Is the 2nd largest tunnel system in Eastern Europe in Ukraine? World's largest urban labyrinth: Odessa's Catacombs set world record! Used during Nazi Germany. Tourists advised not to enter without a guide.

in ukraine •  3 years ago  (edited)

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See connecting vid report here,

What I got a strike for on my YT channel though verified even by their own site!

What all could they be trying to hide?


Did you know?
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See more inside of here,
Ukrainians unearth hiding places of Jews in city sewers during Nazi Holocaust

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Built more than 100 years ago during the Russian Empire.


From CNN Travel,
Dark secrets of Odessa's vast catacomb labyrinth

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Known as the Pearl of the Black Sea, Odessa is one of the most captivating destinations in Ukraine.
But while its magnificent architecture and beautiful beaches are relatively well known, the most enthralling destination here is actually located way beneath the city.

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Deep in the neighborhood of Moldavanka, inside an unassuming garage located off a busy road, lies a special gateway to one of the world's largest urban labyrinths -- the Odessa Catacombs.
On entering, visitors are handed a helmet and a flashlight before descending around 25 meters (82 feet) down into the darkness.

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With more than 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles) of tunnels, this underground city is so vast and complicated -- there are at least 1,000 known entrances -- that tourists are advised not to enter without a qualified guide.
Its size seems particularly staggering when compared to the catacombs of Rome and Paris, which span 300 and 500 kilometers respectively.

But unlike those in the French and Italian cities, these underground passages were never used to bury the dead.
Now a chaotic system of unconnected caves and abandoned quarries or tunnels spread over three levels, the story behind their existence begins around the time Odessa was founded at the end of the 18th century.

Coquina, a sedimentary rock, largely contributed to the city's rapid growth as it was used to construct the majority of buildings in Odessa at the time.
The principle was simple: if you wanted to build yourself a palace, the easiest way to find the material was to set up a quarry and mine as much coquina as you needed.
When the city experienced a huge commerce boom between 1819 and 1859, many palaces were erected, which meant countless quarries were dug underground.
This process was pretty much unregulated, going some way to explain how large and disordered the area is now.
The catacombs underneath the Moldavanka neighborhood form part of the Secrets of Underground Odessa museum.

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An article in Atlas Obscura from 2010,
Odessa’s Mindbending Catacomb Maps
They are a very bad place to get lost.

THE THING ABOUT SCALE IS that it can be hard to communicate in words. Ten kilometers, a hundred kilometers, a thousand kilometers, your mind struggles to give them appropriate impact.

I wrote up an Atlas entry today on the Odessa Catacombs, the largest catacomb system in the world. Besides having housed both hundreds of armed Nazi-killing soviet partisans during World War II (who were literally sneaking about right below the fascists and who even managed to occasionally blow up a Nazi building here and there), and having served as trade routes for smugglers and criminals, the tunnels sheer scale is astonishing: twenty five hundred kilometers of tunnel to be exact.

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In 2005 a girl who was partying with her friends in the catacombs, got separated, and died after three days of wandering through the tunnels. It took two years for the police to finally locate, and retrieve the body. Not a good place to get lost.

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Back to the size. I have to say even as I wrote all this up, I never really grasped how big 2,500 kilometers of tunnel really is. Even as I noted that 2,500 kilometers is more than the distance from Odessa to Paris, that barely made sense, how can all that distance be contained in a network of tunnels under a single city? It didn’t really sink in… not until I saw the maps.

The maps of the Odessa Catacombs look like some fractal Borgesian nightmare, like something an obsessive compulsive Dungeons and Dragons player might draw. Like the fractal branching in the lungs, these tunnels can occupy twenty five hundred kilometers of space, because they nearly defy the idea of size, they just fold back in on themselves, in ever smaller paths. (See Mandlebrot on the art of roughness and fractals for things that really do defy the idea of surface area.)

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As per The Daily Mail,

Some experts believe the network was a way of protecting man from predators while others believe that some of the linked tunnels were used like motorways are today, for people to travel safely regardless of wars or violence or even weather above ground.

The book notes that chapels were often built by the entrances perhaps because the Church were afraid of the heathen legacy the tunnels might have represented, and wanted to negate their influence.

In some cases writings have been discovered referring to the tunnels seen as a gateway to the underworld.

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Per Euro News,

Elon Musk’s €47m underground tunnels will be used for electric cars

Las Vegas is set to expand its transportation network - but this time, underground.

A company owned by Elon Musk is developing a web of tunnels under the city, to speed up transport across the area. Musk’s plan is to populate the tunnels with Tesla all-electric vehicles (AEVs), meaning commuters will be able to travel miles underground at incredible speeds.

