Upvotable #9: DMT, Falafels, and 250k Steemit Users!

in upvotable •  7 years ago 

upvotable 9.png

How do we help motivate underpaid authors writing great posts to keep trying on Steemit? What are the move upvotable posts to read on Steemit today? I hope this 9th post of the upvotable series helps answer that question!

  1. @fisch shares their full experience with DMT. Very Long and Powerful read! Read it at https://steemit.com/life/@fisch/there-and-back-again-my-experience-with-dmt
  2. @woz.software shares the lessons they have learned about being a new Steemit user. They hope to enlighten people to help them learn from their mistakes! Read it at https://steemit.com/steemit/@woz.software/lessons-learnt-by-a-new-steemit-user-2-weeks-into-my-journey. Found by @cikxaijen earning 10 SBD!
  3. @eco-alex shares a delicious recipe for all the vegans out there! Start making your falafels! Read the recipe at https://steemit.com/food/@eco-alex/best-ever-home-made-falafel-recipe-vegan-ecotrain
  4. @annesaya shares another original poem! Read their work at https://steemit.com/poetry/@annesaya/goodbye-lullaby-to-my-doofus-a-poem-original
  5. @vikibuddy shares a lovable poem that we all should be sharing! This poem is dedicated to our mothers! Thank you vikbuddy, read it here https://steemit.com/poetry/@vikbuddy/mother-i-love-you. Found by @traveldiaries earning 10 SBD!
  6. @arcange gives us an update on Steemit user data showing over 250,000 users on Steemit with the highest posts going down in value at https://steemit.com/statistics/@arcange/steemit-satistics-20170722-en. The data is looking great!
  7. @masteranibal gives a quick tutorial on how to make different size text!https://steemit.com/html/@masteranibal/want-different-sized-texts-on-your-posts-add-html-tags

These posts were found in the comments from Upvotable #8: Parenting, Homesteading, and a Sketch of Me at https://steemit.com/upvotable/@jerrybanfield/upvotable-8-parenting-homesteading-and-a-sketch-of-me along with me browsing through the feed of the people I am following and looking for posts with low rewards compared to earnings! If you would like a post to appear in Upvotable 10 and receive a full upvote from me, would you please link to it in the comments below because that is how we will choose the posts?

@aarellanes I appreciate you taking the time to write the draft for this post and for sending out all the SBD on my behalf. Thank you for picking out the best content shared by everyone who took the time to comment on the last "Upvotable Series Post"! It is great to find the best content found in one spot in a simple list.

Would you help us find a posts that are really good with rewards under $10 by linking to them in the comments because we need to vote these posts up to help motivate the authors to keep making new posts?

  1. Earn 10 SBD as a finder fee paid by me via @aarellanes if you share a post by another author! You are also welcome to submit your own posts but do not earn any finder fee! Submitting other's posts are encouraged because it helps inspire others that Steemit is here for them!
  2. The voting deadline is 7 days from posting meaning that newer posts that are really worth the read with smaller rewards are best because these will help the authors most with our upvotes! Please do not include any "IntroduceYourself" posts because we want to focus on authors that have made multiple posts and are past the introduce myself phase.
  3. @aarellanes and I both upvote all posts here 100% with me usually following the author to help me find more!
  4. We will keep doing this as long as you want!

Would you please upvote this if you would like to keep reading these each day and having the posts upvoted because your upvotes will pay for the SBD finder fees and guide our upvotes your way?

Jerry Banfield

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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@utfull asked a question thats been buggin many people i wish if you can use it in your post

My first ever upvote from gentlebot....universe is sending me and you both a signal @jerrybanfield 😂😂

You have my sincere thanks, Jerry. For taking your time to look at my post and to even deem it worthy of the #1 spot! The other readers seemed to like it as well. I greatly appreciate it. And your work here on steemit. Rock on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, and thanks for keeping the locomotive steeming on!

