisciplinary nature of their team was also a major strength—with co–lead authors Anna Gauthier, a visiting student at BU in the Rotjan Lab whose research focuses on the immune systems of marine organisms, and Jonathan Kagan, who studies the ways cells interact with each other and with the microbes they encounter. In addition to being faculty in BU’s biology department, Rotjan is co–chief scientist of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, an expanse of marine and terrestrial habitats in Kiribati—and the largest and deepest UNESCO World Heritage Site—where the work took place. The Brink caught up with Rotjan, and this Q&A, which also reflects the findings and research of Gauthier and Kagan, has been condensed and edited.

This conversation is shifting from a a a
human technology quite possibly we don't
know for sure yet
but to something far more profound.

We are quite convinced that we're
dealing with a technology that is
is multi-generational
several uh several generations ahead of
what we consider
next generation technology so what we
consider beyond
next generation technology something
that could be anywhere between 50 to a
thousand years ahead of us
and and for us i think it's when you're
looking at the observations and these
things how they can outperform frankly
anything that we have in our inventory
and we're pretty certain anything that
our foreign adversaries
and have in our inventory then yes
obviously as as human beings we tend to
go down
that rabbit hole of speculation.

This could be something from outer space
inner space or frankly the space in
between there's a lot of options out
there this could be something that is
that is extra hyper dimensional now i
don't mean extra dimensional in a
woo-woo sense i mean
extra-dimensional in a quantum physics
sense we know
that the universe is full of shortcuts
and loopholes.

It took the Renaissance to come to the
point where we understand
newtonian physics we understand what
what what gravity looks like we still
don't quite understand what it is yet
but we understand what it looks like
and and we understand force equals
mass times acceleration and whatnot so
we had these really elegant
solutions for our observations of the of
the natural world.

And then it took a couple hundred years
but along comes some some
some cat with crazy hair we called
Einstein who now introduces the notion
of relativity
and kind of upends really science uh and
turns it 180 degrees and says well
actually there's a thing called space
time and space and time are actually
and they're also stretchable and

As bizarre as that may be that is
precisely what we're seeing
and so space-time can be warped based
mass or a lot of energy.

40 some years ago we really start
getting into this whole
another paradigm of science uh and it's
it's quantum physics
and someone once described it as you
have this box
sitting on the ground and in walks a
dog and all of a sudden two cats walk
and as crazy as that may seem
that's precisely what we're seeing in
these observations with quantum physics
proverbially speaking of course so it
doesn't make sense and yet
there's this weird duality maybe the
universe uh the speed of light
although maybe the universal speed limit
there may be some shortcuts and off
ramps in our
understanding of our universe so
we are we are just now scratching the
surface of understanding
what type of science it may take to
to do what we are seeing with these

There's five
specific observables associated with
these with these
these UAP's unidentified aerial phenomena
that really separate them
from the rest of anything that we would
consider terrestrial aircraft or
manned aircraft or some type of of a
human human base technology.

The other key question
here is
what do you think the likelihood is that
the us government is actually going to
confirm anything?

What do you think?
You get to decide!

The revelations that came to pass from the Pentagon were in a 180 day report released.

Now how does that differ from the leaked info concerning hidden advanced technologies the US has been developing?

Technology which has not been deployed, but rather testing at the Area 51 facility.
This is what the leaked document stated, but is it true?

There is no Public documentation proving this, does that make it false or just not released to the public?
You decide.

What we do have are many whistleblowers that have spoken about working on classified programs where these types of craft were being developed, then deployed in operations.

There have been many insiders, who have worked on many classified programs with very strong credentials.

Mark McCandlish
In 1988 his close associate Brad Thornsen travelled to Edward's Air Force Base and saw three flying saucer craft that were on display for different customers to purchase them and deploy them in the field.
So these were not experimental craft being tested at Area 51.

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Mark McCandlish, murdered at age 68 on April 13, 2021 was premature. He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head. He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June. His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone.

According to Joseph P. Farrell on John B. Wells news,

This hit uncomfortably close to home, because having known about Mark and his UFO work, particularly in regards to the vehicle he made famous, the so-called alien recovery vehicle (or sometimes, alien reconstruction vehicle, ARV), I first met him when he was a fellow-speaker at the 2014 San Mateo Secret Space Program Conference. His presentation was on that very subject, and the details he disclosed were of great interest to me, because many of them dovetailed with my own speculations about hidden physics and technology.

