Sighting of Space place? survalliance craft

in ufo •  7 years ago  (edited)

Oh Really
damm i just saw some kinds spaceplane
that seemed 2 be reading me the entire time followed a airplane flight path then jumped back over my house area prolly over 10 miles+ in under 2 minutes and then shutoff all its lights
same area i alwways usually do
my neighboorhood
Take picture
this nhs woman told me she heard a client told her they saw a ufo i wanted to talk to them about it but she said no cause they where scared
even i get pictures no 1 believes me so i kinda dont care honestly lol
Dammmmm LoL
could been 1 of ours
i know we have secret space fleets
multiple one's more then likely
its why the public space programs seem like a retarded joke
cause that shit has been outdated for at least 30 years
well i did send in a email to the usa air force recuting there welcome 2 send a tr3-b over 2 my house anytime so might been one lol
I'll like to see that
i really think i need 2 buy a infrared/nightvision camera immeidately

this 2nd time area i felt it came back or was in area....
i told we may come back so ?

saw 3 planes this time so 1 of these was it then?

culd be covert unlisted plane to....
or transponder shutoff

handy thing for measuring degrees/ sky distance

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