The Boring Company, which Musk developed to “solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic” aims for roads to “go 3D”, meaning both flying cars and tunnels are on the table so far.

Musk is already in the process of building a shuttle beneath the Las Vegas Convention Center, where Tesla AEVs will move visitors between exhibition halls. These shuttles have been given permission to transport up to 16 people at a time, with up to 62 vehicles in service simultaneously.

This is the first commercial project for the technology titan’s infrastructure business, which he founded in 2016.

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Where will the tunnels lead to?
The success of Musk’s initial tunnels in Las Vegas means he is one step closer to achieving his planned ‘Vegas Loop’, which would see much of the city accessible by underground electric shuttles. According to the Boring Company, the express connection will operate at speeds of up to 155mph, meaning a journey which usually takes half an hour at peak times, could take just three minutes.

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According to Bloomberg,

In late 2016, Inc. received a patent for what it called “dedicated network delivery systems.” It included underground conveyor belts and vacuum tubes to transport containers and packages. It is unclear if Amazon has ever seriously tried to build such a system.

UPDATE on 12.2.2022
Thank you for the Heads Up Mike and Lisa Interposer Ward on this post by TD Prast

For this telling post and a must see,

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Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor to the victor of World War II, the right to take any action, including military ones, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN charter that allows a Russian special operation to be carried out in Ukraine.


The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced to criminal liability all those who fought against the UN and committed genocide. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, "Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II - the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China - the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent actions that aim to revise the results of the Second World War. .

See more inside of here,

United Nations Charter, Chapter XVII:
Transitional Security Arrangements
Article 106

Did this on Night Shift.
I'll be back in when I can. Stay Safe out there and GodSPEED!

UPDATE 7.15.2023
Are you aware of those you may have heard about being from Ukraine or having a family history in Ukraine?

Check out #RosanneBarr's story about what happened to her family.
Are people Not being told #TheTruth on corporate owned media?
Wonder why that is?
You know why!
These are clips from the channel LFR Family


Hear Roseanne speak about her being from Ukraine and a large faction of an owned group who perpetuates evil at around 2:30

Hear where she tells of them marching her grandmothers, great grandparents 10 siblings out into the forest and buried them alive in Ukraine.

She states, people better Wake Up and do some research on their own instead of what comes across on the screen.

Hear her call Right out When Pierce Morgan tries to make claims, that "just because Zelensky's Jewish, doesn't mean he likes Jews or that he's doing anything good for the Jews."

Whoa! Now that's Powerful!

These are Roseanne's words, not mine nor the host from LFR Family.

If not familiar with #TrueHistory they desperately try to hide from people as [not all who call themselves Jewish are Actually Jewish] go here,

The history they Don't Want you to Know! Who are the Khazarians and why are they significant in Bible Prophecy and what is going on Now with Russia and Ukraine?

Hear the host from LFR Family say, "there are some Black people who don't like Black people!"

Well isn't that the truth! Same for all races as we have seen people turn on humanity no matter their ethnicity or race.

WHOA!! Hear Roseanne say, "just 'cause their skin folk don't mean their kinfolk"
I am def. borrowing this one!


Hear her talk about Marxist Jews are not the same kind of Jew Roseanne is and the fact that when people say there is only one kind of Jew, they are missing a $ load of history!
These are Roseann's words, not mine nor LFR Family host, but we agree with her!

10:50 speaks on Socialism and how these socialists have made her their target.
Sound familiar for many a Light Bearer/ Truth Teller?

She states, "they have made me their target because they don't think she is the right kind of Jew and they don't think that any Jew, who thinks like I do is the right kind of Jew and I have to live with that. And it is within my community and it's just like when black activists come on and talk about being targeted by their own community too. . . it's much the same, it's a cultural war and it is between the far left and normal sane human beings such as myself."

#Ukraine, #OdessaCatacombs, #Tunnels, #TunnelsInUkraine, #KievTunnels, #UkraineTunnels, #Tunnels. #Labyrinth, #NewYorkCityTunnels, #NYArtificialCave

More Sources

Check out what happens when you go to that link on DARPA's Tweet.


Now try this,

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Going underground: The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey
Evidence of tunnels has been found under hundreds of Neolithic settlements
That so many tunnels have survived after 12,000 years shows that the original network must have been enormous

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And Now just in the middle of it all. . .
#FaithRestored in humanity because of the #SideOfGood
Check out the. . .
#Veteran running with child of same disability
#Veteran who hadn't flown in years flying as if he had never left!
#ElectricalWireArcing from a helicopter
#The glass cutter

And so much more in here, #JustBecause


Tunnel systems on this Island?
You decide!

**Plum Island- how many are there? Super Prison for deadly animal diseases? Can they affect us? Some seem to think so concerning what everyone is Fearful of Right Now from 2019-2021 **

See a Facebook Frames thread here with complete sources,
Facebook Frames Plum Island- how many are there? Super Prison for deadly animal diseases? Can they affect us? Some seem to think so concerning what everyone is Fearful of Right Now! How often does Plum come up in songs and history?
How about in the song Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd?
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding" Facebook Frames Plum Island- how many are there? Super Prison for deadly animal diseases? Can they affect us? Some seem to think so concerning what everyone is Fearful of Right Now!
For link to see all frames and connections with Full Sources inside go here

From one of the photo frames from above FB frames link,
#PlumIsland, #DevilsIsland
Goes back to 1971 in the New York Times.

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Above article in New York Times starts out. . .ORIENT POINT. L. I.—Every weekday at 8 A.M., 275 scientists, secretaries, animal care workers, lab technicians and armed guards climb aboard a 108‐foot ferryboat here and head out into the choppy waters off the tip of Long Island's North Fork.

Twenty minutes later, they dock at Plum Island, a highly restricted 800‐acre patch of scrub brush and 15 nondescript Federal Government buildings that, since 1954, has functioned as a Devil's Island for the deadliest animal disease germs known to man.

Visitors are not permitted. Twenty‐four hours a day, guards patrol the island's perimeter in a jeep to warn away boaters who might he attracted by the clean, sandy beach. The nature of the work done on the island makes these and an elaborate net of other security precautions absolutely necessary. Get your OWN Eyes on it. #RealEyesRealize


It is a well known fact the casinos transfer funds and other supplies for their hotels Underground rather than above ground.

Years ago I did a report showing the distance of two iconic hotels. One called the Mandalay Bay where that shooting occurred in which Bill Gates Owned top 5 floors with Prince Al-waleed bin Talal. Now Bill Gates had also donated heavily to Gun Control prior to that shooting when none other than Mr. 21 was there for a concert!

What was interesting that people were not aware of, the Saudi Royal Air Force had been in Training just a few weeks prior at another hotel just about 6.3 miles away [encoding 6 or 9 whichever direction you fly] in which it was Known they shared Kitchen Staff with the Mandalay Bay and transported their supplies underground.

Doesn't matter, they could transport what they wished underground at any time. Anyhow, the Sauid Royal Air force came in and had art and decor removed and replaced for their stay to suit them.

It was Quite Interesting. For those of us who have done stints in Vegas and have people still say there are no tunnels there, are purposely fooling themselves and refusing to look at the evidence.

Besides those of us who have been in them, there was a report done on the tunnels under Vegas by ABC. I don't know if they've scrubbed it yet, but I have it archived somewhere if they have!

More in here about a third of the way down when you scroll.

Las Vegas this is actually their city where Illunimati, luciferians, the Cabal, whatever you prefer to call them, they perform a lot of rituals. Besides the homeless living in the tunnels, it is said there are many secret passageways. In case you have not seen the articles on them here are some links. You can also just do a duckduckgo search as I believe even abc did a news segment on them back in the day.

Thank you Great Warrior Nana Bert for this following Truth Byte!

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Very Telling,
Then when you look it up yourself see what it specifically states!

Yet the normies say we are all #ConspiracyTheorists. They should start Poking Around! When you look it up yourself this is what it specifically states! Zero Respect for those who Should and Could know, but all out refuse due to their arrogance and feigning they know more than everyone else. #ThesePeopleAreSick! Human trafficking in Ukraine
Ukraine is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked transnationally for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.

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Do Hunter and Biden have assets next to the 32,000 miles of tunneling in Ukraine?

You decide!

See more info in here in under 7 min.

Gina Haspel/The Biden Corruption Timeline/Evidenced Crimes/Leads to Epstein/Seth Rich was his name!


Update May 2022
27.02.22 B💥💥💥M
Backup DNC server was in Ukraine & THAT'S why the democrats panicked when Trump placed the call to President Zelenskiy of Ukraine on the EXACT same server?
That would explain why dems pushed for impeachment & demanded to have the server & Trump basically responded, F**k off - You can have the transcripts ONLY.
The servers ALSO had the location of C👁@ asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden.
Crazy how the soccer ball Putin handed off to Trump had the EXACT same pattern as General Flynn's Digital Soldiers meme.
Putin served it to Trump - The ball is in your court > Soccer Serve(r)
"We have it all." ~Q
Remember when articles at the time where ADIDAS THEMSELVES announced THAT ball had a Wi-Fi logo on it cuz it had a transmitter chip to transmit information to nearby cell phones to access videos & information on players, for fans that held their phone close to the ball.
WHAT ARE THE Odds > No Qincidences!!!

See link here and thank you Great Warrior Matt Dentino and Sammie Snow for this info share and link,