One can imagine that when I heard of Mr. McCandlish’s death a little over a month ago, I was saddened… and immediately suspicious. One of the things that he talked about during his talks at the conference was how complicated, and difficult, his life had become since entering the UFO field with his detailed drawings.

Also present at the conference was Robert Morningstar, who was also a speaker, and who has now gathered and presented the following information(and you can see one of Mr. McCandlish’s drawings of the ARV and the high quality of his work in this presentation):

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Hi Mark. Do you think we are close to disclosure after the Navy’s Official recognition of UFOs?


Well, the real “hat trick” here is, those “tic tac” UFO’s are “ours”. So the disclosure process will have to run through several cycles.

First acknowledgement of the existence of these kinds of “craft,” which indirectly admits to the technology that includes a propulsion system that is capable of what is called “mass-modification” technology.

You see, mass, in physics is the very thing that produces inertia and G-forces when you turn a corner in your car or even more so in a military aircraft. I have personally experienced 9.3 G’s in the F-16 “Fighting Falcon”.

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The experienced Arizona Air National Guard Pilot was unfazed by the experience. If you can “modify the mass” of an aircraft– (in other words) make it somewhat less (massive), it means that the craft and its pilot or crew can withstand much higher turn rates without experiencing something in excess of 9 G’s.

Some trained observers have stated that these Tic Tac UFO’s made turns that would produce G-forces in excess of 22 G’s. (Deadly– but not so if you can modify the mass and make it far less.)

The second phase of UFO Disclosure is admitting that we have the technology, but this in turn implies very strongly that we back-engineered it from UFO’s that crashed many decades ago. I’ve seen evidence that we had possession and an understanding of such alien technology since at least the mid-1960’s (all very highly classified of course).

And the third phase of UFO/SSP (Secret Space Program) Disclosure would be that, well, yes- we did back engineer the technology from UFO crash recoveries, and yes, there is alien life “out there” in the cosmos, and it has been coming to Earth for many centuries– perhaps millennia. And some of it isn’t friendly.

Mark continued:

You may wonder how I know this.

Well, as it happens, I have a good friend who drives a semi-truck between Redding where I live, here in Northern California, and the state capitol, Sacramento. When he is coming back north in the wee hours of the morning, he frequently encounters craft that look just like the renditions of the Tic Tac UFO’s.

This typically occurs when he is around the town of Williams (on Interstate 5), and that lies maybe fifteen miles due west of Beale AFB, where the SR-71 Blackbird used to be kept and launched on surveillance missions over the former Soviet Union, Red China, and North Korea. In fact my buddy, had an encounter with one passing directly over the freeway in front of his truck at about 3:30 AM (as I was talking on the phone with him).

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Thank you, Mark, for such a detailed explanation. The term “Alliance” is used today to refer to those supporting the Space Force. Could this Alliance be between humans and non-humans, who are building ARVs for both military and alien use? They provide technology. We manufacture replacement vehicles. They live below ground. We live above ground.


There is no question that there are many underground facilities, and in all likelihood connected by a vast, sophisticated tunnel system. I have not seen any direct evidence of a Human-Alien alliance, or that we are building hardware for an off-world customer. I did have a personal friend and former Green Beret, who began to open up about what he knew and participated in, starting in the mid-to-late 1970’s after his involvement in the Viet Nam War.

He claimed that back in the 1970’s the U.S. military had figured out how to move through time and space; a kind of time-space teleportation system. They could go just about anywhere or any time you can imagine. They looked far into the future (from that time) and saw the Earth as a burned out cinder. Lifeless. Then they backed up year by year until they found the cause. An alien armada showed up and began extinguishing all life and strip-mining the Earth of its resources. We had nothing (no weapons) that could pose a defense against their superior technology. So they mounted a program (Operation Pegasus) where the participants traveled back in time to Mars 65 million years ago– back when that planet had a molten core, a magnetic field and an atmosphere, along with a lush, Jurassic Park-like ecosystem.

