Day to day trivialising issues

in unavailable •  7 years ago  (edited)
  1. Lossing half of a bread while ducking it in a tea for breakfast.
  2. unenlongated cell phone and laptop chager from your bed to wall sockets.
  3. junk sms/emails leading to poor server delivery on social media networks.
  4. Receiving messages not meant for us on our cell phone maybe epic messages or somebody wishing you happy birthday on the wrong day.
  5. Crappy wheather and getting stuck in a traffic. You will be like lagos palaba don start again.
  6. worries about the next weekday tight schedules like having to work round the clock and wanting to optimise your client service.
  7. Battery drain when you are in halfway chat with somebody special.
  8. How to delegate sensitive issues as a young worker in office place in the absence of the most experience workers.
  9. Tussling of muscles by passengers to get a seat in a public transport.
  10. Bus to bus salepeople with their flattery advertisement like a particular drug could cure several ailments.
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment