Steemit Untalented- Adjustments I have Made Since I joined Steemit

in untalented-adjustments •  7 years ago 

It has been an interesting journey. There were lots of bad days in terms of rewards on posts.My first post made $0.01 . It felt so bad that I called it quits for week until I received a phone call from @tj4real.He made me understand that it will take time and all I had to do was read and understand. Before I dive straight into this topic , let me use this opportunity to say a big thank you to @ackza. He has got our(#teamghana) backs like crazy and we will forever be indebted to you.

Who I am And Where I was Going

My name is Amankwah Amoako from Ghana. A student and a small time investor. I have lived most part of my life in a home that always made sure all the children had if nothing, the basics (food, clothing, shelter, education, character). But growing up, I often found myself questioning some of the things I was taught as a kid.

Things like “Always be satisfied with what you have”, “Go to school to get a secure job” and other stuff that honestly started to not make sense to me anymore. I started getting more confused when graduates from different universities complete their degree programs all to go back home and depend on their parents till they get JOBS. Deep down, I knew something was wrong. So, when it got to my turn to start my degree program which I am currently pursing at the UNIVERSITY OF ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES, I made a promise to myself to complete school and not depend on my family for support as many are doing.
I started by researching on how make low yield investments. I found Treasury Bills and it sounded amazing to me. To me, if it had to take 20years to achieve GHS1 million , it would be a billion times better than working for someone and only earning daily bread. I was prepared to make that sacrifice and I am glad I did. Along the road, my friend @tj4real called me to introduce an MLM program that could help me reach my goals faster. I went for a meeting and got intrigued. It was through this program that I met @diahbally who is now a young and vibrant entrepreneur helping people in our community attain financial and health freedom using the power of GLUTATHIONE. I learnt a lot from him and other team members as well. Through this program, I got to read books such as “rich dad,poor dad” by Robert KIosaki , “think and grow rich” by Andrew Carnegie .

Now,I am going somewhere because if steemit

I am 212 days old on steemit today. As most of you can see on my post rewards, it was not like this in my first 3 months of active participation. It felt like a waste of time at some points but not giving up was the first and greatest reward I will ever get here. That and the relationships I have formed and will continue to form. I didn’t have much knowledge about cryptocurrencies. I first encountered BTC in the year 2014 where I ignored it as I believed the words of critics shouting out how people who had invested in them will lose their monies for nothing.

Today, I hold an account of 2000 steem power plus and the information, I have gotten from this platform has led me to bitconnect and also I have learnt a great deal about other cryptos such as ripple, EOS, cardano and a whole lot. I am now able to live my life with confidence as I know, I have embroided myself in a multi-billion-dollar industry which is heading for a trillion very soon. I have been inspired by the works of people like @ackza ,@starkerz , to create a community in my university where we would teach one another, the importance of financial empowerment and growth through steemit. To quote @tojukaka,

Cryptocurrencies have given we the average joes, a chance to do great things

Special thanks to @surpassinggoggle for again another opportunity for we the untalented bloggers to feel welcomed on this platform. I wish you long life sir. And to @ackza and @tytran, I say thanks you guys for believing and supporting us.

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Thank you so much, kwakumax, for sharing your experience. Although I have one post (yet), I was contemplating giving up on steemit as I thought it wasn't worth it because steemians with little followers like me don't get noticed but @Casweeney encouraged me not to. Seeing this post, I am once more reminded that nothing great happens overnight.

ps: great choice of books, by the way. Think and grow rich was an eye opener for me at the time when I kept wondering if I was ever going to stop working for somebody. Thank you for this post.

I'm really glad you ain't quitting on steemit.Great times are yet to come and only those who believe can benefit. Imagine how much our lives would be if one steemtoken hits $1000, How good it would feel to change people's lives with it. But for that to happen ,we need to believe even when others think it is abad idea. I hope to read great stories from you @winye.

I know sooner or later I will also be writing post like this to encourage someone

Iknow you will very soon. Your hard work will definitely pay off.

the road is very bad, a lot of pot holes but am not giving up because tough time come but wont stick with me

It will payoff oneday. Just keep learning and do not give up yet

hey buddy i read your post and i think that you are pretty cool.
i upvoted the post please return me a favour

yh so true bruh
the power of glutathione has touched a lot of lives

Exactly. Are you a member of MAX?

I have been a member for a while now. Its just I have one or two problems with signing up prospects

Keep learning and never give up. It will pay off one day.