Human nature vs Spirit nature

in ungrip •  7 years ago 

Years ago I wrote my first book called 'Graduating Life with Honours', which you can read here on Steemit if you want to catch up with the ideas I am about to present.  In my book I covered the differences between the Fictional Realm, Physical Realm and Spiritual Realm.  That included the idea that we are Spiritual beings in command of a physical vessel.  

That physical vessel functions on principles that most people call 'human nature'.  Our physical vessel has physical instincts that govern our actions in order to provide for its physical needs.  As such, those dependencies have resulted in behaviours, protocols and reactions throughout history that are designed to ensure that those needs are met.  War, scarcity mentality and theft are part of that 'nature'.  If left to our instincts we would fight for everything we need in fear of being left out or not having enough.  

Ever watch a group of children when you place a single bowl of chips in front of them?  They devour the bowl in fear that they would not get enough as they are competing against the other children.  How do I know?  Because that is exactly what I did when I was a child.

Sound familiar?  It should because we witness it every day.  In fact, it is so predictable that people have used human nature to control and manipulate others for thousands of years.  It is so easy to do and they get away with it because they know us better than we know ourselves!

Spirit comes from the Spiritual Realm and it too has its own 'nature'.  It is very different than the physical realm and part of the challenge is to find ways to integrate the two natures together.  Spirit nature comes from a realm where there is always enough, prosperity abounds as there is no mortality.  As non-corporal beings, there is no such thing as death, so we don't know what it is like to have to work to live or die if we fail.  Peace and prosperity abounds as there is no need to fight with one another for resources.

Here we sit, contemplating how we are going to integrate the two together.  Which aspect of our being, physical or spiritual, are we going to allow to govern?  

Physical vs Spiritual
scarcity vs prosperity
competition vs cooperation
war vs peace
greed vs giving
fear vs love

The list can go on and on.  What I know is that when we find the courage and strength to govern ourselves based on spiritual principles, life changes.  Now we are no longer predictable, controllable or manipulable.  By expressing our spiritual nature through our physical vessel, we change all the rules and that confounds and renders the violent offenders powerless.  

When we allow our spiritual nature to shine bright, we blind those who depend on us following the nature of our physical vessels.  If we continue to be tempted by our physical nature, then we will be controlled and manipulated.  

Freedom does not come from vanquishing our enemy.  Freedom comes from surrendering our physical nature to spirit and having the faith that spiritual governance can resolve the physical problems we face every day.  To do that requires that we not surrender to our physical nature, no matter how tempted we may be.  We will be tempted to go to war, engage in violence and do all sort of harm to others in order to secure our physical needs.  We must resist those temptations if we want to really change ourselves and the world around us.

No more justification for violence.  Peace and freedom is what this is ALL ABOUT!  That is our common bond with one another as spiritual beings.  We cannot build systems to govern the spirit.  Systems only govern the physical and it is time that we outgrow those systems.  Spiritual governance demands self governance.  Mobs, whether they be the majority within a democracy or a group of thugs going after a minority, neither of which has a place within spiritual governance models.  

Human nature will always be at odds with Spirit nature.  That is the paradox that we must reconcile while we are here.  It is up to each individual to determine which is going to govern.  The move from human nature to spirit nature requires a leap of faith and a LOT of really hard work.  Our physical vessel will cry out, whine, complain and writhe in agony when we make that choice.  But it will come around and when it can see that spirit nature can also provide for its needs, it will then trust in the process and cooperate.  

That is when true change starts to happen.  But the moment we give in to its covert violence, passive / aggressive behaviours in its attempt to manipulate or control spirit, we must be firm, much like a child having a temper tantrum.  Tough love will help train human nature to work within the principles of spirit nature.  

The rewards are astounding.  If I was to sum up all my work over the past 17 years it all comes down to this very simple yet challenging idea.  If we fail to make the change from being governed from human nature to spirit nature, then we risk repeating history for ever.  

[This] I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. - Gal 5:16-18 

I want to repeat that last sentence:  If you are led of the Spirit, you are not under the law!!!  You want to be free?  There is the key to the door!  The choice remains with each individual on whether they want to do the work or not.

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You are very right in pointing out that spiritual realm is the most necessary thing we human beings need. Once we enter the domain of spiritual realm our paradigm shifts from physical needs to govern and control to help others out of suffering and serve humanity. Freedom comes only by focusing on spiritual side of our soul.
Thank you for providing an enlightened peace of wisdom @wwf.

Thank you for seeing the 'spirit' of what I was attempting to communicate!

Light workers talk about getting the density out of the body as much as possible to allow the light (spirit) to shine through.