The purpose was to begin a weapons development program, that would have literally millions of years and thousands of Human generations to create a future defense for Earth. Then, if and when breakthrough technology was ready for deployment, brought back up through time (yes, “back to the future”) to prepare for the defense of Earth.

This program was and is largely responsible for the majority of UFO sightings here in the present time. You may have noticed that even the UFO’s have appeared to improve in their performance and capabilities over the past sixty years. That sounds like the by-product of a Human program. You wouldn’t see that kind of thing coming from a civilization thousands or perhaps millions of years more advanced than us.

Mark MCCandlish Spoke to the Alternative Engineering Propulsion Conference on November 21st, 2020
Editor”s Note: Ironically, Posted to YouTube on November 22nd 2020.

What’s notable in the articles and interviews presented by Mr. Morningstar is that Mr. McCandlish thought that many of the recent popular UFO flaps were really about hidden technology that “we” humans possessed. Also of interest to this site’s readers is Mr. McCandlish’s belief that non-terrestrial intelligent life has been visiting this planet for a very long time – “perhaps millennia” – and more interestingly, some of it “isn’t friendly,” a view that accords in some respects with my own regarding the assumed “friendliness” of the alleged visitors. As for the human bases for this alleged hidden technology, McCandlish also believed that there was a vast underground infrastructure supporting its development and maintenance; again, a view that accords in its broad outlines with my own speculations and books on the vast underground networks of secret Nazi research during World War Two, and the extent of similar known underground facilities that I briefly reviewed in some of my books, most notably Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops and Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations.

As one continues reading the article, one comes to Robert Morningstar’s editorial comments, where we’re informed of the following:

Mark McCandlish died on April 13th, 2021 in his home on Redding, CA of a shotgun blast to the head.
Shasta County Coroner’s official report cites his death as a “Suicide” from self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Mark McCandlish spoke to his friend, Rick Price, late that day (April 13th) and Mark told him that he was going to rest and would call him later. Mark also spoke to his girlfriend later and told her that he would speak to her when he went to work at her animal shelter. When Mark did not show up for work and he failed to call her, Mark’s girlfriend, who had a key to his home, went there to look for him, and found his body, dead from a gunshot wound to his head.
A colleague of Mark McCandlish, a member of a UFO/SSP Disclosure group with which Mark McCandlish was associated, wrote on May 10th, 2021:

“Regarding Mark McClandlish suicide with shotgun blast to his head. He was going to testify for Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June. His testimony would have destroyed the “we haven’t made much progress” narrative. Also the one who showed the Tic Tac was actually USAF SSP drone … That would also destroy that narrative, came out and reversed and said he made it up. Mark probably didn’t go along. It’s an agenda. It’s complicated for sure.”

Robert D. Morningstar, Editor/Publisher of The UFO Spotlight, a friend and colleague of Mark McCandlish since the June 2014 Secret Space program – Breakaway Civiliation Conference that was held in San Francisco, and Rick Price, a close friend (for more than 20 years) who was one of the last people to speak to Mark McCandlish find that conclusion dubious, doubt the “official story,” and reject that conclusion.

Finally, it has been reported by one official that “several Federal agencies are investigating the death of Mark McCandlish.’ If Mark’s death was, in fact, just a “suicide,” the editor asks:

Why should further investigations by multiple agencies of the US government be necessary?

I reject the ‘official story.”

Now, to be sure, I did not know Mr. McCandlish well. Our contact at the 2014 Secret Space Program conference was limited, and we had only passing and occasional contact since then. But what little I knew of him persuades me that he just was not the type to commit suicide, much less by a gunshot to the head.

What is of interest in Mr. Morningstar’s editorial comments, however, is the statement that Mr. McCandlish was allegedly scheduled to testify to a US Senate “meeting” on UFOS and UAPs (the new term for UFOs, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”) next month. I’m reminded of another such “convenient” death, that of George De Mohrenschild, who also allegedly committed suicide by shotgun mere days before his scheduled appearance to the 1970s committee on assassinations, to testify about what he knew of the JFK assassination (which, if one digs long enough, may also have had a “UFO connection”).

Morningstar does raise the relevant question: if there is nothing suspicious about McCandlish’s death, “Why should further investigations by multiple agencies of the US government be necessary?” Perhaps such investigations are routine in such cases, but when one reads of the last hours of Mr. McCandlish, one thing that clearly emerges is that they do not sound like a man in a suicidal frame of mind.

