A form of delegated legislation made principally by local authorities. District and London borough councils have general powers to make byelaws for the good rule and government of their areas, and all local authorities have powers to make them on a wide range of specific matters (e.g. public health). Certain public corporations (such as the British Airports Authority) also make byelaws for the regulation of their undertakings. A statutory power to make byelaws includes a power to rescind, revoke, amend, or vary them. By contrast with most other forms of delegated legislation, byelaws are not subject to any form of parliamentary control but take effect if confirmed by a government minister. It is common for central government to prepare draft byelaws that may be made by such authorities as choose to do so. Byelaws are, however, subject to judicial control by means of the doctrine of ULTRA VIRES.
The public authority which orders and directs what is to be done by each member of a political community in relation to the purposes of the association. The supreme power which governs the body politic or society that constitutes the state. The exercise of, or right to exercise, supreme power, dominion, or sway; as applied to a State, the right to exercise supreme power, dominion, or authority. However, all legislative powers appertain to sovereignty. The original power of giving the law, on any subject whatever, is a sovereign power. In America, the powers of sovereignty are divided between the government of the Union, and those of the States. Each is sovereign with respect to the subjects committed to it!
Sovereignty and legislature are convertible terms: one cannot subsist without the other. Legislature is the greatest act of superiority that can be exercised by one being over another. . . Wherever the power of making laws resides, all other powers must conform to and be directed by it. In a democracy there can be no exercise of sovereignty but by suffrage, which is the DECLARATION OF THE PEOPLE’S WILL. In England, where the people do not debate in a collective body, but by representation, the exercise of sovereignty consists in the choice of representatives. The sovereign or supreme power in every state RESIDES WITH THE PEOPLE. Blackstone supposes the jura summi imperii, or the RIGHT OF SOVEREIGNTY, to reside in those hands in which the exercise of the power of making laws is placed.
The simple and more reasonable idea is that the government is a mere agency established by the people for the exercise of those powers which reside in them. The powers of government are not, in STRICTNESS, granted, but DELEGATED powers. They are then TRUST POWERS AND CAN BE REVOKED. It results that no portion of sovereignty resides in government.
“Ultra vires” from the University of Kent: ‘Beyond the powers’ – Describing an act by a public authority, company, or other body that goes beyond limits of the powers conferred on it. Ultra vires acts are invalid (like the Coronavirus Act 2020). The ultra vires doctrine applies to all powers, whether created by statute or by a private document or agreement (such as a trust deed or contract of agency). In the field of public (especially administrative) law it governs the validity of all delegated and sub delegated legislation. In simple terms all what it says is that public authority cannot act outside its powers and if it does so the act would be treated as null and void in law.
This is ultra vires not only if it contains provisions not authorized by the enabling power but also if it does not comply with any procedural requirements regulating the exercise of the power. The doctrine also governs the validity of decisions made by inferior courts or administrative or domestic tribunals and the validity of the exercise of any administrative power. The decision of a court or tribunal is ultra vires if it exceeds jurisdiction, contravenes procedural requirements, or disregards the rules of natural justice (the power conferring jurisdiction being construed as requiring the observance of these).
The exercise of an administrative power is ultra vires not only if unauthorized in substance, but equally if (for example) it is procedurally irregular, improperly motivated, or in breach of the rules of natural justice (substantive vs. procedural ultra vires). The remedies available for this second aspect of the doctrine are quashing orders, prohibiting orders, declaration, and injunction (the first two of these are public remedies, not available against decisions of domestic tribunals whose jurisdiction is based solely on contract).