I'm curiouse to figure out if people are interested in me continuing with this kind of posts:


Great post Jerry. I'm a little burned out on Steemit and admit to no longer seeing the potential in it that you do, for me there's too many things that need to happen and change for Steemit to even close to competing with Facebook...the biggest one would be advertising, will never get even close without it... but I'm keeping my money in it and relying on people like you to hopefully build it!

Why do you like advertisements?

Granted, they're annoying...but if Steemit is going to be $10, they're going to actually have to have some income. How else besides just continuing to give away money are they going to actually become profitable? what's going to happen once there's no more money for people to be able to give away because Steemit has no more steempower to allow people to to pay others?

The growth is coming from investors just like all the other cryptos, the only difference between steemit and other cryptos is blogging instead of cpu/gpu power to mine new coins.

Right, but what happens when there are no new coins to mine?

Agreed. The whole system is currently relying on continious growth. For now that is comming from the establishing phase of STEEM. Where people are willing to invest other currensies for STEEM - also allowing for more STEEM to be "printed" without drop in value.

At som point people will have to be willing to pay out of their own pocket for the content provided here on Steemit. I suppose one hope on the creators side, could have been that by then, STEEM have "taken over as the world currency". If people still are willing to pay for reading posts or create them for free - Steemit will survive like any other open forums today. Otherwise it will likely smolder away - but STEEM will in this senario remain and have moved along to all other aspects daily trade.

We are living in a gold-rush time of new cryptocurrensies. It cannot last forever. Unless we transfer to a new cryptocurrensy every new decade or so. Which would only be an endless redistribution of all wealth every round. In my mind that sounds like a great recipie for conflicts of historical proportions. Meaning it would fit right in there as a natural next chapter of mans achievements since the beginning of time.

"Agreed. The whole system is currently relying on continious growth. For now that is comming from the establishing phase of STEEM. Where people are willing to invest other currensies for STEEM - also allowing for more STEEM to be "printed" without drop in value." nope thats not how it works! steem is smarter than you think...why cant you guys just admit that @dan just happened to create something that works and always will and that there happens to be new ideas sometimes that work so well they make everything before it seem like an inefficient waste of time....and steem is NOT relying on "continuous growth"


No new coins to mine??? Thats not how stem works....its not bitcoin...see i KNEW you had no idea what you were talking about LOl and it sadens me SO much to see people upvoting you, not only rewarding you for your ignorance BUT yopure also spreading misinformation, youre he;p[oing to make other people dumb its sad! now people will think they hve a realy smart taking point of "what happens when theres no more copins to mine!" because they saw your comment with plenty of upvotes....its realy lame man...u should really educate yourself about a subject before going around hurting the potentioal for people to actualy learn the reality of steemit.....theres no limit to how many steem coins are mined....and they arent "mined" steem is not biutcoin...they dont mine steem coins....they are created by the witnesses and thres an inflationrate, steem is not defelationary bitcoin type currency steem is an inflationary cryp[to currency blockchgain and its more eefficient than bitcin becaue of this! Bitcoin needs a massive un efficient power hungry system to work while steem only needs like 21 rasberry pi mini computers something the size of a Printer and a few solar panels could run the ENTIRE stem blockchain!

Steem is not just a money system, so u have to undertand how it works as a fully integrated social network and it STILL gets al the benefits of a crypto currency decentralized blocklchain, WITHOUT the "bloated" need for massive power usage and exahash and exahash of processing power.....no steem blockchain is moe efficient and can run more transactions per second WAY more and its basically ready for billions of users when bitcoin is not....

please just uunderstand that steemit is NOT like bitcoin so u cant apply the same rules to steem

but just because steem is an inflationary currency DOES NOT mean than its bad or that its not as "faior" as bitcopin or something

At least in the beginning, the amount of steem is doubled every year, and this new steem thats "created out of thin air" is not just created and given to just anyone....its given to whoever gets the most upvotes! And the PRICE of Steem ...wouldnt that just decline as they create more steem you ask?!?! No because there are enough people buying steem to keep it around $1 right now....but there is SO much growth that the porice will keep going up as we gain more users!

But you seem to be stuck in this false idea that was spread ignorantly all over steemit that Steem is somehow Mined like bitcoin and the steem that is "mined" is shard with the reward ool and that one day the steem being mined will "run out" just like bitcoin (qs if the steemit creators would be that stupid???) and THATS where this ieaof evebntlame blogging website....
Thats where this idea of having tyop uise ADvertising comes in! they believe that the idea of steem is so un sustainable that eventuially we will "run out of steem" (both literay and figuratively) and will have to run ads like any other blog website and no sory we are not facebopopk and we dont need ads and never will!

sorryt for sounding rouyghm its ok u will learn, but i swear theres alot of people hired to spread disinfo and misinfo ons teemit to scare peopel and i bet all sorts of Fcebook agents and even reddit agents are ll over steemit doing all sorts of subversion and sabatoge! why WOULDNt they be?!?! We all forget how evil and roothless alot of people are and always have been!

This post received a 2.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cyberblock! For more information, click here!

Do you even realize that Steemit ALREADY HAS advertisements!? You realize how when youtube puts an ad in their system, it can pop up in the list of content like any othervideo..so do you see how steemit posts can be USED AS an ad if you just pay to either promote it with @null OR you just Upvote it yuourself, and pay to have it upvoted, u will end up makingmoney off the ad if u do it right!

But you see how uyou can biuy your way to the front page?!?! SO ads are unnecisary!!!!

we already HAVE a system where we can pay to have a post seen more than others! Not just the promote tool but just the general idea of paying for steempower and upvoting your own postr! or having a few whale accoints that you use to upvote ur own posts to avoid being seen as self voting....so u see???

we already HAVE ads! we have videos with Affiliatre links etc, those ARE advertisements....

you just dont get the fuindamental changes here going on
Steemit is changing the whole way people look at advertising as a whole!

The medium is the message...The content itself becomes an ad, if you work for a company your social media profile beciomes a living ad fpor that company and its products

Youre so ignorant about how steemit works, please dont spread disinformation about steemit on a popular post like this, youre really influyencing alot of gullible people who just follow the top comments, u have no idea how steemit works if you believe we "need" advertising...u really just dont understand how steemit "makes" its money.....

we dont need ads we never did and we never will, its not how it works ...we dont follow the standard model,....ur thinking inside a box and its annoying how your just speaking about it so matte of fact

And u sound so arrogant talkiung about how "for me, theres too many thigs that need to happen to change steemit" So why dont you change them?!?!?! SO many peopel complain without ever doing anything to try and fix the problem! and no its not because you dont have the opportunity or "arent in the position to do anything" yeah just keep thinking that and it will remain true.....

At least you said youre keeping your money in steemit, thats the smartest thing you said!

so when steem hgoes past $10 WIOTYHOUT any ads...youll have a pleasent suprise!

Why do you think Steemit needs ads foir steem to reach $10? You didnt explain any of that and you just stated it as if its some common sense fact (when its not its just some rumor you and probly a few of ur friends here on steemit pass around liek an echo chamber)

seriously i wish more peopel would step out oftheir OWN personal steemit bubble, and see that just because they arent making enough money on steemit doesnt mean that steemit is broken....u have to stopp acting like steem needs ads tho come ion....

and what ELSE has to chance for you to belive in steemit?!?! sderioulsy do you EVEN KNOW how incredible steemits current features even are/!?! do u even realize the whole effiiecny of steem as the MOST efficent bloclchain and how we have more transactions than anyone and how we as a blockchain are #1 in users and transactions and its just SO undervalued

u guys see the facade and u think thats all thre is?!?!?!
u guys have NO idea how amazing steemit truley is but you will

lmfao...this is one of the funniest replies I've ever read. Thank you for the laugh. Ignorant? Hardly...You're a little sheep just blindly following the shepherds, aka the top contributors. I think you're a bit confused how a company actually functions, and more confused where all this money is coming from to allow crazy up votes and people getting paid for posting sometimes stupid blogs. Money doesn't last forever. I'm quite certain Steemit will ultimately fail, but I'm gambling that it hits $10 on the next pump, which at that point I will definitely be cashing out. Best of luck to you...you need to look in the mirror next time you call someone arrogant

Every business, stock commodity, investment relies on growth? Otherwise the value drops. supply and demand. Am I missing something?? Basic economics.