The physical aspect is absorbs all the negativity around it. It is why people are lethargic, sick, and suffering. The effects of stress, from a health perspective, are now well documented. Yet people continue to engage in rage, anger, and other negative their own detriment.

As you said, people will use anything to self justify...ironic they justify their own dis-ease.

I think it all stems from the inability to let go. A loss of control is terrifying to most. Even though it is an illusion, they buy into it. They believe their success is based upon their looks, actions, or brains. If they do not do it themselves, it wont get done. Which always results in stress since the actors in the play tend to misbehave.

In the end, we arent in control. It is best to just accept that. People are going to do what they are going to do regardless of what I think or say. At the same time, the universe keeps operating as it always did, whether I am breathing on this planet or not.

Anger is a very interesting subject. It is what people do to mask their fear. The ego cannot handle the proclamation "I am scared" so one takes on the state of rage, yelling and screaming to cover up being scared. And what are they scared of? Loss of control.

I know I went a bit off tangent but that is what I view as the human nature aspect. The illusion..the mirage. Spirit requires no control but to bask in it, we do need to let go. Our human side wants to bask but is fearful of letting go. If we do, what will we be? What becomes of us? Will people take advantage of us?

We see it playing out in every area of our lives...on TV, in stores, online, on the is the same situation...

By the way, I came across this ...thought you might enjoy it...we were discussing it yesterday.

It has been my experience that by sitting down with a group of 40 people to talk about rape, sexual assault, family violence, shame, guilt, fear, doubt, covert and overt violence, cutting, suicide, depression, addictions and all the other stuff that we struggled with, we learned a lot about ourselves and we were able to process and let go of a lot of it.

I had to surrender in order to do that sort of work. I've spoken about the surrender process many times through the years. But until I surrendered, I was not willing to make any changes as I held onto all that 'heavy' stuff as it was familiar. That familiarity provided some comfort for me even though it was very uncomfortable and nearly destroyed me.

I held onto it for far too long and I nearly died from suicide attempt. Now that I surrendered, spend the time processing it and forgave myself (let it go), I do indeed feel much lighter as a result. I speak about the experience every chance I get.

There are multiple levels of surrender as well. When my wife and I surrendered our lives to live off grid and trust that Creator and Mother Earth would provide for us, that too freed us from heavy responsibilities in our slavery lives. Letting go of what people say, think or do towards us also is freeing.

I've even gone as far as trusting in my death process too. While I cannot control or change other people, I had to surrender the outcomes in my own life. I have faith that it will unfold as it needs to. I trust that Creator will work through each of us to create something beautiful, brilliant and meaningful. It will be a rough road, but I am willing to spend the time and do the work to contribute to it.

I don't have the full picture, but I do know my piece of the puzzle very well. My job is to teach people how to have healthy relationships and that is what I work hard to do every single day. It starts with me and I work out from there.

But I run into people, like you said, who do not want to let go. That is why I see the whole world going through hell in order to push people to the limit so that they face the same choice I faced back in 2000 / 2001:

Change or die.

That is what it will come down to. It brings sadness to my heart, but I comprehend why it must get to that point. It is because we are stubborn and don't want to let go to learn other ways of life.

I've gone through the process many times and I speak from the other side. Others are making that leap of faith now and it is beautiful. But most people still want to do it their way and I cannot stop it. I will confront people as I may be the mechanism for helping people start the shift. But I cannot and will not force my will upon others. They must do it with their own free will.

We can influence the process by walking the path, leading by example and demonstrating what life is like on the other side. While we do that, we can build a beautiful life based on peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. A life that rejects violence, scarcity, coercion, feudalism, war, poverty and all the other dark consequences of peoples poor choices.

It is deep, painful and heavy work. But it does lighten up as we get a lot of our shit off our chest. Our body was never designed to carry that kind of load. It gets sick trying to carry and stuff it all. I used to be sick all the time, now it is very rare for me to be sick at all. My body is my temple for me, the spiritual being that I AM. It took work, but it is possible and I pray that my blunt and open sharing will help people find the courage to do the same kind of work.

Thank you @taskmaster4450. I value your participation, comments, insight and encouragement. May Creator bless you my friend with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Beautiful post by you @wwf and comment thread here between you two.

You do a great job sharing your wisdom. Yea sure I suck up it seems, but I got to write a decent comment but really you offer a well written blog that does exactly what you want it to, and is why I return here so often - helping to teach people how to live spiritually.

You have subtlety helped me to love my girlfriend better. I know a lot of it is internal - the transformation if you'd call it, but I like to credit some outside influences as well.

