Grasps all loss all
Today I want to share with you a loving and very much interesting story about greed. Story about three men and and the greed of them.
I have learn this interesting story from of the speech which I forget right now. But I can remember the whole story is very much learning for all of us. So let me start...
There were three men basically they were friends. You are very much fond of being rich. They always wanted to be reach anyhow. One day three of them walking through a road and they got 4 Gold bar. And those Baras were so much large. With this one bar they could lead a luxurious life throughout the life. So one bar was very much enough for 1man. But each of them were planning to get those all bars for themselves. They had their intrinsic plan.
First they think of some food. So they send 1st man to shop for buying some breads. In the meantime second and third man was thinking that if they combinely kill that first person they would get 2 bar for each of them. And the calculation will be very simple that is 4 bar and for each of them is tw0. With this plant they were just preparing to kill that man whenever he will come back with bread they will kill that man.
On the other hand the first man I was thinking that if he can kill the both second and third man, he can get all 4 bars for himself. they all have just forgotten their friendship due to this gold bars. And they were just planning forgetting much more Goldberg for themselves. They just ignore that one bar was enough for each of them and again the friendship. Due to the greed of wealth they just forgotten each and every humanity. So what happened next let me explain.
So, to execute plan 1st man mixed some poison on the breads after buying from shop. He just mixed poison to 2nd and 3rd person's part so that they can diet immediately after eating bread.
On the other hand 2nd and 3rd person were ready with plan and weapon. When 1st person arrived with bread, they attacked on them immediately according to their plan and killed him. Now they are satisfied cause 2 bars are for each of them. No dividing problem.
Being relaxed & tired, they thought to take meal first, then to divide those bars. Can you imagine! Just after eating breads, they felt unhappy and slowly went to death due to poisoning.
Four gold bars were there but no one were there to get it.
So, you can learn some lessons from this story. Like, Greed is root cause of our self destruction. We need some wealth for survival in this World but there should have fair competition. We should not make a dash for other's wealth. We should not compare ourselves with high rich person's. No even try to be like them with Illegal way. Legal way is good. This should be achievement or success. But to be like riches in illegal way is not good for ourselves. Because we have limitations in consumption. We can't consume a lot personally. Like the story of gold bars, the bars are still there for others consumption. But those who tried to consume, couldn’t.
We should try for success in legal way. We should not participate in 'rat race'. We should not even come to 'unfair competition' that is gaining something by downing others. We need to reach ourselves in the top level rather trying to down someone from top.
That's moral of the story.
This should be our learning on this Christmas day. Hope you are enjoying your time. And hope you have enjoyed this story. If you enjoyed, feel free to comment me.
Thanks for stopping by.