34 #Ulog: Curious Cats, Creative Boys & #chickenbitchez

in ulog •  6 years ago 

We've Been Having Some "Interesting" Times...


The kittens haven't been allowed outside. They got fleas. DOH! We've been battling them for a month now, and actually now have to resort to fumigating the house. I've never experienced fleas before...and honestly...the sound of scratching will not be missed.


Yes, yes, I know it's all my fault! Should never have let them romp around outside. I've done more laundry, washing and vacuuming this month than I've ever done in my life...spring cleaning? Won't be needed! Fall cleaning x 1,000,000 just happened. And they still keep coming back!


I hate being stuck inside Ma... -Batmew

Don't worry we'll get you more toys Angel. Since the kittens have been inside the boys have had a lot more work to do. They are constantly creating new toys on strings to tie around the house, as well as playing the 'chase' game, around and around they go.


Inside Life Ain't All Bad...


Artsy Boys


@kiedisbowes wanted to learn how to draw a rose. Well, I'm no good with that kind of art, so thank goodness for the internet (how could we live without this, I don't even have a vehicle to go to the library with).

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Looking Great! My 8 year old is a better at drawing than me!



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Group Project: A Meadow


Bwa hahahaha, you probably can't even tell that I helped!


Stryder's "Peacock"


Kiedis' "Pumpkin with Cute Eyes"

Last, but certainly not least... The #ChickenBitchez!


You can see that Mr. Pendock has moulted and is waiting for his tail feathers to grow back to full length.


Gals are looking great free ranging in the forest.


My Hothouse: AKA: Chicken Dust Bath Heaven



There's a couple tomatoes in there still, the gals can have em, their gift for putting up with me having them locked in their run during the growing season.

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Well I hope you have a good day #STEEM Fam! Last night I was up almost all night with a sick Stryder, and now today Kiedis is feeling very hot. You know what they say, when it rains, it pours. This has been a very challenging last couple months for me. Looking forward to some sweet peace, ease and relief soon.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey @lindsaybowes . Ive been off Steem busy for a little while zero time😑. Just checking in! The cat rescue I volunteer at has repeatidly rid themselves of fleas effectively using all natural diatomaceous earth. Actually Way more effective than different chemical treatments. Cover the cat and its bed, tree etc with the earth then brush and watch them drop off dead...re apply the next day. If u have white floors u will see lots of black specks. Dead fleas. Lol. I found These 2 cuddle monsters named them thor and snowballs. I also got rid of their fleas they brought to my house this way. Works quick!
If you havr tried un sucessfully then im stumped. Sorry!
I hope your favourite crops finished strong and abundant. Tty later keep Steemin

You have some budding artists living at your house! This is terrific. Don't talk to me about fleas and ticks. The first year we were it was awful. Exterminate outside every month. Tick injections and flea baths for the cats. It was torture for everyone involved. Then we got a flock of Guinea fowl. That really cleaned up outside. We were good for about 5 years, until this year...then bam, we have them in spades! Here we go again...

Sorry, the boys are sick. I hope they are better soon. Mama's going to need a break soon!

I've heard if the pet dies, the ticks start biting the humans looking for a new host. D:

UGH! Fleas!! It's a good thing those kittens are soooo cute, right?! :) Did you see that we rescued a little kitten a week or so ago? I was hoping to only foster her, but she's here for good now. We took her to the vet and had her treated for fleas before we ever brought her home to Buddy though :) I get that it would be so hard to not let them outside to play and wear themselves out a bit!

Love the artwork! Of course you didn't help at all :) When I was teaching at a Fine Arts School, it was grade1-12, and the parents were all freaks haha; I remember little wee kids coming in during the Science Fair days, with projects that appeared to be done by full grown Scientists! :)

Hooray, chickenbitchez! Oh how I've missed them :)

Glad to see all is well (minus the fleas) in your neck of the woods Lyndsay :)

Oh my goodness, the kitten post slipped by me, going to see her now!!!

Lol, here in our schools in Venezuela, parents do most of the homework sometimes. It depends on the school but kids don't really learn to research and do things by themselves at all.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh, I'm sooooo happy I found this post of yours, @lyndsaybowes!!! I loved reading the retelling of the different twists and turns you had this week. Made me chuckle and feel comfy, like I was spending a bit of time right there with you through all the stress, fun and wonder.