Come and chat on http://steemspeak.com and listen to people talk about the future of Steemit.

living big in a tinyhouse

@jerrybanfield this is interesting and different

Hey @markwhittam, this is pretty cool! Unfortunately your rep is too high and on top of that your post is just a video.

WOW very cool program here!
@jerrybanfield you are realy working hard, and more of us should be copying you giving u credity it would only helop to have MORE marketers!

ur work is really cool because it wouldnt hiurt you if we copied your style completely! it would actualy help you get moe followers but liek for example, many steemiut users post in ways that are unique to them, and it would be unfair to just copy their style and steal their gig

BUT you make posts that WE CAN copy because it would allow for even MORE steemit ads and steemit videos and if we ALL make videos like Jerry hre, showing off our OWN steemit blogs, we could get similar success and it wont take away from Jerrys success it would only help him!

theers more than enough upvots to go around!!

when a whale upvotes jwery, they still have enough upvpots to ALSO upvote anothr post too if they see one just as good!!!!

so in terms of This 10 ten post.....top TEN posts are just SUPER suyccesful Look at youtube!!

some channels were created on youitube JUST as a top Ten channel without knwoing ANYTHING about what teh channel would ghave as content! they just saw how much attention top ten channels and vids got and BOOm now youtube is full of multi million subscriber top ten channels!!! and who doesnt love general human hierarchy?

anyway ya i like how ur finding new ways to make new series, like now u have "Upvotable' series wow so now u have made work for yourself! now every day or once a wek or whenever u want you can make these posts where u just show ioff your top favoprite posts! MUCH better than resteeming whch i dont like ...ppl resteem to much and it doesnt hewlp they should make posts ABOUT a post they like! But thats extra eork so peopel dontw ana do that, they just resteem! but if they did what YOU did they could make a profit HELPING getting OTHERE steemit users attention!!

wow thats another ioncredible aspect about this post! Youre actually just trying to help OTHER steemit users get some upvotes by highliting your favorite 9 posts u believ are upvotable and you ended upo making $100 of it!

This is the result of a sleepless night, sadly only 1 cent payout and barely any attention :(.
Maybe you can look over it @jerrybanfield.

I agree that I won't recieve the finders fee because its my own post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

sadly only 1 cent?? dude why are you sad that you made money!?!? And if you arent making much for your post, maybe you shouldnt spend so much time on them? its not steemits fault its ur fault! u should make better posts maybe or market them betteror just wait till u have more followers etc! sorry for being so rough but i wanna help u stop this bad habitr befoe it develops! i can totally see you complaining again about "notr making enough momey" and its realy bad, whales odnt like it, u should comment about how GRATEFUl tyou are juist for that penny! because noone owes you shit here , like by asking for upvotes ur just begging for change basically and ya if someon has some change they can give it to u but u cant just expect ur post to make money because you spoent a night on it, you should hacve had fun writing it, wtf so why are u sopending a sleepless night on something if the 1 cent u make isnt good enough for u?!??!

didnt yopu realize that youre posts arent going to make much money when youre new?!?!!

i realy dont get it...people come here and they epxect to make money because they see othr people making money>!>! but you didnt put any work in to get followers?!?! so why do u expect to make any money?!?!

so u should just be moe garteful, u sound sio entitled with ur comment!

i see these type sof comments so much sio sorry but u have to be scolded about it !!! socold u with hot guilt water!

lol jk

hey but its al good! Im giving u a 1 cent upvote (like eevryone else gets) so at least youve made over 53 cents off just ur own copmment!

