
in ulog •  last year  (edited)




The squirrel breaks bread
with early rose winged parakeets
as dawn traffic hums.


其中这个rose可难坏了我。因为rose的通常意思是名词名词“玫瑰花”,显然,此处不是这个意思。rose又可做rise的过去式,可如果是rise/升起之意,应该是early-rising/早起,rise的现在分词形式。而rose的同源形容词应该是rosy/玫瑰色的,而rose的同源形容词应该是rosy/玫瑰色的,莫非作者搞错了?不可能啊!作者是一位英国专业作家,怎么可能犯如此低级错误?直到查了网上的牛津词典,这才发现原来rose还有一个意思:pink in color/带玫瑰色的!问题一下子迎刃而解,百度里查看这长尾鹦鹉到底长什么样子,原来是绿色翅膀和身子,头部带有玫红色!哦,真是莫名开心啊!

One of my favorite things to do when visiting new cities is to search for the interplay between nature and the world of humankind. Finding these moments, as that the photographer did in the picture prompt, is like finding hidden gems in between the cracks of the pavement.


It also serves as a great meditative practice as the simpler interplay of animal behaviors can pull you out of your mind, pull you into a state of pure observance, forgetting thought and just living through the feeding city wildlife.


In a way these moments of observing nature in a manmade habitat are a metaphor for the act of writing, particularly writing poetry. The process of composing poems is like picking out nuggets of truth from a landslide of chaotic moments. Sifting through the cacophony of opinion and artificial concern to find what seeds the soul, the glimmering payload at the bottom of the pan.


I think this is why many writers are guarded with their time and space, this is certainly the case for me. It is not that they're unsociable, or disconnected from the world, rather that without distance it is impossible to get a true picture.


“Writers are as jealous as pigeons.”

― Anton Chekhov


Chekhov is right 😂 and I'd extend that metaphor to say that writers have to be like pigeons constantly pecking at everything to find what is edible. Examining ideas, people's conversations, different words to best describe a scene and studying things to find the underlying feeling that they inspire beyond thought.





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