I, too, “reject the ‘official story.'”

Why would anyone want to murder Mr. McCandlish? I do not know. But the details in the articles posted by Morningstar do point in a couple of directions: (1) that underground “breakaway civilization” itself, anxious to keep its secrets, and (2) another peculiar detail that is revealed in the article, namely, McCandlish’s belief that he had been in contact with someone claiming to be “an extra-terrestrial among us” in a human “biosuit”, in disguise as it were and reminiscent of the old science fiction television series “V” and its more recent remake, and (3) McCandlish’s statements that “telekinetic murder” (for want of a better expression) was not only possible but that had been carried out on North Korea’s previous leader. What is odd to contemplate here is that the first of these alternatives is the one where there are the most publicly-known details. It’s the last two that are of greater interest, and had McCandlish come into possession of details that tended to corroborate either, then there would be powerful motivation by the parties involved to keep those details secret; indeed, I’ve speculated many times about the second possibility, and the claims about the third have been echoed by other people.

We have the testimony of people such
as Edgar Fouche,
who said that around the same time in
tr-3b craft were being flown
out of area 51 the s4 facility in
and that they were being deployed in the
with Edgar Fouche he was someone that
did work at Nellis Air Force base and he
has supplied documentation

Screen Shot 2021-07-26 at 8.59.11 PM.png

Edgar Rothshild Fouche was a UFO researcher who published a lot on ARVs, and propulsion etc. He passed away on 10 May 2017. For over 25 years, he was involved with the Department of Defense (DoD) in one way or another.

We have other insiders such as William
he said that he worked at a number of
leading aerospace companies
such as Douglas Aircraft Company TRW
Northrop Grumman General Dynamics
his career from the 1950s up until the
early 1980s he worked on various
craft designs for different
companies and that they were fulfilling
to the u.s navy.

Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, and General Dynamics contended for the company with Northrop's increased bid of US$7.8 billion ultimately being accepted on July 1, 2002. Soon afterward, the automotive assets of LucasVarity and TRW's own automotive group were sold to The Blackstone Group as TRW Automotive .

Then of course we have people who
say that they were part
of secret space programs the year 2000
michael ralph was the first one to come
to say that he has served on a 20 and
back program.
he was followed in 2014 by randy kramer
who said that he said on the 20 and back
program later
in 2014 and early 2015 we have
Corey Goode who says that he served on a
20 and back program
and ever since there have been a wide
number of people
who have come forward and said that they
served on these 20-back programs.

20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment that these military men and women make when they sign up to go into space - or the amount of time they are forced to serve as slaves.

Recent whistleblowers to divulge their involvement in the SSP are Tony Rodrigues (who went public in 2016) and Michael Gerloff (who went public this year in 2017). Their testimonies are remarkable, and echo the accounts and experiences of many other whistleblowers who have recalled lost memories and/or gone public with their story of having been part of the SSP. These include Michael Relfe, Arthur Neumann (aka Henry Deacon), Andy Basiago, Bernard Mendez, Michael Prince, Max Spiers, Randy Cramer (aka Captain K or Kaye) and Corey Goode.

One of the alleged hallmarks of the 20 and back program is that it involves highly advanced technology (time travel and age regression) whereby the recruit, at the end of his/her service, is actually brought back in time to the point at which he/she signed up – plus they are age regressed to be brought back to their age at that time. This means, in effect, that they gain a whole extra 20 years’ experience in life (although often those memories are inaccessible and buried deep within their subconscious). In other words, they live that same age range/period in their lives twice over, in different places doing different things, and only one of those timelines remains active.

SEA IT TO BELIEVE IT UFOs aren’t coming from space – but from beneath the SEA as crafts spotted buzzing US Navy, claims alien-hunting ex cop

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For their collections to research and work on they have. . .
Seth Rich
Unseal JFK
Unseal Epstein
Fauci Gate
Hillary Clinton

USAF Research Laboratory

Connecting Sources,

How one has to write a post in 2021 under the Biden Administration and the tyranny of social media as seen in this post from July 26, 2021

The vast majority of people who are getting the ja* for the [you know] will d^e within a few short years from heart failure, warns Dr. Ch_rls Hf)e, M.D., a medical practitioner in British Columbia, Canada.