MAYB you should go make more comments! u can make $100 na day off comemnts if ur on steemit all day making bomb comments and leaving lots of GIFs

and yes I realize how much of an asshole i can sem like but look what I say is from the heart and im not holding back and its always constriuctive criticism because i want yopu to not sound entiotled in ur future comments so that you can INSTEAD sound GRATEFUl and i PROMISE you being grateful on steemit, like OVER:Y grateful, will earn u ALOT of positive whale attention and rewards!!!

everytime u wana complain about not making enough on your ppsts, why dont you instead talk about how grateful u are? even if u arent! just lie and say ur grateful! and eventually u WILL SEE how u really SHOULD be grateful! how LUCKY you are to be earning ANY money online!


Hi @jerrybanfield

Thank you for making these posts and I will send you a post I found by another steemit member! I really enjoyed her post :)

Great post Jerry, Its nice to see you continue to help the minnows!

Hi Jerry, an article I wrote about how you should act on Steemit. Thanks.


Great Work @jerrybanfield and @aarellanes. You efforts are highly appreciated. Keep it up. Here I am submitting a great post by @vikbuddy on purpose of life. Very good and original content. Must Read for everyone.

Thank you @traveldiaries for sharing someone elses content with us! It means a lot!

THANK YOU AGAIN, SIR! <3 Here's my blog about arthritis you could also check sir ---> https://steemit.com/writing/@annesaya/alert-101-osteoarthritis-vs-rheumatoid-arthritis Thanks :-)

I would like to share a post by @bullishmoney


Thanks @jerrybanfield for this GREAT initiative!


I've wanted to try DMT for years now. I really hope its legalized in the near future!

You know, I don't see enough christian posts. Glad to see your helping out there ;-)

Amen! Thank you for the brotherly support my friend.

have a nice day sir sir if you donot mind please are you give me upvotes in my post please i am new in here help me https://steemit.com/top10/@arslanahmed/top-10-fast-train-in-american

Ive got a most undervalued before... it sucked :(

I am new here i try to be me , with original and qualitative post but i need your Steem force

I try to show you my 1rst post about the night life in Paris
I think you'll like it



have a nice day sir sir if you donot mind please are you give me upvotes in my post please i am new in here help me https://steemit.com/top10/@arslanahmed/top-10-fast-train-in-american

Yea I could use some more motivation with up votes! Took a ton of time on my last post and most of them. Thanks guys!


Hi @Jerrybanfield your hard work has been upvoted
Can you please be kind and Upvote one of my posts so I can be your proud follower and witness voter
Your help is much appreciated
Thank you very much and have a lovely time

This is an article I wrote about a family who could really use some help. Some exposure for it would be a very good deed done.


have a nice day sir sir if you donot mind please are you give me upvotes in my post please i am new in here help me https://steemit.com/top10/@arslanahmed/top-10-fast-train-in-american

I would like to recommend this author @joedirt he is here on Steemit less than 30 days. I think he joined by watching one of Jerry's video. He's doing original content & thinking about his Steemit Experiences.

The University of Jerry Banfield

Loved it : )

Great post @jerrybanfield

have a nice day sir sir if you donot mind please are you give me upvotes in my post please i am new in here help me https://steemit.com/top10/@arslanahmed/top-10-fast-train-in-american

You're just amazing Jerry. I've been following you for a really long time. And I know that you're the guy who have taught me a million things on internet. I just hop you stay happy alive and healthy. And I keep on seeing you smiling the way you're smiling now.
Even if I don't get any upvotes on this comment, it doesn't matter because it's not for the upvotes at all.
THANK YOU SO MUCH @jerrybanfield

This is really powerful. And yes I agree this is the right approach to this platform. Thank you for everything that you have done and will do for Steemit @jerrybanfield you are the reason that I found this place and I am so grateful that I have.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hay q sembrar para despues cosechar seguir votando y colavorandole a los demas de esto se trata vamos para alante fuerza compañeros

Excellent! Thank you for sharing some great content that is not your own :)

I think that is the whole point of this initiative to curate good & useful content...doesn't matter if I'm the author or not....this is for the steemit community :)

Surprised when I saw falafel in the title.

Thanks for embracing minnows like us, Here is a link i want to submit :
In this post i share my journey through hardships into steemit, and how you were the the one who introduced steemit to me...

Thanks for considering others posts, here is another of my reviews, this time on a movie I enjoyed recently

Hello Jerry

Thanks for this opportunity.

i can use some motivation powerrrrr

Most of the things on my profile are my own creations, that people can download for free and 3d print.

(if you dont have a 3d printer you still can enjoy the models i share by uploading them to 3dhubs and get them printed for you and send to your home address)

For example: "Digital NES Label Slider (Tutorial + everything included to make your own"


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By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. Learn how here!

I am very new to this world of Steemit and I see a lot of challenge for beginners to get into the space. Looks like everyone is in hush here and what matters is only the upvote and not the content of the blog. When i first heard about steemit and the blogging part of it i was kind of excited to put up my blog here but the response i got i feel no more enthu.
My blog

in your post you have paragraphs that appear elsewhere on the internet.

i agree keep on steeming

please give me free some steem .

Create some great unique content and submit it in the next Upvotable Post Series! :D

I am very grateful for your recommendations. Thank you very much.

This article is really inspiring for all new users like me. I am more curious about steemit and this post help me to get some info. Thanks for sharing.

Great posts Jerry! Love anything about DMT, such a fascinating topic

I'd like for you to consider this post by @alex-icey . . . and, he's only 14 years old :)

I wrote a post I think you might find relateable about my Journey as a trader and how it lead me towards more self-reflection and learning about myself. https://steemit.com/crytocurrency/@rawpride/trading-is-as-much-about-learning-yourself-as-it-is-about-learning-the-market

Hey good job.
Link number 6 is not working

Hi Jerry! Love the vids. I'm slowly getting more into crypto and have watched multiple hours of youtube tutorials and am getting more familiarized. One problem I do see a lot is that there are very few bare bones, start from scratch videos out there to help with newbies. I know that it's difficult to do once you are established but I know that they could help a lot of people, especially getting started on multiple platforms and explaining the trivial stuff. Just a thought, and it might help to get more newbie viewers and subscribers! Keep on keeping on!

Great initiative jerry, keep up the good work!

Out of kindness I upvoted. Would you please upvote the Ppl that upvoted your videos, when you have time, oh course... Ty Jerry..

Great post.

Btw, I know you said you were holding off on purchasing EOS at this point etc.

But would you by chance happen to know where to store EOS?

I bought EOS on an exchange and I'm wondering where I can store privately?

I know EOS is very new. But I was wondering if you knew anything?

Go Steem!

i wrote something kinda funny just now under comedy; wry observations on the toil and foibles of middle-aged men (-:

Everyone should check out @cryptogranny i think its awesome that shes getting involved in the blockchain world at a ripe old age of 70+!! https://c3k93.app.goo.gl/i/6Gs0W

thanks for powering the steem @jerrybanfild

Good Idea !!!
It definetly will contribute to the steemit community !

I am impressed with you .. thanks information.semoga we can be friends well .. follow me @riansteem

Very helpful to me because, I am a new user, thank you for sharing @jerrybandfielld
I am @lordmp27

Excellent information of support and guidance, thank you for sharing and helping those just beginning, tanks, @jerrybanfield.

Very nice post
Guys read more intresting stuff @kingjan

Hello jerry I would like you to go through my profile I have a project to draw steemians or things that ask me to spend and challenge me with a drawing


This is my entry. Hope you like it.

Taste of India. Let’s take this short journey through traditional Bengali food & cuisine.


nice one


Wow Jerry! I follow you on YouTube and Facebook. I'm new to Steemit and was just wondering this very thing. No offense but some of the blogs I see with lots of upvotes are not really all that great. I just started so I don't expect to become a start overnight. I do certainly appreciate your heart and how you are on a mission to always help. My blogs are educational and full of careful thought. Hope to get some STEEM! LOL https://steemit.com/blog/@itallmatters/we-never-gave-up-and-we-never-will

Q: "How do we help motivate underpaid authors writing great posts to keep trying on Steemit?"

