
in us •  10 months ago 


I’m an American male and it’s time to “so” our oats.

There isn’t much in the American product that’s a problem. Some of that is vitamins fortification. The palm oil is bad.

Some people don’t like sulfites but it’s probably not a big deal. The artificial flavor and color isn’t so great, but also isn’t so bad for you depending on what it is.

I think chemical names scare folks. Folic acid prevents birth defects. How is the “better” UK food doing? Wales led the world in myelomeningocele birth defects in the 1970s. I don’t know today. But the UK spina bifida rate in 2022: “It is estimated that between five per cent and 10 per cent of the UK population may have closed spina bifida, often without realising it. The most serious form of the condition, open spina bifida, is rare. Open spina bifida is found in about 6 babies out of every 10,000 (0.06%) in the UK, about 700 babies a year.”

4m births per year in the U.S. 1400 cases. 0.035%

Maybe the UK needs the American food?

The other vitamins are similarly salubrious.

And of course, these aren’t the same product. The American one has the cream stuff going on.

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