In one of his latest updates, Dr. H^)f* explains that he is observing in his patients who took an mes%$en^er R@A) “you know what” from either P or theM that their capillaries are now plugging up, which he says will eventually lead to a serious cardivas(uar event.

turn a person’s body into a spike pr^t_in “factory,” and Dr. Ho)f* says that over time these mass-produced spie pro&e^ns cause progressive blod c)o(t_ng.

At least 60% will have this occur including de&t^.

75% is collected by your lymh_tic s&st$m and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of me($se_ger RA [by way of just one, then consider the 2nd J*b and they are encouraging a 3rd], there are literally trillions of molecules.

Though the claim has long been that these spike proteins act as a deterrent to the you know what after being in(eted into you know where, the reality is that they actually become part of the cll w_ll of a person’s va&c_lar endothelium [the prte_n co)ing gee on a hu$an.

“This means that these c^lls which line your bl_d ve$s(ls, which are supposed to be smooth so that your bl&d flows smoothly now have these little sp*key bits sticking out,” explains Principia Scientific.

Dr. Hoffe says it is an inevitability that the injected will develop blood clots because as the vaccine-inserted spike proteins embed themselves within blood vessels and capillaries, blood platelets circulate around trying to fix the problem by creating increasingly more clots.

“So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these you know what spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that bl_d clots will form to block that ve$(sel,” he writes. “Therefore, these spike pr&te^ns can predictably cause bl%od clts. They are in your bl%d vessels (if received you know what’) so it is guaranteed.”

It turns out that these b(od clots are different than the “rare” ones spoken about on the media that show up on C_ scans and MIs. These are microscopic and do not show up on tests, as they can only be detected using a b)o&d test known as D-d^m%r.

Dr. Ho(f_ has been performing D-d*m%r tests on his you know what pa%i^nts, which led him to discover that at least 62 % of them have these microscopic b(o_d c)^ts.

“The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts like the br^in, spna_ cod, h&a_t and l%ns which cannot [regenerate],” he says. “When those ti$ses are damaged by b(o^d cl%ts, they are permanently damaged.”

This expert was fi*ed for trying to h^lp and w_rn countless people.

Where do you really live?
What dimension?
What realm?

Do you live in a dimension where normies follow the mouthpieces of those paid by the very same people who chiseled out the Georgia Guidestones?

Is this a sim ran by these very same people?
You decide!

Facebook Frames What Realm do you really live in? What really resides beneath the Sea? Do UAP's also come from under the sea? You decide!

A statement made by former chief in regards to UAP's [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena] who has spoken to the normies fav news stations including CNN.
Do you suppose they Caught what he said, or did they Tune it Out and dial back into the frequency they Usually choose?

Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
Do you remember what Luis Elizondo, former director stated?

When we we were in our mother's womb and we
heard that binary heartbeat of our
mother and so
we tend to look at the life if you will
in our universe in that
that binary way it's either good or it's
bad it's hot or cold black or white
up and down and that's how we tend to
judge things but in reality
the universe and physics is isn't binary
it's not binary at all
in fact there's all sorts of options and
opportunities of what this could be
so again back to your question is is it
from here
or is it from out there we don't really
know in fact there's lots of other
options on the table
it could be from as I've said before it
can be from outer space
inner space or the space in between as
we begin to to
learn what quantum physics is and we
begin to understand our place here on
this little planet
we begin to realize that there's a lot
of other options
we we judge the universe in five
senses the ways that we perceive
the universe and that's
touch taste hear smell etc and if
you can't if you can't use those
senses to look at something or measure
then we really can't interact with it
and yet we know the majority of
of the universe around us 99 of it in
is not perceivable. There are right
now wi-fi signals coursing through your
there's cosmic radiation coming in from
the cosmos there's neutrinos coming in
from the sun there's radar hitting you
from the local airport

and yet these are all realities and and
you can't interact with it because we
just don't have the tools to do so.

