Hey folks,specially to the new steemit members,who finding ways how to upload cover photo or profile photo in thier new account...Here is the best easy way tips,how your steemit cover photo or profile look good and better to your followers and friends.
First>> You need to go or search the https://imgbb.com
Second >> Create Account use your social media account like twitter of facebook or you can use your Gmail and create your secret password and username that you like.
Third>>Click upload direct to your files and select the photo that you want.
Fourth >> Upload the photo you choose and resize the image to size 1354 x 156 and click submit.
Fifth>> Click upload option
Sixth >> To make sure you get the right size of your image click your image
Seventh>>Click the down sign arrow at the right side in the" LIKE"option of your dashboard to find the correct size of your image.Next the Embed Codes to choose the right URL of your image.
Eight>>Copy the URL and go to your profile account option.
Ninth>>Click the profile"ICON"of your steemit account and go to the Setting.
Tenth>>Paste the URL to the Cover IMAGE URL option and Click UpDate.
The last Step is to fill your Steemit ID and password or your kEY and click SIGN-IN.
GOTCHA!!!You did It!!Now you have good and awesome cover photo.
For your Profile picture use size 232 x 230 and do it same on your cover photo procedure.
Thats it guyz,I hope you learn some tips from me today.