But alas, I am still predominantly human nature guided I believe, in the sense that I still participate in this illusion of society. This evil evil society, I am no fool to the dirty secrets either.

I will keep trying. THank you for post, and thank you taskmaster as well.

My dear spiritual brother;

It takes a great deal of courage to share the way you just did. I want to express my gratitude for what you wrote and thank you for sharing. I'm touched deeply knowing that I am reaching some people and I am grateful that you felt moved to let us all know how you are doing.

I pray that your relationship with yourself is improving and I hope that your girlfriend has noticed the changes that you are working hard to implement. Keep up the great work and I look forward to walking this path with you side by side.

May Creator bless you both with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. Bravo for having the courage to look within yourself to find ways to improve your life, relationships and work towards true love.

It is my experience that it is easier to live in the comfort of dysfunction and dis-ease. (Even when we know it is) Instead of living through spirit where we know we will flourish, fear takes is grip.

Thank you for the key to freedom!

It may seem easier, but in reality it is not. It is much easier to live through spirit. However, the work involved to get there is very hard and not easy at all. In fact it is most difficult. Most people don't want to do the work so it is easier to live in the dysfunction and dis-ease than do the work to better themselves and their lives. :'(

You know, many years ago I viewed going to church as a chore. But then I realized, I didn't have to be in a house of God to speak to him, give him my troubles and worries and to ask for guidance. Because he is wherever I am. He listens whenever I speak. He comforts me when no one else will.

Many times, while out in my greenhouse or the garden I find myself talking to the herbs, flowers and blossoms or plants, but in reality I am sharing my bounty with Him.

Absolutely!!!!! I sooooo agree with you!!!!

War, scarcity mentality and theft are part of that 'nature'.

War, scarcity, and theft are not part of human nature, they are behaviors learned from our social-cultural environment.

Ever watch a group of children when you place a single bowl of chips in front of them? They devour the bowl in fear that they would not get enough as they are competing against the other children. How do I know? Because that is exactly what I did when I was a child.

This is not human nature, the kids devour the bowl in fear because they are raised in a society that promotes scarcity, and they are competitive because that's what they learn from their socio-economic system.

I disagree with you. Socio-economic systems are derived from our nature, not the other way around. It is our nature that manifests the systems, culture and other protocols that we have used to try and control our nature. They are tools! As spirit works to engage, ethics and morality start to manifest which gave rise to laws and punishment, tools used for not upholding those spiritual standards. However, without spirit nature to temper and balance the psychical vessel, it would resort to fear based behaviours to ensure survival. I do not agree with your premise.

I can see both perspectives. I think it comes down to: what is human nature?

Does human nature include conditioned minds? Minds that have created and been produced by these systems, cultures, and protocols. You said nature manifests these things in order to control itself, but what is natural about trying to control? What would happen if we lived in a culture that promoted spirituality rather than the material? Would human nature change because of it? Would we start manifesting different systems and cultures, perhaps some that aimed not to control, but to allow, to let Be?

the kids devour the bowl in fear because they are raised in a society that promotes scarcity, and they are competitive because that's what they learn from their socio-economic system.

I'd have to agree with this to some degree, when I was in Peru I visited a few indigenous tribes, one of which had just been displaced from their home country Panama because of big Oil. The kids there were amazing, we couldn't speak the language, but we communicated in other ways, laughing and playing. At one point I shared my fruit with them. An older girl took an orange I gave her and split it equally among the rest of the kids, it was a pretty incredible moment with genuine people.

So I'd have to ask, which is more natural, the people who have grown up in a small tribe, living off the land, working with the land and eachother, or the people who have created the oil companies, destroyed the landscape, removed people from their homes, all for profit? Which system is more natural, one in harmony with the earth and other groups of people, or one that destroys, steals, and fights for each piece?

The rest of nature seems to be getting along just fine with eachother, there is harmony there. Just because we have greater intelligence doesn't mean our minds are in their natural state. Isn't that what enlightenment and spirituality are all about, getting back to the natural state where we aren't deluding ourselves?

It is our nature that manifests the systems, culture and other protocols that we have used to try and control our nature.

I guess this is the place I'm most confused in your line of thought, why would we naturally manifest something to control our naturalness?

I mean, it could all be a process, where our nature is maturing as we learn from our mistakes, I'm not sure. We might be progressing through our natural drive to control in order to saee that we can't succesfully do that and just let go. Maybe I'm missing something

Context is going to be very important in order to communicate what I'm saying. That is why I put a link to my book at the very beginning of my post. :)

A human is a physical vessel with its own mind but no spirit. If that human were to live life without spiritual influence, it would resort to protocols that would ensure its survival, basic animal instincts would kick in. It would get together in families and tribes. It would war against other tribes over resources. It would cooperate within those family or tribe units as some cooperation is also beneficial. These social structures are derived from necessity as a result of its nature.

Spirit is a non-corporal being who has no need for this type of organizational structure. It has no experience with death because it is immortal.

Man is where the physical and spiritual have been merge together and must find a way to work it out and find balance between the two. Spirit must find a way to tame the physical vessel yet still provide for its needs. Spirit knows that there are non-violent, loving ways to provide for those needs but to over come the natural instincts of the physical vessel is difficult.

Spiritual awareness and protocols will have significant impacts on our experiences here on this planet. But we fight and struggle against our bodies desires, impulses, addictions and lusts. Without much spiritual thought, we created systems to govern those desires, impulses, addictions and lusts. There are parts of us that recognize the moral and ethical problems with those behaviours because spirit managed to inject a little bit of influence, but not much. Spirit attempted to communicate and find balance. However we are not there yet.

Government, corporations and other institutions that people associate with 'society' or our 'social structures' are not spiritually founded on love, compassion, patience, freedom or any other spiritual protocol. Although it is an attempt as the conflict between the physical and spiritual is starting to be addressed. The nature of spirit has not yet manifested in our lives, but it is starting to.

I recognize the power, authority and jurisdiction of spirit. As such, I have found ways to communicate and reason with my physical vessel and convince it to try out the natural ways of spirit rather than the physical nature instead. As I learn how to communicate between the physical and spiritual, I am finding comfort in the process.

I see the current manifestation of me as being two separate and distinct entities working hard to coexist together. However, once my physical vessel dies, that relationship is over and the true essence of who I AM, spiritual in nature, will leave and continue my journey else where.

I AM a spiritual being here having a physical experience. As such, it is my duty to bring spiritual protocols to that relationship, to learn how to love the vessel, accept responsibility to provide for its needs but doing it the spiritual way, not the physical way.

This realm is a merging of two natural worlds; physical and spiritual. The nature of those worlds are different and it is our job to find a way to bring balance and harmony between the two.

Thank you for this detailed and excellent reply, that clears things up for me. Context is so huge, I've read other people who use the same terms you've used differently and it's so easy to bring those memories of how others use words to symbolize different things into new readings.

I'm interested to see what I discover in my own life about spirituality and physicality, I've read and heard that everything is one, so perhaps at the simplest level of reality there is no actual difference, maybe spirit is creating/manifesting everything into existence and the only reason we have this "physical nature" that causes so many problems is because we are partly unconscious or have made parts subconscious.

I am still working on understanding things in my own life, it's easy to read words, and I'm sure I've repeated things without understanding them completely.

Well said. I support you in your journey to explore who you are and your relationships surrounding you! I feel you are well on your way!

I have to disagree, there is no such thing as human nature, what you are talking about is human behavior. Our socio-economic system does not derive from our nature, it derives from what we learn from our social and cultural environment. This is why you have countries that have a socialist economic system and others have a capitalist economic system, if it was derived from our nature we will all have the same economic system. If you teach a children's to be cooperative instead of being competitive, they cooperate whit each other.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Those teachings of cooperation are spiritually derived. the fact that they had to be taught meant that the nature of the physical vessel had different desires that needed to be over come.

However, without spirit nature to temper and balance the psychical vessel, it would resort to fear based behaviours to ensure survival.

I'm not sure what you mean in this sentence, what is spirit nature?

i like Human nature

Thank you @wwf. What is needed at this juncture of our Human Metamorphosis, is a fundamental shift in consciousness. As Joseph Campbell succinctly described - "The Hero's Journey - from the head to the heart!"

Wonderfully put together. I agree with everything mentioned in this blog. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and these are exactly what we believe in, that we are here to be tested, this is not our destination, most of that test is for us learning to let our spirit govern our physical vessels. But let me add something, God didn't put us here to do this on our own, to try to change on our own, He send his son Jesus Christ to do something for us that we couldn't do for ourselves. With that Christ has the power to give us the strength to be able to overcome the part about our human nature that is too impossible for us to change or in other words, our spirit tries very hard to overcome something about our human nature but we keep failing. That's one of Christ's role, He gives us hope. I am grateful for this knowledge ghat Christ was send here to help me, I am also grateful to know part of God's Plan for us, and for those of my loved ones who did not understand this concept/principle in this life and has passed on, they have a second chance to learn and embrace these truths.