For example. . .
take a beautiful night sky look at the
stars and you might say, "wow that's
really a pretty sky!"
But if you now take a radio telescope
and look at that same spot in the sky
all of a sudden
you begin to see things that you
couldn't see before. . . you see in the
ultraviolet, you see in the infrared
spectrum, you see nebula
so i guess my long-winded point to
all this is that
we must keep all options open if we
already know that 99%
of the universe we cannot perceive or
interact with;
then there may be other options here.
This may not necessarily be something
from outer space
in fact this could be something as
natural to our very own planet as us.
We're just now at a point where
beginning to technologically be able to
interact and collect data.

This could be something from under the
this could be something from yes
from outer space
we we really don't know.

So how about we take a look what IS under the oceans?

Do you know these "monsters" under the sea exist?

How about this interesting. . .

  • Deep-sea dragonfish Scientific Name
    Grammatostomias flagellibarba.

  • Vampire squid Scientific Name Vampyroteuthis infernalis.
    Bonus creepy fact: An odd characteristic of this species is the absence of some vertebras in its spine. This enables the dragonfish to have greater flexibility of its head, allowing them to feast on larger prey.

  • Goblin shark Scientific Name Mitsukurina owstoni
    Bonus creepy fact: The goblin shark's skin is semi-transperent, so that pinkish hue you see is actually a direct look at their insides.

  • Atlantic wolffish Scientific Name Anarhichas lupus

Bonus creepy fact: Not pictured is the wolffish's long, eel-like body which can reach lengths upwards of 1.5 metres.

  • Pacific viperfish Scientific Name Chauliodus macouni

Bonus creepy fact: Similar to the fangtooth, the viperfish's large fangs are unable to fit inside their mouth. Instead they curl back on the outside, resulting in an even more monstrous appearance.

  • Stargazer Scientific Name Uranoscopidae.

You should really check out this one. . .Uncanny!

Bonus creepy fact: Some species of the stargazer fish can cause electric shocks via a special organ located behind its eye.

  • Sea spider Scientific Name Pycnogonida

Bonus creepy fact: The sea spider's proboscis allows it to suck... out of its prey. Huge sluuuurrrp sound.

  • Stareater Scientific Name Astronesthes
    Bonus creepy fact: An alternative name for the stareater is snaggletooth, which most likely refers to its sharp, needle-like teeth it uses to catch prey.

  • Gulper eel Eurypharynx pelecanoides

Okay, if these could be tamed, I'm thinking Great Guard Pet! ; )

Bonus creepy fact: Not pictured is the gulper eel's very long, whip-like tail which contains numerous tentacles that glow pink and give off occasional bright-red flashes.

Chimaera YES, you saw that right chimaera! Interesting considering what has been verified about chimaera's not only in underground locations, but also by their very own corporate owned media!

Scientific Name Chimaeriformes.
Bonus creepy fact: The odd, stitch-like lines you see on chimaeras are actually sensory organs that detect movements and vibrations in the water.

  • The black swallower
    Scientific Name Chiasmodon ni*er [Had to camo that word as the snowflakes will try to claim we are saying something else and act like I created it's scientific name].

Bonus creepy fact: Sometimes the black swallower bites off more than it can chew, meaning that its meal may begin decomposing in its stomach before it can be digested. The resulting gases released by the decomposing body forces the black swallower to the surface, where it cannot survive.

  • Barreleye Scientific Name Opisthoproctidae.
    This futuristic-looking fish is named for its barrel-shaped, tubular eyes that are directed upwards to detect prey. The eyes are enclosed within a large, transparent dome of soft tissue. Oh, and those dark shadows near the front of the barreleye aren't its eyes. Look up a little further, and you'll find them.
    Uncanny? You decide!

Bonus creepy fact: This deep-sea species has been known to scientists since 1939, but was only photographed alive in 2004.

See more inside with verified sources to learn more!
Where do you really live?
How much do you know about this realm?
What else resides under the sea?

You decide!

How is this a check as you stated Lee Andres when you claimed Biden was controlling covid cases. If that is so, why is he allowing this to happen while attempting to Force the American public to mask up Even if they have been vaccinated. . .now this includes children even though Hypoxia is a threat?

Investigative reporter Sara Carter encountered a group of migrants near the southern border of La Joya, Texas on Wednesday who were so sick they needed immediate medical attention.