A: By doing exactly what you're doing - have popular users recommend them.

Coming from another platform (G+, heard of it? Didn't think so!) where my science, tech, engineering and mathematics posts have almost 50,000 followers it's a bit difficult to start engaging on Steemit where I'm a Zero or as you so delightfully call it "A Minnow".

The other problem for me is I post on a variety of topics - followers of me here may not want to see all of my posts, and I don't want to maintain multiple user ids to keep them separate. G+ calls them collections which can be subscribed to individually but there doesn't seem to be a way around that here.

Thank you to Jerry for bringing these posts forward :) I took some time to read each of them and also found myself reading many others of their posts as well. All of these posts with the exception of 'annesay's, flew right by when they were first posted. I did read 'annesays's' poem before but I feel like reading it a 2nd time was even better - All of the posts that Jerry brought forward are well deserved!!

Hi Fisch - You are a very eloquent writer :) I began reading your post while cooking dinner and the post is so good that my sauteed onions burnt - LOL. I was so lost in your post that I could actually feel how you felt when you described the colors and objects you were seeing, you drew me right in. You are very talented, feel Blessed for this talent you have been given. Thank you for sharing this experience we me - be a child every day, there is no law that says once you reach a certain age you need to grow up - what does grown up mean? See things in life as a child would see it and you will see everything as a miracle. I caught this post to late now or I would definately be upvoting and resteeming, I am sorry I was not able to catch it sooner. love you my Steemit Friend..SUNSHINE247

woz.software - As a new July Steemit blogger myself, I can totally relate :) I love that you touched on each and every item that I have questioned myself. You have learned with in a very short window and that tells me that you are a person who really wants this :) Thank you for educating me on how to be successful on Steemit - I APPRECIATE YOU!!! SUNSHINE247

eco-alex, thank you for posting this wonderful looking falafel recipe :) Because I am not educated on the falafel and have never heard of this, I decided to do a little research of my own. Definition of Falafel: Arabian food made of chickpeas and other miscellaneous veggies and spices (sounds yummy!!). The following is a link of the site I visited to gather some history on the Falafel :) http://www.world-foodhistory.com/2014/03/history-of-falafel.html I want to thank you for posting this beautiful dish and I am thinking that I may want to give this a try since I am a lover of chickpeas.. Have a GREAT start to your week!! SUNSHINE247

Annesay - When your heart feels a strong way, the words flow out so right - this is such a beautiful peom. This person you share these feelings for must be a very special person :) The picture you used at the end of the poem is so perfect, letting the dust fly says a lot about where you are :) Next time I read one of your posts, I hope you are able to share that you found the perfect one!!! I love you my Steemit Friend..SUNSHINE247

Hi acrange - I am excited that Jerry directed me to this post - I am also sorry that I do not speak spanish and therefore cannot actually read the words of the post - I want to say that I am able to understand your graphs and want to thank you for sharing them with your Steemit Followers. I also noticed in the comments of this posit you have received 3 awards from steemitboard :) Well deserved my Steemit Friend..SUNSHINE247

masteranible - How AWESOME is this!!! I have never heard of HTML Tags before :) I often wondered how some people could make that happen. I even tried different things in my posts but could not figure this out. Thank you so much for sharing this tip with me today :) I am going to see if I can me this work on my next post :) Thank you my Friend..SUNSHINE247

Thank you for your really useful information. You are a unique person of your kind Jerry Banfield

That is wonderful of you to support all the new users that are doing their best to integrate into this global platform. ;-)

Thanks you Jerry for sharing these great article, i surly learn a lot here

This is a post by me ( @goldkey )about Ethereum Studio & Microsoft - good stuff...don't ya think. . . just truly under appreciated . . . https://steemit.com/ethereum/@goldkey/ethereum-studio-blockchain-environment-on-microsoft-azure

Hi sir @jerrybanfield it will be great help if you can upvoted my post thank you sir

My buddy @rvanstel made a nice collection of anti-communism memes. I am socialist and I can laugh about them, they are not really offensive, imo.


