Jimmy Carter

in us •  2 months ago 


It is not news to me that Jimmy Carter engaged in unconscionably evil deeds during his presidency. I don't and won't defend any of that, I have no particular incentive to defend Jimmy Carter at all. And just as nobody should dispute the evil done under his regime, nobody should dispute that he spent the rest of his life doing good works, often at great personal cost.

Does that erase the sins? I find it offensive and obnoxious when people who weren't harmed presume to forgive people for harming others so no, I can't say that it does.

But as long as I've been alive, Jimmy Carter has been running his old ass around building houses for the houseless, calling Israeli apartheid what it is, working to undo structural racism, refusing to continue the lie (that Republicans and Democrats continue TO THIS DAY) that Israel isn't a rogue nuclear state, and just generally being kind and generous.

That counts for something in my book. When Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and George Bush seemingly exist just to be rich and private except when they're selling something or their respective parties need more money for the warchest. And when Donald Trump is just cartoonishly evil and always will be.

So of course Carter's evil deeds are fair game for condemnation, but if that's all you take away from his century of life then I think you're minimizing a lot of good. And you're wasting a lot of evidence that specifically shames so many living rich, powerful, evil fucks who still wake up every day and make the world worse.

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