Why oppose voter ID? North Carolina court did just that!

in usa •  2 years ago  (edited)

I can get on board most debates that are part of the political left or right and make some attempt to hear and perhaps agree with some of that they say regardless of their political bias and affiliation. I can even understand some attempts and gun-control, which I am strongly opposed to.

There is one thing that I can't even imagine the justification for and that is the entire Voter ID issue. The idea here is that you have to show a valid ID in order to vote. You have to prove that you are who you are in order to cast a vote. This should be a rather simple process and there are a lot of other things that you must have an ID for anyway such as driving a car, attending most schools, using a credit card at many places, cashing a check, and a myriad of other things but for some reason demanding ID for voting is determined to be "racist." Unfortunately one of those places, according to the NC Supreme Court, is North Carolina.


How this became a left vs. right issue just exhibits how deeply entrenched the battle lines are across politics because to me this is one of those things that just seems like common sense. If you want to cast a vote in a person's name you ought to need to be able to prove that you actually are that person... right? Remember that movie "Gangs of New York" where someone votes once, then goes and gets a haircut and then goes back and votes again?

The Supreme Court struck down the law 4-3 and guess what? All the judges that were appointed by Democrats voted to strike down the law and all the judges that were appointed by Republicans voted not to strike it down. Aren't courts supposed to be unbiased and just vote based on existing laws? Clearly that isn't what is happening here.

2/3 of all US States require ID in order to vote and I guess in this instance North Carolina wants to appear backwoods which is something we are frequently accused of anyway. Seriously guys, you can vote without any ID? What the hell is going on here? They claim that it is racist but how is that? Do minorities not have to get an ID to legally drive a car? Why don't we just go ahead and do away with that as well then?

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That's a point I never understood. Back in Quebec (Canada), since "Gisele" filmed herself voting 7 times, ID is required

I mean, it just makes sense to prove who you are to vote... right?