"Mom’s Purse . My Memories.
I remember getting a half-wrapped up stick of gum from the bottom of my mother’s purse. It had lint on it and tasted vaguely like her Chanel #5 perfume; nevertheless, I chewed it and she was so happy to share with me.
Yes, I sure remember that purse. Mom’s purse. The pocketbook that seemed to have everything in it.
There was always a mini pack of tissues in it and my mom always insisted, “Here. Take one."
And I did. Now, my mother also kept a real handkerchief in there too; one with flowers and embroidery. That was her personal treasure, and that linen item did not get loaned out.
Besides, gum, Kleenex and nail files, Mom’s purse always had her trusty plastic rain bonnet. It was lined with some kind of black mesh, and she tied it under her chin and hence, the handy plastic rain cap emerged from the depths of her satchel at the first drop of rain or the first puff of a breeze.
Yes, I still have my mom’s last purse. It is filled with the same stuff as always: the lipstick, her rosary beads, a worn-out address book, a dog-eared list of her medications, and a stray half stick of gum. Of course, there is the nail file, a rain cap, her best handkerchief, and tissues. Mom’s “special” pen is still there. That would be the one that she only loaned to me. She guarded her checkbook in a locked and zippered compartment of her pocketbook, and she was the only jailer with the key; it’s sleeping in her bag too.
I have finally realized that Mom’s purse was her whole world. Now, it’s my little piece of her world. I have it in my secret hiding place and every time I hold it, I unzipper it to make sure everything is just as she left it. I am honored to be the guardian of Mom’s purse." ❤
妈妈的手袋 我的回忆
我记得我从妈妈的手袋底部拿了半包口香糖。 上面粘着些棉絮,味道隐约像她的香奈儿 5 号香水;尽管如此,我还是嚼了起来,她很高兴与我分享。
是的,我当然记得那个手袋。 妈妈的手袋。 那个里面似乎什么都有的小包。
里面总有一包迷你纸巾,妈妈总是坚持说:"给。 拿一张"。
我照做了! 现在,妈妈还在里面放了一块真正的手帕;一块有花和刺绣的手帕。 那是她的个人珍宝,那件亚麻制品是不会外借的。
除了口香糖、面巾纸和指甲锉,妈妈的手袋里还总是放着她信赖的塑料雨帽。 它的内衬是某种黑色的网状物,她把它系在下巴下面,因此,只要有一滴雨或一阵风,这顶方便的塑料雨帽就会从她的手袋深处冒出来。
是的,我还保留着妈妈最后一个手袋。 里面装的东西还是老样子:口红、玫瑰经念珠、一本破旧的地址簿、一张卷了边的医药单,还有半条口香糖。 当然,也有指甲锉、雨帽、她最好的手帕和纸巾。 妈妈的 "专用 "钢笔还在。 那是她只借给我的那支。她把支票簿放在手袋内上锁的拉链夹层里,她是唯一有钥匙的狱卒;支票簿至今也依然安睡在她的手袋里。
我终于意识到,妈妈的手袋是她的“整个世界”。 现在,这“她的整个世界”成为我世界的一小部分。我把它珍藏在一个秘密的地方。每次拿着它,我都会拉开拉链看看,以确保一切都和她留下时的一样。 我真荣幸能成为妈妈手袋的守护者。