Who's To Blame With All The Pain

Who say's when love is wrong and when it is right
When your happy it seems everything is so bright
You love someone with all your heart and cry you might
Yes,love is sweet and it brings so much joy indeed

To stop loving sometimes mean to stop believing
That someday you'll have your happy ending
So even if you know one day you will be in pain
You continue to love because you know it will be worth all the pain

To love is both happiness and sorrow
And that you reap just what you sow
All you did is love and what you get is your heart hit by an arrow
And at night you find yourself sobbing in your pillow

Tell me,by falling in love,are we the one to blame?
Or those who's so lame
That broke our heart without a shame

Source Link https://media4.picsearch.com/is?0Qz7chgYr6hXcAF7sf30SMY7Rw7iOE5sm-ZKD5jY40o&height=265

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