LOVE your kittens!!!! They look so sweet and innocent, oblivious of all the flea drama they've gifted you with recently. ;)

And the boys' art work is adorable. Couldn't make out where your contribution was in the drawing, but lovely free, swirling art y'all so obviously enjoyed creating. LOVE Kiedis's rose and pumpkin and Stryder's "Peacock". Great job!

Also first time I'm meeting Mr. Pendock and the Gals. They'll enjoy those tomatoes for sure!

Thanks again for sharing your week so beautifully and warmly and am cheering you on through the fumigation. Sorry about all those fleas. I truly give Thanks and have no clue how my cats don't have fleas... knocking on wood... they're in and out all day, every day. I did use the collars and drops mentioned in another comment on my dogs in the past and have friends who use on their cats, so that may be a good preventative measure after the fumigation.

Sending lots of hugs and energy and wishes that miraculous, wondrous peace settles and stays for awhile soonest!!! ;)

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you so much for writing me @angelacs, and I can definitely feel your awesome energy and warm wishes!! <3 <3 Such a pleasure to meet you.

It must be so entertaining and a big learning experience for them. I only started drawing a lot after I was an adult and I really wished I started earlier. My motor skills are very untrained.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey @cryptosharon!

Yes, it is both. Don't worry about starting late. I didn't like art much in school then it blossomed and bloomed later as an adult. Just enjoy it and let it lead you to fuller and fuller, more expanded self expression, inner peace and real life victories.

Art has always been a huge way to build intimacy with myself and through that, the world. I need to get back to it more somehow. ;)

I like that rose making tutorial. :)

Yes fleas are the worst not just for the cats. Although I hate to admit it a collar is the only thing that really works. You can buy one on line that lasts for upto 8 months and in general you only need one cat to wear it and it seems to help the rest and keep them out of the house. Sometimes we have to bite the bullet and use chemicals. Check out ebay and fo a little research. Yes there are horror stories but you just need to keep an eye on Kitty for a bit. Good luck Mate x

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Thank you Andy, I will certainly look into getting a collar for em, though I believe I'm going to keep them inside...the highway in front of our house is a real killer too.

Wooo. Do you also keep the kids under locked doors? I'd be scared of living near a highway with unpredictable creatures and children. So vulnerable!

We have a really big backyard, that goes to the ocean, the children are not allowed in the front, but really, there's no fun to be had there anyway <3

Buy guns for the kittens! Self defense.

Have you ever tried shooting a flea? 😂

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It's easier when they're on my legs. The hard part is cleaning the mess of blood afterwards.

Yes bullet holes on your legs can be messy 😎

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I love that you kept your kittens! So adorable. Yes, fleas and cats go hand in hand it seems :/

A fox got two of my chickens yesterday so i am down to mama (leto) and two of her now grown babies. Theya re locked back into their small run and will remain there for the duration of my UK trip so @winstonalden doesn't have to do to much to take care of them.

I;ll see in Spring how many babies she can hatch for me :)

Drawing fun times! I love it! You can't ever give enough art to kids, so keep it up!

Aw, hi Donna! Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting our crazy home. I'm so sorry to hear about your chooks, this is just not fair :'( :'(

I'm looking forward to many many new hatchlings in the spring, and also seeing your UK trip I hope you plan on bringing us with you!

Do cats have more fleas than dogs?

Have you tried diatomaceous earth to combat the fleas?

I feel the pain, I had them in my home before and they were a complete nightmare! :(

Didn't realize it was such a bad time in general for you either, which I can also relate with.

We're all here for you :D

We used DE, yes, on some rugs and their cat tree. Unfortunately because the kittens are so active, and don't have one spot they chill in, but hundreds, the eggs are everywhere and we gotta do the whole house.

Thanks for your big HEART @overkillcoin, I feel your care <3 <3 Thanks for being here for me!

I read it's good to mix baking soda with the DE to dry out the eggs. The DE cuts'em up and the baking soda dries out the eggs.

Thank you very much for that suggestion @kingsofa!

Your welcome!

My doggy has a spray for fleas! They wash her then spray her and rub it like a cream. It smells horrible :O But she had a lot of fleas before so it's necessary.

Did it contain neem oil? It's effective against insects, but it's got a really unpleasant scent....

