1936: Black Forest, Germany – UFO Crash?

in ufo •  2 years ago 

"In 1936 a 'flying saucer' allegedly crashes in the Black Forest opening the door for advanced German technology in aeronautics and space (reverse engineering). The ship and its occupants were spirited away to the dark heart of Nazi Germany, where all was dismantled and diligently studied."

"The Vril Society members were supposedly the first group to attempt the back engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.A German writer, John Von Helsing, describes the discovery of a crashed saucer in the Black Forest, near Freiburg, in 1936 and says that this technology was taken and combined with the information the Vril Society had received through channeling and was made into a further project called the Haunebu."

"The Thule and Vril Gesellschaften (Societies), with technical assistance of the SS Technical Branch, were possibly the first groups in history to attempt the reverse-engineering of a non-terrestrial spacecraft based upon persistent reports of a crashed disc discovered in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg in 1936.

German writer Jan van Helsing described the discovery of a crashed disc-shaped object and claims that this revolutionary technology was taken and (combined with the information the Vril Gesellschaft had received through psychic channeling) was incorporated into a joint project called the H-Gerät, or Haunebu disc machine which was initiated in the previous year. Thule financed the effort, Vril guided the direction of development, and the SS Technical Branch built the machine somewhere in NW Germany under the highest security."

"The Haunebu I was the first of the large German Flugscheiben (Flight Discs) and took to the air with a Tachyonator 7 drive (a.k.a. Thule Triebwerk) in August 1939, just a few weeks prior to the outbreak of World War II. It is believed that this drive was a form of electro-magnetic-gravitic (EMG) type."

"In addition to the SS metaphysical research they also incorporated German quantum theory and the works of Nikolai Tesla into the disc development programs; consequently, such a merging of non-terrestrial and human technology probably led to the Haunebu I.

But even as Thule and Vril had some success with the early 1937-1941 RFZ (Rundflugzeug/Round Aircraft)disc aircraft, it was the Haunebu series of discs that were far superior in the end.

The Freiburg disc is claimed to be the origin of the Tachyonator 7 drive for these machines – the first human product of reverse-engineering of non-terrestrial technology."

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