One migrant Carter attended to had a severe nosebleed and appeared to be struggling under the intense heat. The woman showed possible symptoms of COVID-19 as her two-year-old daughter looked on.

First responders and border patrol agents stated there was not enough man power provided from the administration at the border.

How is THAT a check?
How can someone who can't handle nor take care of this situation supposed to help those who think they need something done with "climate change?"

How can get gas prices back down to where they were when President Trump had them Much lower?
Yet, you are claiming he can attack leftist's goals for infrastructure and the economy?
A leftist's economy where more is given to the government in taxes and paying for energy YES, but not what hard working middle class people expect. They want more put into hard working families, not Elitists, career politicians and non-workers whom they use for their voting base.

How much of a hypocrite does this administration and their blind followers have to be when they are trying to Force Americans to mask up when many of the people they are Allowing to pour across the border have No masks, stacking up children. . .even sick ones in cages [verified, too many to each cage] and it has been verified by state governments many people are co^_d positive as the whistleblowers have given their own Names. . .and they are being carted around the United States and set up in hotels with no medical help and no stipulations.

People seeing it have been told to put a positive spin on it and Not tell what is Really happening!

Well, that's not shocking as Falsey admitted they told you early on in the scamdem*c that you. . .the common fold didn't need masks because they wanted them available for those they deemed more worthy. You giving that a check too Lee?

Little to Zero oversight at the border in Texas so the Texas governor had to take the federal government to court for Not providing proper care, procedures or people for the humanitarian crisis, the child crisis and migrant crisis.

Where are these people from Bid_n's admin that care? Why the overcrowding in the middle of the pandemic? Why is Kamala not there when she and Joe claimed they would fix the border. This poor little girl was only 2 having to watch her mother suffer.

Why are they carting sick people coming across the border to other states when even those Here, even the jabbed Must be masked up in certain places.
What the Biden administration is doing is deadly and wrong for Everyone as stated by officials.
Why is it okay for them to bring Co*id here? So leftists are NOT as concerned about this as they Claim?
Say it isn't so Joe!

What is going On? I KNOW you won't give an answer Lee Andres. . .the left Never Does. What you will do is try to distract and focus on something else, but isn't a humanitarian and child crisis the MOST important? If it's not. . .all your side Claims to stand for is a Blatant Sham and we All Know It! Biden needs to Repent and so do all of his Elitist, Globalist puppet masters!

It's been Proven it's beginning to affect the health of the border patrol agents. Why is this okay with the Biden administration and it's followers? How is this humane?

Now it is endangering both migrant and citizen's lives. Is that really okay with you? Sad if it is.

Mayor of Texas Border Town on Immigration Surge
Hear Mayor Don McLaughlin from Uvalde, Texas right on the border
Coyotes trying to elude the border patrol and police.
Released 1.2 million into the United States. . . 97% have not checked in and will Never check in!
It's Laughable the Biden administration attempts to claim the border is closed.
May McLaughlin says to come on down and Spend the Day with Us!
He says it's the Most Hypocritical admin he has ever seen and they will Not tell you the truth!
He asks. . ."who are they to tell Americans about mask mandates when they release 1.2 million into the population." Many of them Verified to be sick and have said themselves they have co*id symptoms and some say right out they have c0^id.
There is no Co&id protocol at all!
The population in Uvalde is
2,700 people in less than 28 hours.
McLaughlin's town is 17,000 people so in less than a month they get into their town More than their population as last month they received 21,600 people pouring across the border with no to very little co$vid protocols.
How is this acceptable to someone giving the Biden admin constant praise? Very Telling!

According to former acting DHS Secretary, Chad Wolf. . . this is being seen not only in Texas, but all across the border and they have reinstated catch and release.

They're catching up them, then taking them to bus stations, airports then they are releasing them into American communities with no checks and balances.

Some are testing positive
Some are Not Testing
Some are choosing the vaccines
Some are not choosing them
so it's a very dangerous situation.

Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 9.12.39 AM.png

There is a 900% spike in detainees with co*v_d in the RVG Sector [Rio Grande Valley]

According to Axios,
Scoop: 50,000 migrants released; few report to ICE

About 50,000 migrants who crossed the southern border illegally have now been released in the United States without a court date. Although they are told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office instead, just 13% have shown up so far, Axios has learned.

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