Happy Happy Birthday To My First Love And My First Boy Best Friend

Yesterday April 21 is my father's birthday,though he is far from us I can't forget that special day. I have to greet him and tell him how much we miss him. So I woke up and tried to send him a chat through messenger but he's not online. I just thought he might be busy today since its his birthday,they might be preparing food. So I planned to have a video chat in the evening.

Well I can still remember how my father showed favor to me over my other siblings,although I have failed him so many times but that didn't stop him from showing how much he loves me. I guess that's what parents do,right? Whenever I ask for something he give it to me without second thought,and I have seen him love me even more when I gave birth to my eldest,Brandon Rain,I actually named him after my father. My father was so happy seeing my child,all his disappointment to me suddenly disappeared. And I could not ask for anything else at that time.

To my dearest father ( who just learned how to use messenger hahaha ) I love you so much. You have always been my first love,first boy best friend and the only person that love's me more than yourself. I want to let you know that I will always be here to support you no matter what happens. Other people may not understand the way you act,they may find you tough and as hard as rock but for me you are one of those people who has a soft interior despite the hard exterior. And I feel extra lucky to have you as my father and grand father of my kids.

This was taken while we are saying our greetings. Me and my sister @margaika greeted him and I can see how happy he is.

Whenever we call you,you always have that smile ready in your face to assure us that everything is okay and everything will be fine. You never gave us reason to worry,for you have showed us how responsible you are. We feared you before but now we understand the things you did before is that to teach us and to become a better person in the future. And don't worry because of that we have loved you even more. So my only wish for you my papa,is that you will always be successful in every endeavor you choose. We love you and I know you know that already.

The gift will follow hahahaha. Missing you papa.

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