"And I saw three persons before me whose likeness I was unable to recognize. They were not from the powers of the god who created us."
"They say to Sakla, “What is the power of these people who stood in your presence, who were taken from the seed of Ham and Japheth, who number four hundred thousand? They were received into another realm from which they came, and they overturned all the glory of your power and the dominion of your hand."
"Then the god of the powers is disturbed and says, “What is the power of this person who is higher than we are?”"
"To what kind of eternal realm shall we go?
And what was he saying when he told us,
This eternal realm to which you will go is modeled
after the incorruptible realm,
but he did not teach us what kind of realm that one is?"
"Yaldabaoth organized everything after the pattern of the first realms that had come into being, so that he might create everything in an incorruptible form. Not that he had seen the incorruptible ones. Rather, the power that is in him, that he had taken from his mother, produced in him the pattern for the world order."
"texts say that the chief ruler does create his own heaven world, the planetary system, by imitating the patterns of the Pleroma"
"36Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
"Parallel universes, also known as meta-universes or multiverses, are a group of theoretical twin universes that coexist at the same time as our own. They are said to be simple variations of our reality, all running at the same time in different realities."
"Scientists speculate that ours might not be the only universe out there — we might instead live in a set of infinite or parallel universes called a "multiverse"."
"The phrase As Above, So Below originates in the Hermetic tradition of philosophy, and in particle a book called The Emerald Tablets, which dates to thousands of years ago."