Combat Stress in the UK is a charity.
It used to be the Ex Services Mental Welfare Society until the Conservative/Liberal coalition came to power, a fine charity that was set up in WW1 times for the soldiers and sailors with shell shock and other mental illnesses caused by conflict and was a point of refuge for a lot of ex services people, myself included.
The Coalition came into power and gave this charity millions of ££££ but surreptitiously took it over by coercing them with threats to take this funding away, by rebranding it as Combat Stress and packing it full of medical people with one mission, PTSD. Complete with a huge PR campaign to get funds for Combat Stress to treat wounded heroes.
The Minister Eric Pickles is on record as stating that is what he would do to charities if they didn't toe the line.
Now we have this, a petition to stop the government selling off one of their homes, where do the government get the authority from to sell off a private charity if they are not its owners? If its not part of government then who has the title deeds to the land?