Many people talk these days about the things that the beloved Pope Francis spoke about before.
But they forget that this is a time to forget grudges, make peace, and on top of that, pray and ask for the fragile health of a good 88-year-old man.
Your ugly comments are not even read by the historical enemies of the Church, and unfortunately you do not know the Holy Father Francis either. If you feel that you have been attacked and that you are not being given the justice due to you, your comments are not due to a certain objectivity either. As it could be simplified, what seems to you in your feeling is unquestionable will and worse of a universal character incapable of making it a reality. Nobody questions that in all institutions there is evil. In their diversity and plurality. We also confess what we sinned by omission, and currently we must understand what was the so-called social sin understood as these elements of which our last three pontiffs have already spoken clearly. Perhaps you think that your life is hard, but if that is how you refer to someone who is in a state of delicate health and with most of his 88 years receives the greetings of friends and strangers. Sole reads these calls of concern from people who do love you and care for you, and who are worried, much to their regret, about the anger and hatred that come out of the words not against the real and concrete culprits, since they are extrapolations of what others have done and carried out, as well as sins, errors and crimes. Abominable and unquestionable crimes, but not every accusation can be 100% true, nor do all members of an institution have the same axiological values, so one answers to one's conscience, and be concerned, because how we treat others who do not harm us, this lack of mercy and empathy, are signs of a certain absence of the spirit of the Holy of Holies. In short, it seems that the very tender and delicate words sometimes did not penetrate you. I hope that someone close to you and who wants to hear, can provide you with that sign of forgiveness at the levels. Most of those who write here do not know and cannot know the real history of each one, so understanding that, we are concerned that people who decided to imitate, as they say, the saint of Assisi, with that radicalism of love in Lady Poverty, today cannot be calm even with the successor of Peter, something that is difficult to understand, but that is understood by many things that we all know and that it must also be said that in their great majority people without formation or real faith, scandalize others by popularizing these atrocities and denying all the good that the church, the faithful, the priests, the consecrated, the religious, the missionaries and so many institutions and collaborators are silenced in their daily work. So let us not make public what we believe is the error and failure of our Elder Father, for years of care, consolation, and support. That does not have a name that can be published. Because we must fulfill the 4th commandment. And care for the elderly. Let us not throw stones because Jesus came to lift us up while other "Pharisees" and "whitewashed tombs" seek to stone us. It is good sometimes that we pay attention. Not because we lie, but because by improving a little what can be improved, our communities will be able to better receive the help that will be given to each one. And although it sounds hard, let us look for the Cyreneans, on that walk to Golgotha. The Josephs of Arimathea or the Lazaruses and their sisters, who are our friends as well as Jesus', and not to mention the strength that they give us as an example from the home of Nazareth: our parents. Because remember Luis, Christ himself was sought to be thrown off a cliff by his own relatives, so he could not perform miracles there. And to a certain extent, if any of us loses that supernatural vision, it will be that we have lost the judgment of God: and we will echo what Jesus says to Peter: Get away from me Satan, because you do not think like God, but like men! I regret, despite not knowing it, that many people who should have been good and just, caring for so many victims, have been weak and have inclined to be followers of darkness. But I remind you that except for Saint John, Apostle. The rest of us, like the apostles who promised to be with him, abandoned Him. These are only words. But He is the Good Shepherd who gives his Life for the sheep, and He is the Father who makes a feast for the son who returns to Life. Maybe here, too, he does not receive what is fair and needed. But with the favor and Grace of the Almighty, people can: first identify with those pains, and second: move forward, and who knows: thus some motion of the Holy Spirit can begin. For the greater Glory of God. Peace and Good Luis. Thank you because your testimony, being true, seeks to give us light on everything we need to improve, but do not run away. God has a particular mission for each one, unique and irreplaceable.