Dunno. I can't touch her much. I'm allergic to animal hairs! But I love heeerr. I'll ask my parents as soon as I can though! They're the ones that deal with the bathing.

Wow, that is so wonderful that they both love to draw and create so much and such lovely work they do. Wonderful. The kittens are the most adorable things I have ever seen. The picture you captured of all hree is priceless. I would say I love them so much. You can however keep their fleas. Joey is very happy as an inside cat. I do know people that have inside cats that take their cat out on the lawn with a leash. You could do that once they have the fleas sorted out. Do flea collars work for cats like dogs? Available at pet stores. I think we should get those boys an easel. Picasso..look out. Loving my chicken offspring. Nice down home post. xx much love...sending love messages to unwell boys. xx

They definitely need an easel. Though where would I put it? hahaa!!

Ah, flea collars should work on cats too, no? I don't think it has anything to do with the canine-ness of the dog but the material of the collar and its smell. But maybe it does. I'll ask the vet the next time I see him.

Awww poor kittens. Be very careful, I have read too many reports about the anti flea drops poisoning and even killing cats - especially Hartz. NEVER use Hartz. If I had to use something like that, I'd feel safer with a collar. Just too many horror stories! I don't envy you, man. Cloth moths are too much to deal with, I can't imagine fleas! :(
I'm glad the boys are on the play with kitties job, though! That's a good setup. :)
I just saw a meme the other day that said, "Drawing is wild; you think you know what things look like, then five minutes later you're googling 'bird'..."

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Omg that last quote is so true, for me! Intense how memory really doesn't function the way I think it does...until I pick up the pencil...

We are getting them stuff from the vet, and you use it based on how much each kitten weighs, the fumigator guy won't come until the kittens have been on the vet's stuff for a week. "Advantage" it's called.

Oh ok, I think Advantage is better. <3 Good luck!

@lyndsaybowes we resorted to Advantage this year, works great. Hartz is the worst @phoenixwren!!! Totally right there. All that stuff makes me nervous!!

Hahahaha, that's drawing for me too. I start with a very solid idea of what I want, then I notice after a little while that I'm so off point and I don't even have an idea of how to make things work, so I google human faces, animal shapes, and even have to use guides for a basic torso shape, as if I hadn't seen enough humans already. :O It's so mysteriously hard.

We use advocate for our cats, it's only available on prescription in the UK, but it's very effective

Good to know! The stuff the vet is giving us is called "Advantage"

I have to say it again, I can't help it. The picture of the three kittens looking out the window is priceless.

Thank you, it really has emotion doesn't it <3

yes. I love it.

Sorry for your fleas. They can be nasty. My vet told me to use "revolution" works great. You put it on them and let them ran around the house. Any stray fleas will jump on the cats and eventually die. No fleas on cats and no fleas in house. Wha-la.

I hope you are able to be free of those fleas soon @lyndsaybowes! I can't imagine having to clean up that much... at least come Spring you will have nothing to worry about! Silver linings and all that.

Loving the rose drawing and colouring. The Gals look happy in their tomato kingdom :D

Love you lynds. I hope it all gets easier <3<3<3

great post !
very nice cats Very nice Drawings
And beautiful birds
great photography
I almost forgot that I also had a cat and a chicken

So cuuuuuttteeeee <3

That's one very happy pumpkin, cute!

I want to be a pumpkin.

D'awww! Smoosh dem kitty cats for me!

HAHAA I don't know if I should be relieved or disappointed that you don't want to steal BatMew anymore...

He's polluted! lol

Don't I know it!

I like hugging cats. They're soft. But they're so hairyyy

I draw roses just like your sweet boy;))
and it's definetely A GREAT ROSE!;))

kittens are just mimimi;))
btw the cat in my mother-in-law house gave birth to some pretty kittens too;) now looking at yours I wanna make photos of that piece of fur too;)

Oooh please please please do show your new born kittens to us!! Mimimimimimi!!!!!! Needed!!

Furry little doos. So fluffy. I used to take a lot of pictures of cats but now I don't.

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Ah man, I feel for you here @lyndsaybowes .. my dogs had fleas last year and it was a bloody nightmare, they are like bloody miniature regenerating terminators. Hope you've been well my friend .. the autumn is well and truly settling in here .. with zero signs of life on the tomato front :)