Ceremony is more important now than ever before, time to change the story.

in ungrip •  6 years ago 

For thousands of years ceremonies were held by all peoples on this planet to tell a story, help them through challenging times, for celebration, healing, mourning, birth, unions, peace and even death.  But a colonization process took over and replaced all of those ceremonies with ones meant to disrupt our connection to Spirit and each other.  Ceremonies are living, breathing ways to tell stories, share knowledge, connect with one another and connect with spirit.

For all time people have created and performed their own ceremonies for a wide range of reasons and most of them have since been colonized, hidden, manipulated or lost.  We lost our connection to spirit and each other through that processes.  What is required now is new ceremonies, ones designed specifically to help us deal with the decolonization process so that we can return to spirit and find a balance between the spiritual and physical realms.  

We are facing a critical need that has no ceremonies.  This process that we are now working on is new to our collective experience.  It is time to create these ceremonies to help the healing process.  These ceremonies must help us to break free from the programming and indoctrination that the violent and oppressive systems have beat into our minds and bodies for all these years.  Healing must take place within so that we can then start to express it outside of ourselves so that we can reconcile ALL of our relationships.  These decolonization reconciliation ceremonies must involve healing components as healing is the first step towards freedom, peace and independence.

By building ceremonies to help with the decolonization process, we build processes, protocols and boundaries into them to help us heal our conscious and subconscious mind so that we have the tools to reject the violence and oppression of those who work hard to control and enslave.  

The colonization story has been told for far too long and it is full of lies, deceit and violence that separates us all.  It is time for us Spiritual Warriors to change the story as story telling is important.  As we create our own story, it needs to be told, shared and heard.  This story will be important as we share about people getting together to heal and help others do the same, no matter their background, color, language or beliefs.  We are told lots of stories that are harmful.  Time to tell new stories that are helpful, healing, loving and important.    


The Tawatinaw Initiative for Peace and Independence (TIPI) Stewards are prepared to provide a platform so that our voice is heard as we all have stories to tell.  We are working hard to build retreats and new ceremonies to support the healing process and foster peace and independence so that we can heal from the violence and oppression of the colonial system.  We have ALL been colonized, some longer than others.  The multi-generational trauma must stop here and now.  The tribes of the world are being called upon to start the healing process so that we can find peace, independence and freedom as we stand as sacred stewards of Mother Earth for the prosperity of all life on this planet.  

We need to be heard.  We need to heal.  We need ceremony.  We need reconciliation!  TIPI Stewards are looking to start this process on the weekend of July 21 & 22 as we hold a simultaneous men's and women's retreat on the banks of the Tawatinaw Valley in northern Alberta (near Perryvale).  The idea is to hold the women's retreat on the east side of the valley on the land of @harvardhomestead and the men's retreat is 2 1/2 miles due west on the other side of the valley on the land that Carey and I steward.  There will be opportunities to interact with one another as we will work to ensure that we are in service to one another at different points throughout the weekend.  Costs and details have yet to be worked out but will be shared in the coming week or two.

More details will follow.  I've also started the process to create a steem account for the initiative to share event information, protocols, ceremonies, stories, insights and other information.  The account name is @tipi-spirit and should be active in a week or so.  

I've asked the @goddesseslair facilitators to join us in creating this first Spiritual Warriors Circle retreat AND to help facilitate the Warrior Heart retreat that will follow (similar to the one I attended in April) and the Spiritual Mind Retreat that will follow (similar to the one I attended just a few weeks ago).  These three retreats will serve as the core offerings for anybody wanting to pursue peace and independence through this initiative.  

I've also setup a TIPI discord server where more information will be shared and discussions can take place.  

Click here for more information on how to join The Virtue Circle
Click here to join us on Discord.  

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Brave Bold Beautiful initiative White Walking Feather. Ceremony has indeed been a lacking link in our becoming. But, as you are initiating--- it is also rebirthing!!! It's blessed times we are in no doubt. 💖🌱🌿🌲🌳🍃🐢

It is indeed a rebirth my friend. Nice observation. I hope you can make it for this retreat. It would be great to have you there too!

My calender is free that weekend actually --i checked right away. So, i just need to sit with it a bit. It would be wonderful to attend. I will watch for the upcoming details. 😊

We are also rebirthing ceremonies here in our area. The Elder i Apprentice to has been trying to get them going for a few years among our Apprentice circle. These things take time though. But, it's happening 🎶🎵

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You are very fortunate. I don't have an elder to study, so I ask lots of questions and search everywhere I can. I really lean on spirit to guide me through that process too. I yearn that one day I will be approached by an apprentice to learn from me. We really need to reconnect our elders to the youth to facilitate the knowledge transfer, especially through song and ceremony!

