ULOG 33 | Day Two Without My Glasses

in ulog •  6 years ago 


Today makes it the second day since u dropped my frame for a new pair of lens. The old one was broken and I decided to reuse the frame to save cost.

It's kind of hard, you know. Sometimes I wonder if my eyes aren't getting worse. I mean, the glasses are supposed to prevent my eyesight from getting worse.

At some other time, I wonder if I really need the glasses. I mean, I see as clear as a hawk. Okay, that's a life. I know how bad my eyesight is, especially when it comes to reading small print.

Well, I simply have to wait as I can't do anything to speed up the process.


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Wearing glasses gets tiring. Sometimes I wish I could just get permanent contact lenses or something.

Permanent contact lenses?

I never thought about those

I think I'll ask my doctor

Let me give you another permission slip from my own experience: Eyes are meant to work and they always work perfectly. As it's described in the Bates Method: Poor eyesight is nothing but perfect biological feedback showing you that you have gotten accustomed to using your eyes in an unnatural way. Unnatural meaning you have gotten used to putting too great of a strain on your eye muscles (mostly due to wanting to appear "busy" or "engaged) and your eyes have since started to adjust and change their shape.

If you want to start with a real awesome exercise search online for "palming" and try it out.

In my humble opinion from what I researched and tried: It's not like your eyes are getting worse, it's just that your current habits of using your eyes are not in line with how they are meant to be used and the more you force them the more they go into blurriness. Once you start becoming aware of all the tension around your eyes and get a feel for continously leting go of that tension, your eyesight will become better all by itself. Taking off the glasses is a prerequisite for them to start working like they are intended.

So maybe your friend hitting them off of you has been somewhat of a gift, because it led me to see your post and now share this bit of information with ya that most glass wearers have never heard about or consider possible.

It's really similar to having to learn how to walk upright after having gotten used to walking with an arched back for decades. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice either: It's more of a hint for you to dig and to let you know that your worries are absolutely normal for glass wearers and that there is mighty hope to correct the issue if you are willing to let go of old hangups and work on newer healthier habits. It all comes down to habit really of how we use our muscles and attention but that would go too far here.

Good luck <3

Thanks for your kind and helpful comment. I'm sorry it took so long to reply.

I'll check out the video in the other post. And yes, I took you're right. Now that I think about it, I was so eager to get glasses. I remember I had the option of drugs.

I've gotten a new pair and I look forward to being able to do without it

Thanks for stopping by