Oh and to plug myself mhh.. I am not sure if you can read german, so I will give you my only bilingual post of the last 7days. I ordered food with BTC, a really big step for crypto, even though BTC is not really efficent to pay food.

This is really Amazing @jerrybanfield see my blogs @usmanaslam

your best on steemit jerry ,i am pleasure to upvote you,

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @jerrybanfield. You doing a great job. Really motivated by your efforts.

I would like to submit this post: https://steemit.com/education/@bdmomuae/how-teachers-and-parents-can-motivate-adolescents-correctly by @bdmomuae

This post deals with How teachers and parents can motivate adolescents correctly.

This post will is a must read for parents and teachers and also for general people will become parents one day. :)

great post jerry, thanks for keeping the locomotive steeming on!
I'm curiouse to figure out if people are interested in me continuing with this kind of posts:
Follow me too

Cant click on number 4, link not existing

Great idea and article. I think it's hard getting noticed in the news when it's there for hardly a minute. But we all face the same challenge:-) Thanks for tips and encouragement!

Is this a post worth to upvote?

I suggest @the-traveller

The purpose is to create a starting point to find new authors, ideas and concepts that help you adapt to steemit.com and the idea-economy.

In the near future the nature of our economy will change from a knowledge economy to an idea economy.


Oh and thank you for your work and community help! Highly appreciated. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good list Jerry! The whole Steemit community thanks you for spending your time, upvotes and energy to uplift everyone and give underpaid authors some more exposure! I was glad to see the vegan falafel recipe... I had no idea how to make those but I've always wanted to. Upvoted.

Great initiative

Cool. Upvoting is a great tool. It is hard for the brand new guy like myself though cause we have no weight what so ever. Plus, the value goes down quick. Thanks

Very well for the support to the creators of content in steemit, is additional motivation

Thanks for share this amazing and interesting content, congratulations, keeping it so , Regards! @jerrybanfield

Great. Keep it up.

please follow and upvote my all post i have upvoted all ur posts and follow u

Let the show begin! For sure there will be now a lot of links in the comment section! But it's great what you are doing man!!! Looking at all of them and choose some it's great specially for the new ones! I found amazing the poem dedicated to all the mothers!

This lady needs attention! @dianadee has lots of very cool posts but this is most recent:


I like that she got such interesting angles and subject matter just by stopping to eat. It is nothing like I would have guessed and I feel like I got a glimpse into her world. Plus - now I am hungry after seeing the stew.

Diana is in small town South Africa, also travels with the hubs, and takes great photos of interesting places while describing them well.

Also - I see she is resteeming other posts and trying to learn and be good steemit citizen.

I hope you are as interested as I am and that that more people can see her enjoyable content.

= =
Jerry - You got me into this mess, but I still love you. I'm supposed to be finishing my udemy course for authors, "Rank better at Amazon." You were helping me with it but something happened. What's up with that!!!!

I have bad sound here, so it is not all your fault. I needed a distraction and boy did I get one.

Steeming like a fool here thanks to you :)

Thanks for doing this. We little minnows need you!

I appreciate that @jerrybanfield, we should promote all the good authors and encourage them, and the best thing is that it aint costing us, i mean wow :)

Very helpful. Thanks Jerry

I wrote an article, I believe it deserves to be noticed! It is not fresh! It is only 2 days from the payout!

Great idea. You're doing good work here Jerry.

I wrote some information I think people will find interesting about silver, the first of which is here: https://steemit.com/investing/@andyhenry/investing-in-silver-part-1

interesting your post, thank you for sharing.

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jul 24. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $103.70 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 24 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Kindly follow me and upvote. I have done the same. Thanks