I did have an elder visit me a few years ago. I gave him gifts so that I can ask questions. He informed me that I'm on the right path and he liked what I was doing. It is the same elder that gave me my spirit name during ceremony as well.

Oh the journey 💖 No doubt you're on the right path!! Kudos 🙌 Spirit is your guide. Everyone's really. But, i do get it. And, deeply appreciate the physical contact i have with the lineage I have joined with. That too was Spirit. It's a good story! Haha .... You just can't make this stuff up!! Blessings friend🦅

WHAT an absolutely splendid way to connect with others, the Earth and spiritually! I love the idea of the women and the men having their own separate time away from each other to interact and grow as an individual yet, come together as a group.

Hi @goldendawne! Missed interacting with you the past while. Glad to cross your path today!

Oh I know!! Great to see you too. I've been busier than anything the last week or two with the garden and getting outside more frequently.

Hope all is well with you!

Spirit driven my friend. The other day when we were meeting I mentioned that I wanted to hold a men's retreat. Natalie (@harvardhomestead) then said that she wanted to hold a women's retreat. So we decided to do it at the same time and interact in service to one another throughout the weekend. Cannot plan this stuff.

I think it's just so wonderful you live near others who share your views and want to expand their own thinking and beliefs; and you're able to have gatherings to share with each other.

I find the community here is growing stronger and larger every day. It was very quiet and lonely out here for over a decade, then suddenly BAM! My clan is spread all over, but the community here is starting to form.

Love this 🌸🌱

ভালো লেখা.........

I will be following what is happening. I would love to attend, but the way things are proceeding here, I won't be leaving anytime soon...

This is a wonderful initiative @wwf. If everyone did their little bit, I believe this World would be a lot better than it is now

My dear friend, when we demonstrate how effective this is, we share it with others so that they can do the same work in their corner of the world. We will change the world as a result.

Que motivador Veo que eres excelente persona Compañero @wwf Mis Respetos, Saludos!

Gracias. Estoy agradecido de que hayas encontrado esta motivación. Espero que algún día estas ideas se extiendan por todo el planeta. Paz para ti, mi querido hermano espiritual.

Waoo Hermano De Verdad Que sus Pabras Son DE alientos, Eres Un Ejemplo a Seguir, Te ADMIRO Y TE APOYO DESDE VENEZUELA.

Bueno, hago lo que puedo, pero sí animo a las personas a predicar con el ejemplo. Te pido que no me sigas, sino que encuentres tu propio camino. No busco seguidores, sino hermanos y hermanas espirituales para caminar a mi lado en solidaridad, paz, libertad, prosperidad, alegría, amor, respeto y honor. Hola a ti desde Venezuela Rezo para que todo esté bien allí mientras escucho la agitación de todo el mundo. Sospecho que llegará pronto aquí también. No hablo español, por eso rezo para que Google lo traduzca bien.

Bueno hermano De verdad gracias por tus palabras puedes contar con un hermano. Mis Respetos Hermano!

It's awesome work that you're doing!

Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thank you for sharing my work and expressing how you feel about it. Peace to you!

Looking forward to seeing the progress happening in this area!

this is something new to me i need to check it out :)

Que motivadora información amigo @wwf de verdad te admiro, espero sigas aportando noticias y mas información SALUDOS DESDE VENEZUELA

me encanta esa idea amigo que cada persona tenga su tiempo libre para interectuar como individuo y unirse como grupo. @wwf

Los grupos no son más que expresiones de nuestras relaciones. Los vemos como realmente existentes cuando de hecho son construcciones ficticias que utilizamos para nuestras relaciones sociales. Al final, el individuo es responsable de esas relaciones y puede elegir cuáles participar o no. Los límites son un aspecto importante cuando formulamos esos constructos. Nosotros gobernamos la construcción, no al revés. Me alegra que te guste la idea. La paz sea contigo.

Groups are nothing more than expressions of our relationships. We view them as actually existing when in fact they are fictional construct that we use for our social relationships. In the end, the individual is responsible for those relationships and can chose which ones to engage in or not. Boundaries are important aspect when we formulate those constructs. We govern the construct, not the other way around. I'm glad that you like the idea. Peace to you.

Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.

nice post...

WHAT an absolutely splendid way to connect with others, the Earth and spiritually! I love the idea of the women and the men having their own separate time away from each other to interact and grow as an individual yet, come together as a group. @wwf

plagiarism will not fly here. Shameful that you would literally cut and past somebody else comment.

Me encanta ya que eres demasiado motivador,mis respetos para usted me a gustado demasiado esa idea saludos desde VENEZUELA @wwf

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment